Happy Birthday – Earth Day ! Earth Month!




“ Walk for Water
為純淨水而走“ 是肯夢AVEDA今年地球月的主要活動。

肯夢 AVEDA 地球月行動: 為純淨水而走! 2010/4/17

AVEDA Earth Month: WALK FOR WATER 2010/4/17


空下您一年365天中的這一 天.體驗開發中國家婦女365天中的每一天

2010/4/17 (六) 步行六公里 走向純淨水


當今全世界68億的人口中,1/7的人正面臨沒有純淨水資源的問題. 人數相當於3倍的美國人口,42倍的台灣人口,甚至遠超過一整個歐洲的人口

現在,世界上每七人有一人喝不到純 淨水。如 果,這一人是您的朋友?


2010年4月17日 (六) 14:00集合報到 (預計17:30結束)
台北縣碧潭風景區 東岸廣場 (捷運新店站出站後約步行5分鐘可抵達)

[票價] 500元 (3/17開始啟售)

*此活動需全程以步行方式參與,建議12歲以上者參加 (歡迎寵物加入!)

Aveda Walk for Water, Taipei

The month of April is ‘Earth Month’, and April 22nd is earth day. Aveda’s walk for water is part of a global movement towards water conservation.

April 17, 2:00 pm kick off, 2:30 pm walk start at Eastern Square of Bitan Scenic Area. No.2, Bitan Rd., Xindian City, Taipei County 231, Taiwan

Bitan literally means Green Lake, referring to where the Xindian River widens to form the lake. Please join us for the 6 kilometer walk along the Xindian River, one of our main local water sources. Bitan can easily be reached via Taipei’s MRT system. The lake is walking distance southwest of the Xindian Station (south terminal station of the green line).We hope to see you there as we walk to protect clean water!

Link for more information
Contact Mavis Yu for more information: mavisy@canmeng.com.tw


轉載自聯合新聞網:時尚人物/朱平孵夢:準備雙紅鞋吧 記者/攝影 袁青

Yohji Yamamoto Red Leather Boots


肯夢「介於家和工作場所」的辦公室,設計得很「五星級」,廚房、浴室,一應俱全。朱平笑著說,我把這裡弄得舒服自在,算是送給鄰居的禮物,這正是朱平性格 裡的幸福「歸屬感」。除了AVEDA的美容事業,朱平還開了一家「非零」Cafe Nonzero餐廳,供應有機農產品。


人到中年還要有型, 第一件事就是不能挺個鮪魚肚


談起時尚,他的經驗是,不妨先從認識幾個自己喜歡的設計師著手。有一次,朱平穿了一件日本「解構」大師川久保玲的夾克,餐廳的印度侍者忍了很久,小心翼翼 地提醒「衣服穿反了」。啼笑皆非的朱平的結論是,時尚不必太嚴肅;「準備一雙紅鞋吧!」朱平笑了,你知道的,它終有派上用場的時候。

The Centered Cover Story: Meet The Ripplemaker

Ping Chu RippleMaker

Katherine Young interviewed me several months ago. We spent quite a long time together and I was struck by her thoroughness and professionalism. I just found out that that interview has turned into this brilliant cover story in Centered on Taipei magazine (May 09). Thank you, Katherine, Roma Mehta and Emily McMurrinfor helping us to tell our story.


Meet The Ripplemaker

Text: Katherine Young, Images: Emily McMurrin

Yes, a ripple maker I will be,

as I cast these thoughts to you…

Pick your pebbles carefully,

Cause you’re a ripple maker too!

Denise Lanford

Meet the Daymaker

At a recent birthday dinner at Nonzero, I observed owner Ping Chu, stylishly outfitted in black and white, as he played consummate host to a group of forward thinking movers and shakers in Taipei. While skillfully engaging and tending to his guests, he made time to periodically slip back to us, nestled in a back corner, usually with someone on his arm that he wanted to make sure we “knew.” When, in the course of one of these forays, he got wind of our celebration, he grinned widely and disappeared, only to return shortly after with a decadent double chocolate cake.

Mind you – this was my first introduction to Mr. Ping Chu.

Days later in our correspondence to arrange a meeting, I beheld, under his name: “Businessmaker, Daymaker, Ripplemaker.”

You can’t help but smile when reading that, can you?

