Leonard Cohen: Anthem

在某一期的ICB我曾介紹過Annie Lennox給年輕的讀者。 今天我介紹一個我在年輕時就崇拜的詩人歌手-Leonard Cohen。

最近我終於圓了年輕時之夢想:“有一天能親身參與Leonard Cohen的演唱會。” 當得知他要在歐洲舉辦演唱會時,急忙上網 訂了他在柏林演唱會的票。也順便造訪我一直很喜歡的Berlin和 Copenhagen兩個城市。(我鼓勵大家要專注旅行,不要走馬看花,我通常都是在一個城市住一陣子,來真正認識這個城市的文化及一般人的生活。)

回到Leonard Cohen 柏林O2 Arena 的 sold out 演唱會,原來期待都是中年歌迷,很意外的有許多許多年青觀眾。真高興年青一代也開始追尋這種如詩如畫的歌詞及他特殊低啞 呢喃的聲音。(我發覺我更喜歡他現在老年的聲音。)我年輕時就是被他這種唱腔,批判及挑戰主流,充滿意境,有點黑色的歌詞所吸引。詩人所做的歌詞就是如此之豐富。不同的人會被不同的一句話所觸動和感動。

現在一起來欣賞一首Leonard Cohen 的歌“Anthem”。他最有名的歌曲是Suzanne和Hallelujah。

1。請仔細聽讀一遍 “Anthem”. Click Anthem by Leonard Cohen to listen (link will open in new tab or window, if the song doesn’t play automatically, click the PLAY button)

The birds they sang
at the break of day
Start again
I heard them say
Don’t dwell on what
has passed away
or what is yet to be.
Ah the wars they will
be fought again
The holy dove
She will be caught again
bought and sold
and bought again
the dove is never free.

Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything
That’s how the light gets in.

We asked for signs
the signs were sent:
the birth betrayed
the marriage spent
Yeah the widowhood
of every government —
signs for all to see.

I can’t run no more
with that lawless crowd
while the killers in high places
say their prayers out loud.
But they’ve summoned, they’ve summoned up
a thundercloud
and they’re going to hear from me.

Ring the bells that still can ring …

You can add up the parts
but you won’t have the sum
You can strike up the march,
there is no drum
Every heart, every heart
to love will come
but like a refugee.

Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack, a crack in everything
That’s how the light gets in.

Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack, a crack in everything
That’s how the light gets in.
That’s how the light gets in.
That’s how the light gets in.



  • Leonard Cohen的長者風範。脫帽向他的樂手一一致敬,並用獨特的句子來介紹他們, 如he is the ambassador of the breath (saxophone player), he is the priest of precision (drummer), he is the guardian of the clock (bassist).
  • 他的專注(閉眼),尤其他單膝跪在一位年長的吉他手前,崇拜這位吉他手的樣子。看到他們兩位長者樂手的互動,讓我感動不已。
  • 被一位坐在後面的德國觀眾勸告,不要只顧拍照,要用心看,不要用照相機看。(謝謝他的提醒,於是將照相機收起來。)

真希望有更多人開始欣賞Leonard Cohen的歌。我相信他的歌會一直有人唱下去。他是我的英雄。

“Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack, a crack in everything
That’s how the light gets in.”

您對這句話 有甚麼回應及感想?

不知您喜歡Leonard Cohen嗎?歡迎分享。

12 thoughts on “Leonard Cohen: Anthem”

  1. Dear Sze-Chia:

    How nice to get to know you here, Sentimental Girl and Daydreamer!

    Thank you for visiting this old article I wrote long time ago. You are the lucky few to get to know Leonard Cohen at such a young age.

    I also watched I am your man movie at Xi Meng Ding’s movie house. I still remembered that there were only a few audience in the theater. I talked to myself that it was a pitty that this generation of young people did not get the opportunity to know this great artist who is still alive.

    This is the reason that I want to introduce Leonard Cohen now.

    You would love his book and his drawing.

    By the way, I love the way you wrote this comment. It brings back my fun memories when I heard his songs. I am listening his songs now.

    Thanks to you.

    You are my Daymaker today.


  2. positive and passive.
    reason and emotion.
    war and peace.
    sadness and happiness.
    the opposite things says a harmony.

    everything is like a circle and goes to no starts no ends… finally they meet.

    i ve seen the movie ‘我是你的男人’ when i was 17. Memories inspired me to share my thoughts…

    his romanticism ,his unforgettable love story. he’s sad but he face the life gently…a poet may see a tiny thing as a glimmer.
    ‘There is a crack, a crack in everything
    That’s how the light gets in.”
    singing the life…always have two sides…everything is not perfect…but its where the beauty lies. perfect is by doing [Parfait!!] 🙂

    Everything will pass away… process in mind.

    Remind me a beautiful saying…
    ”Toy-like people made me boy-like,
    Where have all the flowers gone long time passing.”[ 荒謬人間,非兒戲不可 繁花褪盡,時間飄逝】from one of my favorite band Massive Attack.

    i would like to read his book:Beautiful Loser

    And after all i am just a sentimental girl…daydreaming…


  3. Dear 若水:

    This blog is for people who are ready and willing. When you are ready, things will flow your way.

    I am glad that you like Leonard Cohen. He is my childhood idol. If you like it, please google him and get to know him better.

    As you noticed, I put a Positive Psychology News Daily as a link to this site. So far, I have no one commenting this site yet. I subscribed the English version. It is a dose of positive emotion to me whenever I read this short essay.

