Ppaper Business (May 2012) 家庭作業:兩個小小的簡單快樂

跟大家分享我在這一期 PPAPER BUSINESS專欄裡的『家庭作業 』:


1. 聽一首老歌:年輕的心 “Young at Heart” by Frank Sinatra

Fairy tales can come true, it can happen to you
If you’re young at heart
For it’s hard, you will find, to be narrow of mind
If you’re young at heart

You can go to extremes with impossible schemes
You can laugh when your dreams fall apart at the seams
And life gets more exciting with each passing day
And love is either in your heart or on it’s way

Don’t you know that it’s worth every treasure on earth
To be young at heart
For as rich as you are it’s much better by far
To be young at heart

And if you should survive to 105
Look at all you’ll derive out of being alive
Then here is the best part, you have a head start
If you are among the very young at heart

And if you should survive to 105
Look at all you’ll derive out of being alive
Then here is the best part, you have a head start
If you are among the very young at heart

“Somebody that I used to know” by Gotye

Now and then I think of when we were together,
Like when you said you felt so happy you could die,
Told myself that you were right for me,
But felt so lonely in your company,
But that was love and it’s an ache I still remember.

You can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness,
Like resignation to the end,
Always the end,
So when we found that we could not make sense,
Well you said that we would still be friends,
But I’ll admit that I was glad that it was over.

But you didn’t have to cut me off,
Make out like it never happened,
And that now we’re nothing,
And I don’t even need your love,
But you treat me like a stranger,
And that feels so rough,
No you didn’t have to stoop so low,
Have your friends collect your records,
And then change your number,
I guess that I don’t need that though,
Now you’re just somebody that I used to know,

Now you’re just somebody that I used to know,
Now you’re just somebody that I used to know,
Now you’re just somebody that I used to know.

Now and then I think of all the times you screwed me over
But had me believing it was always something that I’d done
And I don’t wanna live that way
Reading into every word you say
You said that you could let it go
And I wouldn’t catch you hung up on somebody that you used to know…

But you didn’t have to cut me off,
Make out like it never happened,
And that now were nothing,
And I don’t even need your love,
But you treat me like a stranger,
And that feels so rough.
No you didn’t have to stoop so low,
Have your friends collect your records,
And then change your number,
I guess that I don’t need that though,

Now you’re just somebody that I used to know,
I used to know,
Now you’re just somebody that I used to know,
I used to know,

Now you’re just somebody that I used to know,
I used to know
That I used to know


原唱版 :


The Red Room ─ Culture of Listening!


? Red Room 是什麼?

Red Room ─ 『紅房』是由朱平先生與友人發起, 每月舉辦一次的藝文聚會。在每次的聚會裡, 任何參與者都可以在自由登記後上台分享5分鐘。可以是一首詩、一首歌、一段無厘頭嘶吼大叫、一個神聖寧靜的片刻、一段舞蹈、部落格上的消息、書上的節錄、自言自語的呢喃等, 任何你可以想到且值得分享的生活藝文經驗都歡迎。我們期望透過這樣經驗分享的過程, 發展出一種「深度傾聽」的文化。

「深度傾聽」? ? ? 這又是甚麼玩意兒?

「深度傾聽」的意涵就是藉由傾聽他人分享的過程來學習聆聽的藝術。這指的是當他人在分享的時候, 在場聽眾不會分心於其他談話、手機的使用或是隨意來回走動。所有來自你頭腦與心智的注意力都給予正在分享經驗的人。而Red Room提供的便是一個能自由分享同時培養心性的創意空間。

當然囉, 一場完美的聚會絕對需要好酒美食及輕鬆閒聊來相佐。

我們有足夠的休息時間讓大家相處聊天、喝一杯紅酒、來一口現煮的印度奶茶、嚐一嚐Nonzero 非零餐廳提供的美味小點、小酌西班牙調酒 sangria、或是西班牙涼菜湯 gazpacho。最重要的是, 好菜好酒之餘, 我們也保證你會遇到超級有趣的人, 同時愛上傾聽的藝術。

要是你覺得聽起來還不賴, 就加入我們吧!

Red Room – Stage Time & Wine 固定在每個月的第三個周六舉行

本月的聚會訂於 5/19

時間: 18:30~22:30。入場費用新台幣 $200,現場收費

地點:大安路一段1172F (AVEDA Salon 2F)


您若想帶上一瓶紅酒或是一些新鮮食材讓現場烹煮的蔬菜湯更豐富, 甚至你想要分享你的創意料理, Red Room都張開雙臂歡迎!

