最近有機會跟一些年輕人談到“營利社會企業”的另一種可能。我一直相信會有更多優秀的人,思考如何將他的長項特質跟社會使命結合,而不願成為高薪工作的奴隸或囚犯。能在NPO(非營利組織)或NGO(非政府組織)找到工作當然很好,但仍然受限於基金會的董事及政府對非營利組織的管制,失去對自己命運的控制。快樂營利社會企業會是許多人的second career的第一選擇,因為他們發現真正的快樂來自於幫助人,知道自己的付出能對社會地球的永續有所貢獻。
我跟許多人說,成功有一個常被忽略的元素就是勇氣(courage)。當我們有勇氣時,我們就可以無懼(fearless) 的面對傳統智慧(conventional wisdom)。
【快樂營利社會企業案例-Case Study】
在Case Study之前必須釐清四個重要先決條件:
- 您與合伙人必須要有清晰的人生目標,並對財富有自己的定義。不求事業上市﹙IPO﹚,僅是想創造一個“永續”的快樂營利社會企業。﹙有社會使命的企業,不是以股東利潤極大化的企業﹚
- 您及合伙人,必須是在各行業的佼佼者,從事高創意、高知識、高感性的服務業,只是突然發現人生除了賺錢外,應該還有其他更大的意義。
- 不借錢、不做大資本投資的事,僅做能發揮自己長項的事。
- 在社會使命中有一個單一的熱情,想用自己的公司,全力的推動這社會使命。 因為“快樂營利社會企業” 的掘起,更需要能夠把熱情、創意、夢想、現實都整合的人。擁有這種能力的人將是21世紀最重要的人才。
- 假設有三個人年紀30歲左右,都在廣告界、設計界、文化界或基金會做了超過10年的事,突然發現人生並不是追逐金錢而已。應該找到一個能發揮三人專長,提供三人基本生活開支,同時也能做有意義的社會公益事業。
- 三人發現對寵物有特殊的感情﹙兩人有養狗,一個有養貓﹚,決定在有生之年推動愛護動物的社會公益事情。
- 三人決定創立一個廣告設計公司:
- 每人“借”100萬給公司,集資300萬台幣成立一個廣告設計顧問公司。
- 希望在5年內,除了每人每月固定薪資外,並在年底以股利方式每年分紅,直到300萬股本及利息還清為止。
- 一旦當股本還清後,所賺的利潤將以50/30/20的比例分配。
- 50%留在公司繼續投資
- 30%投資自己成立的愛護動物基金會
- 20%公司同仁利潤分享
- 企業每年30%的利潤將用來固定資助愛護動物基金會。此基金會將不再靠捐助或政府支持。相信這家公司一定能吸引許多像他們一樣愛護動 物的人加入。同樣地,您可以將30%利潤永續支持在您有特殊感情的事上﹙愛滋病、舞蹈、劇場、環保、希望小學、家暴、老人院、青少年成長、閱讀…等﹚。
我相信在創意文化後,“真實”與“信任”﹙Authenticity & Trust﹚將是企業未來最重要的競爭優勢。因此投資在“被信任”所需的強項上,將是企業分配資本投資時的重要策略。
最後我要再一次邀請所有讀者寫信給我,不管是問問題也好,或是有任何不同意見,我都期待與歡迎。畢竟,沒有互動就沒有參與,沒有參與就沒有擁有,唯有擁 有,你才會真心改變。
家庭作業Home Assignment:
Dear Tina:
If I were you, I would be disappointed and bewilderment too. Canjune needs to retrain their team and make sure this thing should neve happen again. Now, you also will see how bad a company’s many years reputation can be destroyed by one single mindless or heartless service. Would you do my a favor and write a lettet to Canjune and share your feeling about their servie. I highly recommend you to give the name of that service provider failed you. Actually, this is a gift you gave to this service provider so she will realize that her under par service has damaged Canjune’s many years reputation.
I have full faith in Canjune’s leader: Ms. Wen. She is one of the best Aromatherapists in Taiwan and most importantly, she is the pioneer to bring Aromatherapy to the level of aesthetic sensibility and intelligent contents. Aromatherapy is not just treat the patient’s syndrom, but treat the patient as a whole.