    Let’s live a life based on 1%. 🙂



  4. 朱老師您好,

    平常也常聽各種音樂的我,在聽了Leonard Cohen後,

    當時您所說的Positive Psychology後來我也在敝校圖書館

    對於You votes what you buy. 的理念,也是我一直以來所


    感謝您能夠把這個留言看完 =)

    Best wishes

  5. Dear Daniel:

    Thank you for taking the initiative to let me know how you are feeling. You have made the fist step to get to know yourself. Now, you know you can reach out and express your thoughts elegantly.

    Please remember that your love of guitar and singing will be with you forever. You should continute this creative process.

    We have passion because we always to creative things.

    Well, as I said in the talk that night. The best thing we can do is to make sure we will not repeat the guild trip to our children, one day when you become a parent. We need to break this cycle through our generation. My daughers can live a life they choose because I decided long time ago, I will stop putting too much pressure to my children. Be the change you want to see in the world. ( Gandhi’s famous quote)

    Lifelong learning and book reading indeed are the best ways to create your own destiny. However, you still need to find your own strength and utilize this strength for somthing bigger than yourself. We may not good at examine based school system. However, we need to learn how to learn new knowledge through reading by ourselves.

    Please engage with your parent and tell them that you know they want nothing in the world than seeing that you are happy. Please tell your parent that you are happy with the choice that you have made now. Please tell your parent that you will need to learn the lessons your way.

    Be strong and happy,


    Thank you for all the kind words. I enjoy the positive energy that you all gave me that night too.

  6. 朱老師,
    你好, 我是參予今天遠見雜誌在台中金典酒店舉辦演講的聽眾




    it’s warm and nice.



    總是會被壓抑 抹殺






    thank you, Teacher Chu.

  7. Dear 路上風景:

    You are too humble. Leonard Cohen will always work for our smiles as he told us so often.

    In a way, I agree with you that it is so difficult to translate his clean verse with verbose Chinese.

    Well, I still think you have a special talent with Chinese words.

    I just want to share the following websites with all Leonard Cohen old and new fans.


    Hotel Chelsea #2 he sings with just an acoustic guitar. It is amazing.


  8. 謝謝M與ping認同我對Anthem這首歌的抒感
    我並無法適切地翻譯出Leonard Cohen這首如詩般的歌詞

    Leonard Cohen 對於他的歌詞總是斟酌再三

    當我上網搜尋了一下是否有Leonard Cohen 之中譯歌詞
    還是看到了”Ring the bells that still can ring”翻成”有鍾堪鳴直須鳴”

    所以我想大家可以分享對Leonard Cohen 歌曲的情境與意涵
    Leonard Cohen 這位老紳士會不會衝到咱們這小島來找我算帳?

  9. Dear M:

    Thank you for your suggestion. Actually, I was thinking the same thing. 路上風景 is the most qualified person to translate this great song into Chinese.

    路上風景, what do you think? I dare you. 🙂


    I will put your new Chinese translation side by side with the English lyrics. Leonard Cohen will be smile at us.

  10. Dear 路上風景:

    Can I salute you? You are a better interpretor than me. Thank you for your contribution. I think your words will touch lots of peers in this blogsite. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

    It is our imperfection in human nature that will make us human and create infinite possibilities.

    As one of the comments I found in Youtube said it so well:

    “This song made me realize my flaws will bring me strength and clarity. ”

    It is this kind of songs that forces us to search inside and be touched and live again. I don’t know what the spiritual experience is but I know it is a privilege to hear this great poet singing this song from his soul. I was touched with tears in my eyes. I told myself that I will store this feeling and experience in a special place in my heart. Thank you, Leonard Cohen, for giving me this wonderful memory in my life.

    He is 74 years old now. He is so sexy and one can’t helped by attracted by his gentle manner, zen-like energy and mesmerizing voice and words.

    Please spend some time on youtube and read those comments from his loyal fans. Leonard Cohen has been my childhood hero. I didn’t understand what he sang during that time. I just like his black clothes, cool face and intoxicating voice. I listened to him for a period around 1988 when I came back to Taiwan. Most recently I was re-introduced to him by a dear friend of mine. I am now getting older and hopefully wiser to appreciate his wisdom words even more.

    It is my hidden agenda to plant a seed to introduce Leonard Cohen to the young generation of music lovers. Hopefully, one day when they are ready, they will appreciate this great poet’s song.

    Some people said Cohen’s song is dark and gloomy. I think his songs are inspiring because he exposes the despair and opens the new window for us to imagine and to hope. His words reach into our deepest fear and bewilderment.

    I cannot find a good video for this song from youtube. Please let me know if you like his other songs: I’m your man, secret life, tower of songs….

    Thank you for sharing your brilliant mind.



  11. Dear 路上風景
    You really capture the essence of this song. Would be great if you could translate the whole song into Chinese so more people can be touched by Leonard Cohen’s poetic words.

  12. 我覺得如此如智者與哲人般的歌者,如此低沈沙啞的嗓音,如此詩般的文字,
    很極致地訴說了人生的真實—-人並不完全自由,like the holy dove that will be caught,
    bought and sold again and again….
    也訴說了人生也從來並不完美—-常常只剩一堆碎片,只能儘量去拼湊可能的完美,by adding
    up the parts, but not having the sum…..
    以Leanard Cohen 的年歲與歷練
    他該有資格告訴我們—–人生總是要”盡其所能”,Ring the bells that still can ring,
    學習”殘缺”要教我們的哲理,There is a crack, a crack in
    因為從殘缺中才學習到”智慧” That’s how the light gets in.

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