以下節錄自 Red Room e-news,分享四月份的聚會內容:http://www.redroom.com.tw/

By Kevin Ke

一位歐洲客戶來臺北拜訪時,問及在哪裡可以看到臺灣的文化。我當時馬上回答:故宮博物院。那時只想著:這是當然的,每個觀光客都會去那裡。但過了一 會,卻有點後悔這樣子的回覆。一個博物館怎能代表臺灣的文化呢?應該有更好的回答才是。因為工作的訓練,我習慣在回答一個問題之前,先找出問題的定義。我 找到了一個對於文化的定義,它說:文化是一種生活的模式,有一群人真實地相信它,並持續在他們的日常生活中實施。

依照這個定義以及個人觀 點,臺灣有幾個獨特的文化。第一個是補習班文化。到台北火車站附近走走,尤其是南陽街,就可以發現高中學生是如何拚命地爭取好成績、大學以及他們的未來。 數不盡的小吃、流行服裝、飾品配件、玩具及遊戲,也會讓你對夜市文化感到驚訝。此外,你很難不會去注意到臺北便利商店的密度。在一個小區塊裡,是很容易就 發現兩、三間便利商店的。再者,臺灣寺廟的建築也是值得參觀的。即使是在其他亞洲國家也不容易找到如此生動、豐有色彩的、壯觀的屋簷裝飾,如:神明、龍、 鳳、老虎、魚及其他雕像。

最後,有一個特別的臺灣文化,但也是很重要的── Red Room,一個聆聽的文化。因為它的確是一種生活模式,有著一群來自不同國家及背景的人們,在每個月,藉由分享他們的音樂、詩、感受、謎語或故事,來表達 對這個生活模式的真實信仰。我真誠地向大家建議來參加Red Room,並且享受這個創新且愉悅的臺灣文化。


Gordon Tseng

The link to the song, Summer Snow in Formosa : http://www.indievox.com/song/46687

Fly with him to outer space
To view the world’s ridiculous face.
Travel with him into your inner base
To enjoy nature’s original pace.

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Kate Huang


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Nuclear Family Missile

In the 1980’s my father was a senior strategist in Air Force Intelligence. He worked on a secret project to conceal nuclear missiles in the American suburban environment. I grew up with the top half of a Titan II nuclear missile sticking out of my backyard.
The aluminum cylinder rose into the air thirty feet above the cut grass. Rustic wood panel camouflage made the missile appear to be a grain silo, but with the letters U, S, and A down the side. And in the late morning the shadow of the nose cone would crawl across my bedroom floor like the finger of God reminding me of my own mortality. Every morning.

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Nate Murray


The vast, green Tuscan hills stretched out for miles in all directions. Directly above me, a cobblestone bell tower chimed off some hour in the midafternoon, though which hour exactly, it really didn’t matter. Much farther above me, the clouds formed a gray sheet across the sky. But it was not the monochrome gray which would indicate a bleak day. Rather, it was a vibrant quilt of many shades of gray, which kept the temperature at a comfortable cool. I could practically taste the air’s freshness.

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If you want to know more about the Red Room, please go to this link

Credits & Sponsors 特別感謝與贊助
Tremendous gratitude to all our volunteers. Thank you to all who transform the space of the venue into the Red Room, prepare the food and drinks, greet everyone at the door, fill all who thirst till their cups near runneth over…and especially to all who help clean up. Stage Time & Wine would not be possible without your support and the beautiful spirit in whch it is given!

Red Room Coordinator | Manav Mehta • Summary | Ruth Giordano, Kevin Ke • Translation | Edward Chiang • Online Presence | Roma Mehta • Photography | Red Roomers, Terrance Shih

RED ROOM www.redroom.com.tw
Location : Aveda’s Learning Kitchen, above the Aveda Salon Red Room 位於 AVEDA 的教學廚房,位於 AVEDA Salon 2樓:2F #117 Sec. 1 Da-an Rd. 台北市大安路一段117號2F




5.04|五|7:30pm-9:00pm 誠品信義店 3F Forum


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Nonzero @ Kiva 的會員們,恭喜您!

今天早上接到通知: Nonzero Club members at Kiva 已達到100位! 這是我送給自己63歲的生日禮物,謝謝您們。更重要的是,這個好消息再一次證明了我的信念:If you built it, they will come.

常有人問我,如何才知道自己己經準備好了,可以擁有成功積極正面快樂的人生?我的答案通常只有一個:您對我要求的家庭作業抱持著甚麼樣的心態?如果是:「Great!我將面對朱先生的挑戰,完成家庭作業」,您就是準備好的人;如果是:「Okay… 看看吧… 蠻有意思的…」卻總是找得到藉口而沒有付諸行動(畢竟,除了你自己,沒有人會知道您是否做了家庭作業) ,那麼您就仍只是停滯在原地遙望著理想,還沒有準備好的人。