To be honesty with you, I don’t think Canmeng can guarentee that our team will not do the same to our guests. The only thing we pray is to wish people like you to give us a second chance so you will not so easily lost a good friend.
Please write a separate email to Ms. Wen of Canjune. I, personally, will direct this blog to Ms. Wen’s attention so she can contact you and win you back.
Thank you for the most wonderful gift to Canjune.
你好,我是一位美髮用品銷售業務人員,一開始只是為了賺錢選擇這個行業,但時間久了,也認識了美髮行業的百態與悲哀。您所提倡“快樂營利社會企業”深深吸引我!!人生除了賺錢外,還有社會使命, 也許是教育大學出身,對於教育還有一份堅持,我想要改變年紀小的技術生就成為廠商跟髮廊經營者的賺錢工具,甚至未來也要追尋這樣的模式創業。傳統社會的美髮從業人員多數來自清寒家庭,雖然他們學歷不高但他們很單純,不斷學習才能提升他們。我也希望透過我的進修傳達給他們,最近北上至台北學習精油相關課程, 知道那是朱先生的相關企業就特別興奮,也特別至那個企業的門市參觀,所有房子裝潢、產品訴求都讓我覺得這是我要學習的,但就當芳療師溫柔的介紹介紹完產品,而我只選擇兩樣,我看到他的眼神流露出不悅,甚至中途我需要去領現金,後來想要多買一樣產品,他竟然溫柔的說著這比較貴喔!當晚我失眠了,我思考著,無論是肯夢或肯園 ,為了社會使命的營利企業,產品價格比別人高許多,但消費者選擇購買因為支持有社會使命的企業。而這樣企業的員工自然而然接觸到頂層有消費意識的客人,對於我只有三千預算購買精油的客人覺得奇怪,卻無法體諒自家產品價格不是一般上班族可以輕鬆購滿。
Dear Eric:
You are right on. Gandhi has told us: Be the change you want to see in the world.
This is why I advocate: we vote with what we buy.
Please don’t under-estimate the power of your wallet. If we refuse to support the business that are not authentic and support the business that shares your value, Taiwan will change immediately.
I also have proposed a 1% philosophy ( please check this blog on this. ) so we can overcome the inertia in our behavior. Only if we vote with what we buy for one out of 100 purchases can Taiwan change a lot.
I also think CSR will only work if it will help to booster the share holder value and profit in the big public company. This is why I am not a big fan about CSR.
I like your iSR concept. It is the same thing as “we vote with what we buy” and socially responsible consumerism.
Unfortunately, all things have to go through commerce activity to sustain the effect.
We vote with what wy buy.
What kind of company you gave your vote for today, this week, last month? Please check your bathroom, closet and refrigerator? Why did you buy these items? Do you know the real story of the company behind the bottles or products? Which company do you want to see them successful by your vote/purchase? Are you proud of your purchase decision?
Now, you will know it is hard to do.
Now, you also know why I advocate 1% philosophy.
Dear Lisa:
🙂 Thank you for your kind words. I want you to know that I really appreciate your comment. When I decided to write this recruiting article on ICB, I have no ideas what the readers will respsond.
Lisa, I hope one day we will have more young people who can follow their dream and not to be forced to conform with what society expects. I have seen so many brilliant people excel in their own chosen field in the States. In Taiwan, it is hard. All parents want their kids to go to college and work for the big company. Personally, I don’t think big company can keep brilliant people. The true brilliant people will not be happy working for a big company. This is why I predict that most brilliant people will work for a small company that can integrate work, life, strength, passion and meaning.
Canmeng Aveda is not a successful big company and cannot even guarantee her own future success. We just know we are embarking a different route. We live a life we choose to, want to and love to.
Thanks for my friend, Robin Winkler, I now change the name from For-profit social enterprise to Profit-making Social Enterprise. Actually, I am thinking to drop the social enterprise name too.
How about Profit-making Conscious Business?
Dear Mr.Chu:
不過我覺得大家應該從iSR ( 我的社會責任 )作起
曾想過是否要用 HSR ( Human social responsibility )
後來覺得用iSR 符合趨勢且一看就懂
Dear Monfi:
I am so glad to meet you here.
