肯夢 AVEDA 地球月行動: 為純淨水而走! 2010/4/17

AVEDA Earth Month: WALK FOR WATER 2010/4/17


空下您一年365天中的這一 天.體驗開發中國家婦女365天中的每一天

2010/4/17 (六) 步行六公里 走向純淨水


當今全世界68億的人口中,1/7的人正面臨沒有純淨水資源的問題. 人數相當於3倍的美國人口,42倍的台灣人口,甚至遠超過一整個歐洲的人口

現在,世界上每七人有一人喝不到純 淨水。如 果,這一人是您的朋友?


2010年4月17日 (六) 14:00集合報到 (預計17:30結束)
台北縣碧潭風景區 東岸廣場 (捷運新店站出站後約步行5分鐘可抵達)

[票價] 500元 (3/17開始啟售)

*此活動需全程以步行方式參與,建議12歲以上者參加 (歡迎寵物加入!)

Aveda Walk for Water, Taipei

The month of April is ‘Earth Month’, and April 22nd is earth day. Aveda’s walk for water is part of a global movement towards water conservation.

April 17, 2:00 pm kick off, 2:30 pm walk start at Eastern Square of Bitan Scenic Area. No.2, Bitan Rd., Xindian City, Taipei County 231, Taiwan

Bitan literally means Green Lake, referring to where the Xindian River widens to form the lake. Please join us for the 6 kilometer walk along the Xindian River, one of our main local water sources. Bitan can easily be reached via Taipei’s MRT system. The lake is walking distance southwest of the Xindian Station (south terminal station of the green line).We hope to see you there as we walk to protect clean water!

Link for more information
Contact Mavis Yu for more information: mavisy@canmeng.com.tw

A Symphony of Place @ The Red Room

Impossible is Nothing 朱平

GQ │ 2009-12-07 文 — 蕭 雅 馨《更多精采內容請看2009年12月號GQ雜誌》

近期朱平最感興趣的, 則是1% Philosophy和都蘭現象。攝影——葉智鴻
近期朱平最感興趣的, 則是1% Philosophy和都蘭現象。攝影——葉智鴻

近期朱平最感興趣的, 則是1% Philosophy和都蘭現象。

倘若這幾位都不曾做實踐人生理想的大夢,或在遭遇重重困境的中途就輕言退場,今天的《GQ》讀者不可能有機會讀及他們的精采! 堅持著自己一定做得到的信 念, 讓游智惟、謝文侃、溫立國、朱平、范姜群煜開啟人生下半場的無限可能,一路上見到的風景自然也比一般人更開闊!

這回極力提倡的「1% Philosophy」主張就很有意思,他認為所有人每次的消費行為都是一種對購買商品的投票行為,但不能一窩蜂搶便宜以價格做為唯一取向,否則商品品質 會愈來愈低落,什麼環保、公平性、服務品質都沒人在意了,而從事純手作或創意產業這類無從經濟規模化的工作者也將無以維生;但與其鼓吹每個人都去買不打折 的優質商品(不符合人性),不如從最基本的1%做起(也契合他 「改變從一小撮人開始」的一貫主張),就是每一百次的消費中,也許有九十九次都買折扣品,但請容許自己有一次把錢攢下買自己很珍愛也理解它的精緻品質以及 贊同品牌背後故事的好東西,好比一張設計師的椅子,或一輛可以陪自己趴趴走的好車,如此以感性為先導的漣漪效應下,未來可能會出現2%、3%,甚至達50%有個人意識的消費,而不是盲從於哪裡有折扣往哪裡鑽。

至於都蘭現 象,則緣起於他對自然田園生活的嚮往,這嚮往早在21年前參加鹽寮由區紀復舉辦的「簡樸生活」活動時就開始了,但直到近一年才在台東都蘭山區發現他心 目中的桃花源:有山、有水、有風、有海、有新鮮空氣,還有很獨特的一群原住民朋友,他甚至稱這裡為「台灣最後一座後花園」。朱平說:「要 一個人愛上一塊土地,他必須把這塊土地當作家、一個歸程,不能只是過路客的心態。」不過光是找地就花了六個月,最後還是某地主看他如此熱愛都蘭,才索性把地 賣給他。

