
每年的4月是地球月。 您是如何參與地球月活動呢? 肯夢過去幾年都以不同的方式提醒我們大家,以行動參與環保活動。



2007我們支持世界展望會 蒙古鑿井計畫。


2006年的地球月, 我們募集到10000份的誓願書,每天給自己3分鐘的時間,一杯純香蠟燭及一首好歌,只要有一萬個人,我們每天就一起省了12萬瓦電,我們每天就一起救了3萬棵樹木。聽聽朱先生為2006年肯夢地球月活動的介紹

[audio: http://pingchu.com/wp-content/uploads/music/01%26%2326417%3b%26%2320808%3b%26%2329983%3b%26%2330340%3b%26%2335441%3b.mp3]

Aveda Earth Month 2006


[audio: http://pingchu.com/wp-content/uploads/music/02%26%2323478%3bHome.mp3]




If one day, flowers give up their fragrance because butterflies are no longer flying.
If one day, people refuse to shed a tear of sympathy because we only see with indifference.
If one day, the air is filled with extinction and the earth foregoes the thirst for life.
If one day, you are no longer standing by my side, I will lose the strength to grow.

Just hold my hand and let me lean on you
I’ve always understood the pain of growing
It’s just that I can’t do it without you
Let’s raise our arms and form a solid circle
Love is our gift and we are the light for the future
As long as we share the same dream

From now on the air is no longer filled with despair
No more unnecessary tears
Open the window and feel the warmth of the sun
And you see the birds flying free

8 thoughts on “地球月”

  1. Dear Ari:

    I have left some comments on your website to congratulate you and your team to initiate this meaningful project.

    I often tell people it is not just the action to love earth, ultimately, it is a love to ourselves, as a human specie. without the biodiversity, we cannot survive on this earth either. Therefore, we need to love all species too.

    The more powerful reason we do this is that it gives us higher purpose so we can live a life with more fulfillment.

    I really don’t mind if people label this as a green marketing to sell more products. Actually, I want see more brands do this and do this more often.

    Everything we do, we do it from our heart.

    Authenticity will only show over time. If we are authentic, time is our best ally.

    Be the change,


  2. Dear 朱先生:



  3. Dear Aven:

    I am so happy to see your here. You are one of the young girls that I really want to live long enough to see you blossoming with authentic happiness.

    Thank you for sharing your life with me and this tribe. Yes, I once told people that useless is the challenge to designer. Now, I like the idea of use less so we can live a life with eco consciousness. I also believe that design is the way to get all of us out of this predatory behavior to the earth.

    Please say hi to 朱學恆 for me. He might not remember me while he attended a gathering at Nonzero restaurant.

    Please get involved and take action.



  4. Dear朱平先生:
    5/1的時候我和一個朋友去了高雄設計節,裡面有各種不同的設計師作品,包括許多學生!當中有一個設計場館就是Useless為主體,可以看成useless,也可以看成use less。裡面強調設計該如何為個人、社會及整個地球的永旭未來創造出價值和新經濟動力,邀請了全世界的設計師與學生一起來思考如何為地球善盡一份心力!



  5. Dear Felix:

    I encourage all my friend here to visist Felix’s blog so we, here, in Taiwan, will realize that mainland China has so many people just like us who want to live a life that can be authentic and hopefully, in the process, change the world to be a better place.

    Only through engagement and the willingness to understand and empathize, our young people can start to realize that we are all in this together. We are all interconnected and interdependent. We also will start to see the goodness in all of us.

    Please leave some comments in Felix’s site if you like what he has been doing.

    Felix, please remember that you may feel lonely sometime, you are never alone.

    Be the change,


  6. Dear Felix:

    You are the only one who commented on our song: Jia.

    It’s a beautiful song and took a lot of hard work from my team. They practised with the music director after work for weeks. I promised them that we would go to a recording studio to record our very first CD. It was quite an experience for all of us.

    As you can tell, i am so proud of this accomplishment. We used to have a slideshow to go with the song but I can’t find it now.

    Felix, please don’t ever give up your dream and vision. China needs people like you to connect with our inner strength so we can make China a better place. it is not a cliche. It is the way we learned from our mindful discipline that authentic happiness comes from knowing that you have a higher purpose in everything you do.

    I am so happy that you love this song: JIA. I hope more people will listen to this song and let me know how they feel about it.

    “From now on the air is no longer filled with despair
    No more unnecessary tears
    Open the window and feel the warmth of the sun
    And you see the birds flying free”

    You can download this song to your iPod or IPhone.

    Let’s start the ripple.

    Be a Ripplemaker,


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