So, who is this man and where do such titles come from? After several hours with Ping and Centered editor, Roma Mehta, I feel as though I am just scratching the surface. He is indeed a maker of all sorts and through our conversations I gained a sense of this man-a man who prefers to rephrase the commonly asked, “How do I balance work and life?” to what is in his mind a better question: “How can I integrate work and life?” He spoke at a conference in November about ‘making a life rather than making a living. “ With this in mind, he aims to create sustainable and holistic businesses, where ultimately, the business doesn’t actually need him to proceed, allowing Ping to realize what he termed as his primary goal when he entered this realm – freedom. By all counts it seems to be working. He still manages without a mobile phone – though he admitted the recently unveiled iphone is awfully tempting.

Ping has arrived at his views through vast business experience and travel, paired with exacting analysis and appreciation of what works and what doesn’t in practice. A consummate storyteller, we reveled in fascinating snippets of his life, in particular, those that have shaped his values and views.

When Ping discovered the Beatles and the world they inhabited while in high school, his desire to travel was piqued. After completing his degree in Taiwan, he went stateside to do a BS in Pharmaceutical Science; at this point he thought he was all set – “I’m a pharmacist” rolled easily off the tongue. But then came a critical twist in his life – his father became ill. He put all on hold, returned to Taiwan and spent six months with his father in the hospital. In that suspended space between life and death, he found himself questioning five more years in school and a life that was, “all set.” When his father passed away, his obligations were few, and so he set out on a year of wandering. Through the United States and Europe his travels took him, and in that time, he clarified his decision not to return to his pharmacy program, or as he put it, “to step off the treadmill” and avoid the “salary trap.”

Meet the Businessmaker

Ping Chu Ripplemaker 2

Even at that time Ping was drawn to products of quality, particularly a certain black and white bottle that raised the standard on any hair care products he’d previously used. As I gazed at Ping in his elegant black jacket with its mandarin collar and crisp three button white shirt, I easily envisioned him and his excitement upon discovering the likes of Paul Mitchell, a new company offering a philosophy of hair care and real style. He paused here in the story, inspired by these memories it seemed, to offer a bit of advice to the young: Enrich your life experience for you never know what will happen. Replace the fear of uncertainty with curiosity. Ping was curious about that black and white bottle and what it represented, and so he became a Paul Mitchell enthusiast, and it seems Mr. Mitchell reciprocated!

His seemingly simple decision to use these products led to a rather extraordinary string of events. While trying out a string of jobs in the United States, from waiter to salesman, Mitchell asked Ping if he would bring his line to Taiwan. The early stages were markedly humble – with stock lining makeshift shelves in his living room and his mother labeling bottles, he set out to introduce a philosophy of hair care that was diametrically opposed to the then Taiwanese approach of having your hair washed exclusively at the beauty parlor. Ping educated and illustrated how one must give, in order to get – in this case, he showed salons that by ‘liberating’ their customers and teaching them how to take care of their own hair, they could actually increase their income by focusing on more technical, work intensive processes. Ping knew at this stage that he wanted to create a business based on trust, community, common sense and honesty. He offered all the salons the guarantee that he would buy back any product that they didn’t sell, and he brought in sales people who wanted to be part of a team. He paid them a salary, rather than making it contingent upon sales, and created the idea that success was not based on the “master sales person” but rather the integral functioning of all involved in the process. This idea that success is shared by all continues to define his businesses today.

Over time, he developed a friendship with Aveda founder, Horst Rechelbacher, who came to Taiwan annually when sourcing products. With similar philosophies and interests, theirs was a natural fit. The rest is history.

Long before Nonzero’s arrival, Ping had loved the idea of opening a restaurant that would translate the philosophy of Aveda into the culinary arena, but had no practical knowledge or idea how to approach it. He envisioned a community eatery that focused on taste through the use of organic foods, and that highlighted an aesthetic presentation.

Ping Chu 2

Nonzero, now two years old, has undergone several transformations since it opened, and if you haven’t visited lately, you’ll be tantalized when you do. Gazing at the restaurant and street front, my eyes dart back and forth – do I believe what I am seeing? Allowing my eyes to linger, I realize that the street is in fact quite lovely. Upon designing his office on this narrow alley – there is an Aveda Salon on the street as well – Ping resolved to, “stop complaining how ugly Taipei is and do something about it.” With that, he gave his designer free reign to emphasize the outside view, the goal being to offer “a gift to the neighbors.” The ripple of this action inspired the health food store/restaurant across the street to make their own effort to beautify the block by placing a table and benches outside their shop. Now, the rest of us get to revel in a quaint stretch of downtown Taipei, complete with an outdoor iron sculpture. When the corner building (now Nonzero’s location) opened up, the owners, residents on the street and witnesses of the street’s transformation, approached Ping, “I want you to have it. I’ll wait for you.”