既然有心成為當地的一份子,朱平也想為都蘭人做點事,他從思考如何在當地製造Local Industry出發,希望在純粹運用傳統圖騰製作的紀念品之外,先引進設計獨特、可以手工製作且少量的Good Design,加上當地人原有的文化、圖騰, 製作出大部分人會感興趣穿戴的服飾配件,為Local People開創另一個事業的可能性。 「有勇氣去做自己所相信的事情,即使碰到反對的聲浪也無須輕言放棄。」是朱平一直以來堅持的信念,他認為凡事對自己負責,往往在嘗試過 程中很多扇門因而開啟,像認識不同的朋友、得到的經驗值就是無形資產,如此失敗了也不必難過;而且只需要被Inspire,每個人都將會On Your Own Journey。


Stage Time and Wine @ The Red Room on Taipei Times

Here’s an article about Stage Time and Wine on Taipei Times written by Diane Baker.

Red Room

Ayesha Mehta grew up in Taipei and went off to Sydneyto study music and voice at a conservatory, became a jazz singer and a vocal coach — and fell in love with the spoken word. “When I first arrived in Sydney from Taipei, I found a poetry night at a pub, hosted by Tug Dumbly [organizer and host of Bardflys, Australia’s long-running spoken word night]. He’s become an icon … I came back six years later and there’s no place I can go to read books except in the living room,” Mehta said in a telephone interview on Wednesday.

Missing Bardflys, she was looking for a way to create a similar experience here. Then she met Ping Chu (朱平), the well-known pharmacist-turned-entrepreneur who brought the Aveda cosmetics franchise to Taiwan and established Nonzero restaurant. It was kismet. “I went to volunteer for Typhoon Morakot in Taitung. The first night I walked into the [Dulan] Sugar Factory (都蘭新東糖廠藝術村) and Ping was standing there with a big smile on his face. ‘I know your mom [businesswoman and artist Roma Mehta],’ he said. I met him a couple of times in Taipei and then I told him I had been thinking about doing a ‘Red Room’ since I came backing in April,” Mehta said. Ping loved the idea and told her that his girlfriend organizes reading nights in Hong Kong and he had been “waiting for something like this to happen in Taipei.”

Mehta had been looking for a space like a large living room that would be big enough to hold several dozen people yet could still feel comfortable and intimate. Ping just happened to know of some, since this is what he builds as training spaces for Aveda.

Having found a space and a very willing collaborator, Mehta organized musician friends to perform two sets, put up posters and sent out e-mails inviting people to read, sing, but most importantly, listen.

“Bring something you have written or choose a passage from somewhere else that you are moved to read aloud,” she told people, but keep it at five minutes, while musical participants were encouraged to bring their instruments for jam sessions at the beginning and end of the night Attendees were also told to bring something to drink, and after the first event, also a washed and peeled vegetable ready for the stewpot.

The first Stage Time and Wine@ Red Room event was held in November last year at a space right next to Nonzero and Aveda’s office. The second night, held last month, was just down the road at another Aveda venue, the company’s “learning space.” The first event drew 60 or 70 people, maybe more, Mehta said, while the second one attracted 40 to 50. She described the first event “as a laugh,” while the second was “like a living room, people meeting each other, really wonderful.”

Metha said she wanted to keep the events low budget to make them accessible to everyone. “If you go out for a drink, you spend at least NT$400, if you go out for coffee it’s at least NT$100,” she said. “Here you spend NT$200, you can drink as much as you want, eat as much as you want.” Thanks to Ping, Nonzero provides the glasses and kitchen supplies — along with some complimentary cookies.

Though Mehta stressed that Stage Time and Wine@ Red Room III is an event for listening, it is open to whatever people want to do. She noted that at the first event “one person came and shrieked like a banshee,” while at the second a woman came and read in Taiwanese, French and English. Asked about the Red Room name, Mehta laughed and said it was a long story but basically it’s “a name for the space.” “Each one is so different, I’m looking forward to seeing it
evolve,” Mehta said. “People get what they bring.”

