
轉載自聯合新聞網:時尚人物/朱平孵夢:準備雙紅鞋吧 記者/攝影 袁青

Yohji Yamamoto Red Leather Boots


肯夢「介於家和工作場所」的辦公室,設計得很「五星級」,廚房、浴室,一應俱全。朱平笑著說,我把這裡弄得舒服自在,算是送給鄰居的禮物,這正是朱平性格 裡的幸福「歸屬感」。除了AVEDA的美容事業,朱平還開了一家「非零」Cafe Nonzero餐廳,供應有機農產品。


人到中年還要有型, 第一件事就是不能挺個鮪魚肚


談起時尚,他的經驗是,不妨先從認識幾個自己喜歡的設計師著手。有一次,朱平穿了一件日本「解構」大師川久保玲的夾克,餐廳的印度侍者忍了很久,小心翼翼 地提醒「衣服穿反了」。啼笑皆非的朱平的結論是,時尚不必太嚴肅;「準備一雙紅鞋吧!」朱平笑了,你知道的,它終有派上用場的時候。

4 thoughts on “朱平孵夢:準備雙紅鞋吧”

  1. Dear Stella:

    Thank you for the powerful short comment on this article.

    Please have a goal in your life. My goal now is to take the Triathlon in 2010. I don’t know if I can make it. However, now, I have one more reason to take my daily run.

    I also need to train myself with swimming and bicycling.

    Please focus on things that you can control. Running or any physical fitness is the thing you can control. Once you decided, no one can stop you. You just need to get up a little bit earlier or block time to do it no matter what.

    We only live once, why not live the way we want to and choose to.

    Thank you for loving yourself a little bit more. 🙂


  2. Dear Freda:

    Thank you for you compliment. Frankly speaking, I just like this brilliant red shade. This shoe just like a hand glove to my feet. The high quality leather is soft and comfortable.

    I bought this pair of shoes not just for the fashion statement but also for the super comfy.



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