Ping put the idea out into the universe as only a good ripplemaker can and in due time met the critical component, an experienced restauranteur, who could help him transmit the dream into reality. “I have a great space,” he told him – “help me.” Nonzero was born. He has dreamt into reality the most prepossessing watering hole. The style, be it shabby chic, rough luxury or recycled beauty, is tasteful and accommodating. Glass shelving shows off French porcelain and serves to divide the two rooms, while natural light streams in. Both intimate and larger community style tables grace the restaurant, the latter crafted from handsome pieces of wood and stay true to Ping’s vision of offering ‘liked minded’ a meeting point to engage and share ideas.

The day’s vegetables are on display in an open refrigerator at the back, and recently our waiter encouraged us to peruse the offerings before selecting, reminding me of meals in a rustic Italian trattoria. All produce is sourced locally, and much boasts special distinction– organically grown by Pierre Loisel – on the menu. Ping’s experience of the last two years has inspired some changes both in the physical layout of the space and the menu. We were there recently for the latest unveiling, which continues to include all dishes ala carte and as well as set menus for 700nt, 900nt and 1500nt. Our appetites were sated and our taste buds tickled with the 700nt menu: homemade bread for dipping in a beautiful French olive oil and aged Italian balsamic; hearty mushroom soup; traditional Panzanella (Italian bread salad); perfectly cooked risotto (free range chicken or local mushroom) followed by an Aveda like herbal tea infusion. As local Taiwanese mushrooms were the specialty of the day, we also opted to savor one grilled. It arrived on a rustic wooden cutting board accompanied by a pungent pepper spread. The elegant simplicity of the food; the thoughtful service, including a visit from the able chef; the warm atmosphere – they all intertwine so seamlessly that we shook our heads in disbelief when we finally wandered out late into the evening.

Meet the ripplemaker.

Ping expressed gratitude often for the luck that he has had in his life; certainly, luck has played a role, but infused, no doubt, with a forward thinking approach to business and living. Aveda has a dedicated and ‘critical number of customers that support it,” allowing him to engage and support many other ideas and beliefs close to his heart, Nonzero being one of them. The soiree when I first met Ping was, in fact, part of his broader vision to inspire intellectual discourse in Taipei. And indeed the group that night gathered together, around his community tables, sharing ideas and discussing the future. He takes this quest on in many ways-his blog, his restaurant, his involvement in BQ (the Big Question) and his support of TEDxTaipei. Through each he aims to inspire active communication and dialogue and to raise consciousness. Kindly, he has also provided a venue where such folk can convene.

The effects from Ping’s beliefs and actions seem to be reaching greater distances these days. His blog reads – Be inspired Get involved Take action – he certainly seems to embrace this credo on a daily basis.


每年的4月是地球月。 您是如何參與地球月活動呢? 肯夢過去幾年都以不同的方式提醒我們大家,以行動參與環保活動。



2007我們支持世界展望會 蒙古鑿井計畫。


2006年的地球月, 我們募集到10000份的誓願書,每天給自己3分鐘的時間,一杯純香蠟燭及一首好歌,只要有一萬個人,我們每天就一起省了12萬瓦電,我們每天就一起救了3萬棵樹木。聽聽朱先生為2006年肯夢地球月活動的介紹

[audio: http://pingchu.com/wp-content/uploads/music/01%26%2326417%3b%26%2320808%3b%26%2329983%3b%26%2330340%3b%26%2335441%3b.mp3]

Aveda Earth Month 2006


[audio: http://pingchu.com/wp-content/uploads/music/02%26%2323478%3bHome.mp3]




If one day, flowers give up their fragrance because butterflies are no longer flying.
If one day, people refuse to shed a tear of sympathy because we only see with indifference.
If one day, the air is filled with extinction and the earth foregoes the thirst for life.
If one day, you are no longer standing by my side, I will lose the strength to grow.

Just hold my hand and let me lean on you
I’ve always understood the pain of growing
It’s just that I can’t do it without you
Let’s raise our arms and form a solid circle
Love is our gift and we are the light for the future
As long as we share the same dream

From now on the air is no longer filled with despair
No more unnecessary tears
Open the window and feel the warmth of the sun
And you see the birds flying free

BQ Conference

Chu Ping talks about making a life rather than making a living from BQConference

我在2008年11月,一個偶然的機會,認識一群年輕人(Jason, Keli, Eric, Kevin)希望能以美國TED的模式在台灣用問大問題的方式, 成立Big Question。推動一個新的覺醒運動。在兩天的會議中:


Pierre Loisel and Chu Ping Q&A from BQConference


2009-03-28 Update

Our TEDxTaipei event is featured on TED website now. http://www.ted.com/pages/view/id/263

Check it out.