WHAT: Stage Time and Wine@ Red Room III
WHEN: Tomorrow from 6:30pm to 10:30pm
WHERE: 2F, 117, Da-an Rd Sec 1, Taipei City
ADMISSION: NT$200 at door. For more
information, send an e-mail to red.room.taipei@
gmail.com or pingc@canmeng.com.tw


轉載自聯合新聞網:時尚人物/朱平孵夢:準備雙紅鞋吧 記者/攝影 袁青

Yohji Yamamoto Red Leather Boots


肯夢「介於家和工作場所」的辦公室,設計得很「五星級」,廚房、浴室,一應俱全。朱平笑著說,我把這裡弄得舒服自在,算是送給鄰居的禮物,這正是朱平性格 裡的幸福「歸屬感」。除了AVEDA的美容事業,朱平還開了一家「非零」Cafe Nonzero餐廳,供應有機農產品。


人到中年還要有型, 第一件事就是不能挺個鮪魚肚


談起時尚,他的經驗是,不妨先從認識幾個自己喜歡的設計師著手。有一次,朱平穿了一件日本「解構」大師川久保玲的夾克,餐廳的印度侍者忍了很久,小心翼翼 地提醒「衣服穿反了」。啼笑皆非的朱平的結論是,時尚不必太嚴肅;「準備一雙紅鞋吧!」朱平笑了,你知道的,它終有派上用場的時候。

新的一年,新的期許 : 多冒險


My new year resolution: take more risk.



Nong Nong Dec 2009

Nongnong Dec 2009 on gifts


Wishing you a wonderful Christmas and a new year full of joy and fulfilment.


說到送禮的經驗,肯夢AVEDA 台灣負責人朱平帶了兩袋他收過的小禮物來和我們分享,當中包括了兩個女兒的畫作、書本、石頭,每一樣物品,都像是一個寶物,背後都有一段很溫馨的故事。對於積極感受、並細心珍藏生活當中感動時刻的朱平來說,每天、每時、每刻可以是一份禮物,我感覺這個問題幾乎可以和朱平聊上三天三夜,滔滔不絕的快樂。也才發現,人間的善意隨處都在,「有時妳在路邊停車,有陌生人會舉起手幫忙指示倒車,這就是一個禮物啊!」朱平說。


朱平說,目前為止收到最具啟發性的禮物,是多年以前Aveda的創辦人 Horst 一封簡單邀請信,上面寫著:「我要準備閉關了,你要和我一起嗎?」收信之後,朱平就自費前往美國一個擁有小溪、草皮、綠樹等天然環境的私人農場靜修10天,每個人都不能與他人交談,只與大自然相處。在這段時間裡,他把手錶拆下,少了機械時間的制約,而更多心靈的自由。每天他都設立與自己對話的主題,並天天寫日記紀錄心情。「因為時間多了,我每天都泡兩三次澡,從來沒想過一天可以泡那麼多次澡」朱平笑著說。從那次經驗後,朱平體會「每個人都可以創造自己的 reality」,生活可以像畫布一樣自己創造,建構自己理想的世界。

至於未來可以給別人的禮物,朱平說:「希望可以認識更多人、幫助更多人完成夢想」。前陣子,他去台東都蘭旅行,遇到一個印度女生,想為她辦一個讀詩會。朱平馬上開始寫信邀請朋友,「原本以為這樣的聚會人不會多,沒想到也來了80個人!」當天,大家都讀得很快樂,變成一個很特別的 party。看到一個想法,從「只是一個想法」到變成一個具體的現實時,朱平感到特別的興奮。「我相信,當每個人都可以給別人一點東西時,我們就可以改變世界!」

Join me at TEDxGuangzhou 2009/12/05


在12月5日我將參加廣州的TED大會,如果有興趣可以在當天上http://www.tudou.com/home/tedxgz/網站同步參與。我的演講時間是4:05pm – 4:20pm。

I am going to give a talk at TEDxGuangzhou on Dec 5, 2009. The program runs from 10am to 4.30pm and I will be the last speaker at 4.05pm. I will share my core business philosophy which is “If you build it, they will come”.

You can watch it on www.tudou.com and here’s the live broadcast link http://www.tudou.com/home/tedxgz/

China is very sophisticated now with this kind of live broadcast so millions of people can watch simultaneously. It is our role to facilitate open-mindedness of young people from both sides of the straits so they can appreciate each other’s strengths and start learning and growing together.