五年前當我成立部落格時,曾有人跟我說 ─ 要求讀者做家庭作業並期望他們自己在過程中得到啟發 ─ 會是一件徒勞無功的事。儘管如此,我依然深信有許多準備好的人是願意的。因此,我的使命就是去與這些人連結。Kiva (www.kiva.org) 是一個我很喜歡的social business model – 經由循環微型貸款(Microfinance)、創業精神,來解決第三世界貧窮的問題。我個人認為這是一個值得我們參與、支持、學習的「大愛生意」。從一開始介紹www.kiva.org,到於2009年5月在Kiva成立Nonzero Club,如今成長到100位會員、我們共借出US$7,875元、支持了298個遍及全世界的創業人及組織。

* 關於KIVA

Kiva的使命是:to connect people through lending for the sake of alleviating poverty(透過減緩貧窮的借貸行為而連結人們);並不等於直接餽贈,重點在於如何透過網路資源而串連不同需求。它只是一個很少人在維護的平台,運作機制是讓借款者和貸款者互相透過平台聯繫,當貸款者無法自己提出申請時,會由有當地非政府組織從中協助提出申請。

如果您認為您今天很幸運,因為認識了kiva.org,請到我的部落格留言,讓我們開始參與kiva.org的旅程。再也沒有什麼比 ─ 知道有更多人加入Kiva 開始成為借款者,以實際行動讓自己成為想要見到的世界改變 ─ 讓我更感欣慰的事了。我向您們保證,即將在您們眼前展開的,會是一段意義深遠的豐收之旅!除此之外,我還希望您也能邀請您在Facebook的朋友一起加入我們! Be A Kiva Loaner & Nonzero Member!

如何加入Nonzero Club?
1. 在 www.kiva.org 加入會員
2. 借出美金25元
3. 點選”Community”,搜尋 Nonzero Club,加入

We loan because: Happiness exists in action. We believe that creating meaningful jobs through entrepreneurship is the best way to resolve poverty and rekindle free will.

以下節錄我在 www.kiva.org的Nonzero Club與新會員的對話:


Hi, I am C. I also started my first loan on Feb 19 after joining the Ping’s sharing event in Space yoga. Then, I went to RED room in the same day. Before going to RED room, I read Ping’s book. Wow ~ It reminded me lots of things that I might forget in my heart. Besides, I also start to complete the homework. Until now, I just finish 6 homework. By reading this book, I get some ideas.Is any Cafe that could request people don’t talk inside ? Sometimes, I just want to find some places to read the books or write some letters with some nice coffee/tea and music. One more thing that I want to share with Ping that I also buy 3 your books and will send them to my special friends in UK, Chinaand USA. They are friends that prepared to understand what you said. Then, they may share more ideas with their friends in different cities. Finally, Is anyone want to ” exchange ” your homework with me ? That’s one example of homework 2 for me.


There is nothing better than knowing someone making Kiva Loan and embarking a life of bigger than themselves. I promise you that this is a rewarding and meaningful journey. Finally, you know you are capable of empowering and making this world a better place. ( It is not clich? anymore. )

Thank you for doing the homework. When I started my column 5 years ago, people told me it is useless to ask readers to do homework and discover new and exciting things by themselves. I told them I just know there are some people out there who are ready and willing. I have an obligation to reach out to these people. Homework is a way of knowing these future leaders who have a “can do” spirit.

You just made my day by giving out my book to other people. At Red Room last Saturday, someone approached me and wanted me to translate this book into English. I was flattered. I just felt there are more people like you who may be disenchanted by Taiwan’s job market, but, still have a great heart and idealism to do something meaningful. With social network and all the intelligent tools, I think there must be a way to create your own works.

Red Room is an experiment of social network in physical space. We now are ready to explore other theme based Red Room so more people can find a space that will help them to network and co-create something together.

Thank you for joining Nonzero Club. As I promised before, I will organize a get to know each other party at Nonzero Restaurant this year, if we can reach 100 members. Please invite more people to join Kiva and Nonzero club through Facebook so we can have this party soon.
Personally, I could not wait to see you all and congratulate you to become a better person by being a Kiva loaner.

6/2~6/4《更快樂》體驗營 @ 台東都蘭


陳郁敏是位企業教練,也是《漣漪詞》的作者。當大家還沒聽過教練這個行業時,她已經開始從事教練工作,是亞洲教練界的先驅。 她專修正向心理學,是正向心理學創始人Martin Seligman的學生。我從她那兒開始接觸及學習正向心理學,從而把這門學問運用在建立公司的企業文化,以幸福快樂為企業的最終目的。












•靜觀 (Mindfulness)

•靜觀 (Mindfulness)





開始 2012/6/2,12:00hr(12:00hr午餐,14:00hr正式開始)
結束 2012/6/4,17:00hr




台東都蘭山 椰林觀海民宿 台東縣東河鄉都蘭村三鄰郡界68號, Tel: 0963-270296


三人同行(9折)或四人同行(8折)或在5/1 日前報名(9折)



聯絡人:claudialau@thirdthinking.com或 Facebook 漣漪人