手藝的新時代 The Age of Craftsmanship




  • 2008/12/15開課,共10個月,僅收15位全職學生, 即日起開始接受報名。
  • 學費NT$300,000,或是分期付款共NT$320,000(頭期款95000,之後每期25000共九期)



  • 大專畢業,有工作經驗
  • 喜歡美,並相信環保跟美是不可分開的
  • 喜歡讓人美麗
  • 喜歡讓人快樂
  • 喜歡英文、服裝時尚、?美術美工、動手實做、音樂、表演藝術
  • 想要轉行從事跟創意,美感生活及手藝為主的相關的行業



如果有興趣,就先google「肯夢公司」,上肯夢公司網址肯夢學院部落格肯夢學院設計師養成課學習紀錄video, 然後再到肯夢美髮沙龍:

-Third Place大安店:台北市大安路一段117號1樓 / 電話02-2740-1038
-Third Place信義店:台北市松壽路9號3樓(新光三越A9)/ 電話02-2723-2448
-Dream Place 微風店:台北市復興南路一段39號GF樓(微風廣場復興店)/ 電話02-8772-1936




朱平與眾不同的經營理念,來自於他的親身經驗和對人性的觀察。朱平曾經是個受雇員工,也遇過各種老闆,所以很了解被人管的感覺。他在美國打工時曾待過兩家餐廳,其中一家是採取認桌數算業績的方式,於是員工變得愈來愈自私;另一家則是大家一起平分小費,每個員工就會互相幫忙支援。這個經歷讓他印象深刻,所以在他創業之後,除了注重數字和方法外,也特別強調工作的價值和以人為本的管理模式。朱平認為,滿足員工基本物質的需求,是老闆和企業應該做的,所以他對物質的激勵並不小氣。「人不能完全沒有收入、也要維持一定的生活品質」,朱平表示,「在肯夢,員工或許沒有頂級的薪水和福利,但是和業界相比,至少都在平均水準以上。」但是朱平也強調,除了滿足物質上的需求,企業的管理者更不能忽略給予員工心靈上的鼓勵和滿足。這種重視員工情感需求的想法,正是管理心理學大師馬斯洛(Abraham H. Maslow)提出的「需求層級」理論的主要論點。「金錢等實質的獎勵的確可以讓人快樂,但是到了某個程度之後,它能帶來的快樂就很難再增加,必須從別的地方尋求快樂和滿足。」所以,朱平十分重視員工心靈層面的感受,希望在組織中塑造充滿和諧、關懷的工作氣氛。

在朱平的公司裡,所有人都沒有頭銜,甚至包括朱平也是如此。「我們的員工只有team(團隊)和team leader(團隊領導人),沒有階級之分,」朱平指出,「我的目的是不希望員工為了證明自己的存在而追尋頭銜,並且要讓大家了解彼此都是共同工作、一起合作的夥伴。」