You are right on to realize that you have the power and means to help people regain their self confidence.
Please don’t give up on the goodness of the human nature. You just need to actively search for the positive environment and make friends who share your values.
I always believe that we can create a value based symbiosis ecosystem. These ecosystems are scatered around in our society. One day, the critical mass will reach to a critial point to ignite a transformation in our society.
This is why I advocate the 1% philosophy and we vote with what we buy consumerism.
There is a resvolution under way, one that will change the way we define the role of business. We are in the beginning of this revolution.
You are the lucky few who can pick up and explore the world at this young age. Taiwan is the most beautiful place in the world because our home is here. Let’s see how we can make Taiwan a better place for our future generatiion.
你好!一直很感動你為這個社會所帶來的一切正面的能量,先大概介紹我自己,我是一位Make up Artists,在流行產業下的工作者,這美麗的背後人人卻只有一顆很醜陋的心,多年來我一直靠旅行來讓自己的心更開闊,很幸運的是我有一個可以提著到處走的技能,所以我帶著作品,到了東京 倫敦 巴黎……….
Dear Maurice:
Sorry, I almost missed to thank you for making my day.
I loved your idea and want to congratulate you on your effort. Agency is a good way to connect the talented people with business. All great talents have great agent to take care of the business side.
As you can see that there are lots of freelance alliance or web 2.0 type of business for your reference. I think web is the way to do it for your business model to work.
You need to find the sustainable revenue model first.
Thank you for making my blog an intelligent discussion place.
Success unshared is failure. – John Paul Dejorie-
Dear Franie:
Of course, you can succeed and you will.
Only you would know if you are the best in the world. It is a relative issue too. Who can decide if you are top of the top or world class? No one except you.
One more thing I did not mention on this article is the business model, revenu model, sustaianability mode and system building. You need to examine these business issues closely and constantly.
You also need to be a master in cash flow management, super sales person and inspiring leader.
Now, you know for-profit social enterprise is not an easy thing to do. This is why I told young people that they should control their urge to start their ideal business now. They need to lean all these skills before they set up their own for-profit social enterprise.
It is noble that you and your team don’t chase money. However, you also need to provide a good enough lifestyley for your team.
I am proposing before that we should pay highest salary for people who are working for NGO or NPO so these talented people can dedicate their life to these higher purposes. Unfortunately, we have this limited thought that if you work at NGO or NPO, you should maximize the return for the causes, not offer high payroll.
I am still exploring how to design a model that young and talented people can model with.
One thing I am sure is that we need to be very competitive with world calss offering. We simply cannot make it by exploit people’s kindness and goodwill.
Thank you for joining this conversation.
Keep rolling,
Dear Ru-Ling Gi:
I am so proud of America. It is a tremendous day for America. The most important thing is that Obama doesn’t get there because of his skin colour. it is because he is intelligent, smart and international. And the lousy Bush administration. I, personally believe, is the most important factor. No one can stand another Republican government. The world cannot stand it either. 🙂 The world has high hope for Obama.
I never thought that I would see a black American President in my lifetime. It can only be happened in America.
Thank you for sharing this wonderful comments. God Bless America. This is indeed the proudest moment for America.
Dear Meng Hsuan:
Please check this website out. My two daughters are the enthusiastic supporters for their shoes and asked me to sell Tom’s shoes in Taiwan. You and your sister can learn a few things from this amazingly successful new concept with social puspose to sell shoes. Actually, you should ask to do something different with your family business. You have all the logistics, customer data and manufacturer competence.
Please ask you sister to put design and cutting in her design. I noticed that most of organic cotton clothes are boring look. It should be fashionable and well made. In the future, you cannot just sell the ” organic ” or ” saving the planet “.
Book sharing is a great idea. I did one book sharing Day with PPAPER magazine long time ago.
I am proud of your sister and you.
Thank you for joinging the conversaton.
Dear Mr.Chu:
How are you?
I am Franie, a girl graduated from collage and having a job just for an year, major in design and complete the whole school works in Taiwan.
I really admire you and also in favor of your living philosophies , products form Aveda and columns(ICB&Blog)
You always encourage your readers sending some feedback to you, and I also heard Mr. Chu enjoy the opportunity to talk to the future leaders.