朱平很重視和員工的互動,他沒有辦公室,讓他可以更親近員工。有時候,他還會給員工一個「愛的抱抱」,表達對員工的鼓勵或感謝。他也十分用心地塑造有助於員工彼此互動和感情交流的工作環境。例如他規定,公司員工每6個月就要換座位,因為他不想讓員工只和固定的人打交道,而喪失在辦公室交到新朋友的機會。而在肯夢的辦公室裡,還有一個漂亮的大廚房,各式烹調用品一應俱全,員工在工作之餘可以到這裡泡茶、吃點心,分享工作或生活的心得。「人都喜歡在團體裡頭的感覺,不喜歡一個人、被孤立。所以我要讓員工有ownership(所有權),覺得自己是團體的一份子,進而彼此分享、信任,共同合作,」朱平解釋他的做法。信任與尊重,放手讓員工做決定信任與尊重員工,也是朱平所注重的管理和激勵方式。他極力反對傳統美容機構靠業績抽成的佣金制度,「因為這代表我不相信你會努力工作,必須利用人性的弱點,逼迫你不得不努力工作。」在肯夢,朱平採取的是利潤共享的方式,公司賺了錢,所有員工依照貢獻度來分享,「我相信員工,我認為這可以讓每位員工都更加努力,一起開源節流。而事實也證明,這樣的方法的確可以獲利,」朱平指出。也因為要貫徹信任,朱平每3個月就會對員工公開公司的帳目,哪邊賺錢、賠錢,所有的員工都知道。雖然肯夢並不是上市公司,但朱平對此十分堅持,還找國級性的會計事務所來認證。「這代表公司的帳目公開透明,沒有黑箱作業,在財務上不需要對員工隱瞞,」朱平表示,「而員工也因此會對公司和領導者有信心,否則是沒有辦法去激勵員工的。」此外,朱平也鼓勵員工做決定、尊重員工的想法。「我沒有手機,因為我對員工授權,公司的人不需要什麼事都得問我,」朱平笑著說。?朱平也說,他不會以成敗論英雄,因為他覺得勇於嘗試最重要,當員工做了決定,失敗也沒有關係,至少可以學到經驗。「我會先判斷要不要做某件事。如果確定要做之後,要花多少錢、怎麼去做,我都尊重員工的決定,」朱平強調,「如果我連這些事都不信任員工,那我找他們來做什麼?」在他看來,員工如果在工作上都沒有機會做決定,是不會快樂的,因為這樣的員工無法從工作中獲得意義,「放手讓員工去做決定,絕對是激勵員工的好方法。」在馬斯洛的理論中,「自我實現」是工作者最高層的需求,也是管理者最終極的激勵方式。自我實現指的是員工在工作中可以發揮自我的潛能,並從工作中得到意義和價值。「每個人都比較喜歡做一個完整的人……比較喜歡發揮自己的能力,」馬斯洛指出,「如果你所從事的工作毫無意義,生活也會變得毫無意義。」而對朱平來說,他非常鼓勵員工在工作中學習,發揮潛能。每一年,朱平都會把設計師送到倫敦、紐約去學習,或是請外國老師來教新技術。「而且每次到AVEDA總部開會,台灣肯夢去的人總是最多,」朱平笑著說,「因為我會讓員工輪流去,目的是讓大家都可以見識世界級的大公司,是如何開會與管理的。」朱平也認為,賦予員工責任是很好的激勵,「如果管理者可以給員工指導和資源,讓他可以嘗試以前沒做過的事,這會讓員工很有成就感。」因此,肯夢會讓員工定期輪調,轉換其工作職務。對朱平來說,這種cross training(交叉訓練)絕對有其價值,「員工當然需要花時間適應,但是我願意承擔一些效率的損失,而得到成長的員工。」創造意義,和顧客一起分享快樂此外,工作的「願景」,更是朱平極為強調的事。「每一個工作,其實都有它的意義,如何對員工啟發其意義,這是老闆最重要的事」朱平說。

朱平進一步舉例:「對一個撿垃圾的人,如果用金錢的方式激勵他,讓他按時計酬,他心裡還是會覺得撿垃圾很無趣,只是因為要餬口賺錢才不得不做。?但如果能夠讓撿垃圾的人體認到,撿垃圾是為社會創造美好的環境,讓別人因此更快樂,這才是真正有意義、有效果的激勵。」「對肯夢而言,我一直對員工強調我們不是在經營美容機構,我們是在重新改造美容事業的經營方式,」朱平指出,肯夢「day maker」的概念,就是希望每個員工都可以努力讓來到AVEDA的顧客很快樂,給顧客最好的體驗,和顧客一起分享美好的事物,而不是只想賣東西給顧客而已。「我們工作的使命,是改變台灣人消費、生活的價值觀,」朱平說,「如果大家都覺得,肯夢是一群人在做不一樣的事情,而不只是追逐金錢而已,就會覺得在這邊工作有意義、有榮譽感。」



  • 以下問答,轉載自Yahoo!奇摩時尚頻道名家專欄
  • 1.Post bypingchu20**(2007/11/27 02:34:50)回應Correction: Based on the conventional performance critieria, we are really ” NOT” considered successful. However, we are happy. We strive to find the meaning in our work. We want to remind people that there is a “third” way to build a sustainable business.The collective wisdom and common commitment are our shared values.
  • 2.Post bypingchu20**(2007/11/27 02:19:37)回應Dear Cheery: Thank you for your generous and kind words. I hope you have chance to visit our office or our store/salon/spa. It is the daymakers ( our front lines ) who can tell if we are authentic.
  • 3.Post bycheery06**(2007/11/16 01:56:49)回應我一直在尋找理想中的公司與老闆,我認為只有在國外才會出現如此好的企業,好羨慕貴公司的員工有這麼多發揮的空間與心靈自由,我相信這種企業及領導者的特質會帶領你們邁入更好的未來前景絕不可限量。 朱平先生的文章帶給我很多的啟發,雖然在我內心一直有著同樣感受卻又說不出口也不知如何形容,在閱讀您文章的同時心理一直發出很強烈的認同感,同時也找到一個和自己一樣有著同樣感受的人而感到欣慰,加油啊!!!朱先生