I read your column last night, and you mentioned that there are four conditions in “快樂營利社會企業”
4.在社會使命中有一個單一的熱情,想用自己的公司,全力的推動這社會使命。 因為”快樂營利社會企業” 的掘起,更需要能夠把熱情、創意、夢想、現實都整合的人。擁有這種能力的人將是21世紀最重要的人才。
I think I and my stuffs are fit in with most of your conditions, except, the second of your term. We are not the top of the top yet, but we’ve been realizing making money is not the only meaning in our life, furthermore, we pursue a better and friendly living environment. However, we are fellows of only having great enthusiasm, innovations, and creations, and also enjoy participating in NGO/NPO works.
Could we still have successful business just like 快樂營利社會企業 in Taiwan, if we are not the top of the top yet???
Except this four conditions are there anything we need to possess??? if we are still young and most of my fellows are freelance.
And thank you all for allowing me to show off our works, although it still incomplete. But I and my partners are doing our best on our continuously. Hope you visit our website via the attachment below my words, and really expect i could get your great advice in someday.
Wish you have a very very nice weekend!!!
P.S if your are free in Saturday evening, very welcome you visiting our exhibition.(information of this exhibition is in the attachment)
I am taking the risk of boring and wearing you out with a tedious and long-winding post.
However, I feel I am in resonance with many other people who are extremely excited that tomorrow, just tomorrow, we may very well see constantly “That One” on TV in our living room for the next four years.
Ah, that’s a wonderful feeling.
I do have some comments that I thought about for this topic. But, anxiously waiting for “the day,” I can’t help but to put them in the back burner for the time being. Here, you probably can find some clue about what my dream is. And, that serves one extra purpose in my posting today.
A friend of mine sent me the following piece of article yesterday:
MY Wife Made Me Canvass for Obama: here’s what I learned
This election is not about major policies. It’s about hope.
By Jonathan Curley
from the November 3, 2008 edition,
Charlotte, N.C. – There has been a lot of speculation that Barack Obama might win the election due to his better “ground game” and superior campaign organization.
I had the chance to view that organization up close this month when I canvassed for him. I’m not sure I learned much about his chances, but I learned a lot about myself and about this election.
Let me make it clear: I’m pretty conservative. I grew up in the suburbs. I voted for George H.W. Bush twice, and his son once. I was disappointed when Bill Clinton won, and disappointed he couldn’t run again.
I encouraged my son to join the military. I was proud of him in Afghanistan, and happy when he came home, and angry when he was recalled because of the invasion of Iraq. I’m white, 55, I live in the South and I’m definitely going to get a bigger tax bill if Obama wins.
I am the dreaded swing voter.
So you can imagine my surprise when my wife suggested we spend a Saturday morning canvassing for Obama. I have never canvassed for any candidate. But I did, of course, what most middle-aged married men do: what I was told.
At the Obama headquarters, we stood in a group to receive our instructions. I wasn’t the oldest, but close, and the youngest was maybe in high school. I watched a campaign organizer match up a young black man who looked to be college age with a white guy about my age to canvas together. It should not have been a big thing, but the beauty of the image did not escape me.
Instead of walking the tree-lined streets near our home, my wife and I were instructed to canvass a housing project. A middle-aged white couple with clipboards could not look more out of place in this predominantly black neighborhood.
We knocked on doors and voices from behind carefully locked doors shouted, “Who is it?”
“We’re from the Obama campaign,” we’d answer. And just like that doors opened and folks with wide smiles came out on the porch to talk.
Grandmothers kept one hand on their grandchildren and made sure they had all the information they needed for their son or daughter to vote for the first time.
Young people came to the door rubbing sleep from their eyes to find out where they could vote early, to make sure their vote got counted.
We knocked on every door we could find and checked off every name on our list. We did our job, but Obama may not have been the one who got the most out of the day’s work.
I learned in just those three hours that this election is not about what we think of as the “big things.”
It’s not about taxes. I’m pretty sure mine are going to go up no matter who is elected.
It’s not about foreign policy. I think we’ll figure out a way to get out of Iraq and Afghanistan no matter which party controls the White House, mostly because the people who live there don’t want us there anymore.
I don’t see either of the candidates as having all the answers.
I’ve learned that this election is about the heart of America. It’s about the young people who are losing hope and the old people who have been forgotten. It’s about those who have worked all their lives and never fully realized the promise of America, but see that promise for their grandchildren in Barack Obama. The poor see a chance, when they often have few. I saw hope in the eyes and faces in those doorways.
My wife and I went out last weekend to knock on more doors. But this time, not because it was her idea. I don’t know what it’s going to do for the Obama campaign, but it’s doing a lot for me.
Jonathan Curley is a banker. He voted for George H.W. Bush twice and George W. Bush once.
Here’s my reply to my friend:
Sent: Sunday, November 02, 2008 7:48 PM
Subject: RE: Why it’s so historical from a personal experience
Yes, the piece by Jonathan Curley is a beautifully written and a moving one, it was a genuine voice from the bottom of heart. I couldn’t agree with him more about the hope that Obama has inspired in most, if not all, of us.
After eight years of the Bush Administration, all we saw are one disaster after another and declines in many aspects, be it moral-, political- or cultural-wise. This is clearly the time that we need a transformational leader who can steer our country into a new direction.
For all of us who are for Obama, the only common thread is voting for the same person, yet I believe we all can relate to Mr. Curley in that we see this is the opportunity that our country can ascend back to the old glories we once enjoyed and be the world beacon of a democracy under which all people are created equal.
I just saw somebody wrote this:
I heard that Rosa Parks sat so that Martin Luther King could walk, and Martin Luther King walked so that Obama could run. Barack Obama is now running so that our children can fly.
Isn’t that a beautiful saying too? Glad we both see what is in Obama and are inspired by the same message of “hope” and “change we can.”
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me,
Reply from my friend:
You write very well! I thought you said you want to keep working on writing more. Any new development on that path?
朱先生 您好
我的名字叫黃國珍,很冒昧寫了這封信給您。我寫這封信是因為我收到一封朋友的來信,信中附上您所寫的一篇關於【快樂營利社會企業案例-Case Study】的文章。我很高興看到像您如此成功的企業界家,對文化創意產業的關心與睿智。事實上我才剛完成我的創業計畫,目前正修正中。而整個計畫的核心價值與利益的分配,恰巧是您文章中所設定的,「企業成長」、「員工分享」與「社會回饋」三個部份。我的創業計畫是要成立一個【國際創意交易經紀平台】。讓大華人圈裡的文創人才與創意成品透過經紀人制度,有計畫的引介給兩岸三地與國際上有興趣的合作對象。
我想先跟你分享最近我被 “有機棉”感動的一個例子。
Dear Freda:
You are always so supportive.
However, I still think that this is not for people who have not make their mark yet. They need to be really good at what they are doing first before they embark on this venture with social purpose.
I will recommned young people to work in their chosen field for a while and prove that they have what it take in the business world first.
Doing well while doing good.
Good is the new Great.
Thank you for you contribution.
Bravo again.
This is a lot of young people’s dream-come-true goal. Your advice is so keen a direction to them.
With the same idea, even if we are not able to own our business, we still can do a lot of happy social works. Chances are all around us. Just reach out and touch someone.
Do well and do good.
Dear Carrie:
You are the first one to respond this article.
I know the reality is much harder than the theory. However, conscious business that can integrate work and life is the next wave of the business model.
All workshop has no use if it just inspire you. We need to put it into action. True learning only comes from behavior change.
Good luck on your discontinuity.
Dear Ping,
I was attending one workshop of the “Quantmun Potential “during this weekend. In the workshop, they use the methold of “Emergenetic” which was established in 1991 by Ph.D Geil Browning.
It’s the science of identifying one’s individual preferences. By this, one can understand more about his innate strenghs. How to use those attributes and the finding at home, at work and throughtout the daily life. Which means understand more about oneself, more happier, more satisfied, and more productive to deal with our life.
Returing to myself, I’m facing the problem of chossing the direction of a job. I’m happy to read your article coz it comes in the right time.
My friend ininate an idea to run a company and exactily like what you say. We both have the same background. Although it’s only in the beginning point, i’ll share this to him and to see what result/idea we can come out.
I’ll post my thoughts later.
Wish you have a brilliant week.