鼓勵台灣的年輕人們–On becoming a Risk Taker



我常告訴年輕人們 “be the change”,要勇於做改變、挑戰現況,並且“Replace fear of the unknown with curiosity”–以好奇心來取代對未知的恐懼。唯有如此,你才能從中蛻變成一個更好的自己。

Do you have a dream?

If YES, just go ahead.

Only a person who risks is FREE.



On Becoming a Risk Taker

Risk taking is Free

To laugh is to risk appearing the fool,

To weep is to risk appearing sentimental,

To reach out for another is to risk involvement,

To expose feelings is to risk exposing your true self,

To place your ideas, your dreams before the crowd is to risk their loss,

To love is to risk not being loved in return,

To live is to risk dying,

To hope is to risk despair,

To try is to risk failure,

But risk must be taken,

because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing.

The person who risks nothing does nothing, has nothing and is nothing.

He may avoid suffering and sorrow, but he simply cannot learn, feel, change, grow, love, live.

Chained by his certitudes, he is a slave, he has forfeited freedom

Only a person who risks is free.

-Author Unknown-

2011/8/20 中廣流行網103.3 – 朱先生的專訪

播出時間 2011/8/20 8-9AM
主講人:朱平 & 殷士偉

Freda, this is for you.

殷士偉( David ) is a man with a mission. He is also a brilliant businessmaker. He built a total integrated solution in the business of listening, not eyeballing. 🙂 He and I could talk forever since we have so much in common.

Please be patient to listen through the audio commercial. It is a new experience for me because I seldom listen radio. In Dulan, I may develop a new interest in radio. I believe in the power of listening. It gives you room for imagination and emotional response to individual voice. Radio will be back because of the internet, new smart device and the nature of non-intrusiveness. You can listen to radio while you are cooking, driving or even reading. wIt is not like video which requires your eye balls.

Red Room is created with the same philosophy. I will push Red Room to have a net-radio with interesting interview in the future. Stay tune.

Freda, this is Taiwan, a place you can realize your dream if you want it bad enough. 🙂


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Playing for Change at the Red Room, September 17, 2011

One of the best Red Room events ever!

Here’s the introdution by Manav and me.

01-manav-and-ping-723-7 topstudiorecording

Click to see more pictures
Playing for Change @ Red Room. Click to see more pictures

Nick, a first -timer to Red Room, wrote this to me:

Last evening’s Red Room gathering was a first time experience for me and family and friends. The performances were creative, diverse, insightful, exciting, thought-provoking, brave, out of the box, inspiring, lesson-sharing, moving, personal, energetic, inspiring and aspiring. Many transcended time and space. They opened corners of life and mind that were often in unnoticed in shadow. Yoga, group meditation, poetry, prose, music, guitars, ukeleles, music ranging from Judy Garland to Teresa Teng, original compositions, theatre, drama, life and death. Artists of every genre. Color, tastes, minds eye, time travel, Shakespeare, Virgil’s tales of Aeneid, connecting beings and connecting souls. What a special energy and chemistry. Bravo to the artists of this world. There is a clarity, power, earth and life force that you have helped nurture and unlock. Keep doing it. The future is connected with the past thru you. Bravo to the people who make this happen. Hail something truly wonderful. Deeply appreciated. Third Saturday of every month on Da An Rd 2fl above Aveda between Chunghsiao and Jenai. Come, plan on it. Life is different with the Red Room. What a wonderful evening and experience! Breathless and calm and settling…don’t hesitate, rekindle the inner energy and let the earth be glad and your soul be touched.

Come and experience it for yourself. Join us next month on October 15 (every third Saturday of the month).


設計好生活講座: 生活也需要教練 / 陳郁敏 Ming, 6/29 (三) 20:00-21:30

我的好友/教練陳郁敏很少做公開講座,難得這次接受蘑菇的邀請,分享如何設計自己的生活。我鼓勵大家不只參加講座,更要主動把自己的困惑或問題提出來,ask Ming to coach you! 名額只限35人!不要錯過一個機會,馬上連絡蘑菇報名。









蘑菇2011夏日好樂 設計好生活講座
生活也需要教練 / 陳郁敏Ming
時間:6/29 (三) 20:00-21:30
地點: 蘑菇booday shop 2F

報名請點這 或 電洽 02-2552-5552#11

Ping is on air right now on www.radiodada.hk

在香港認識一位新朋友李永銓(Tommy Li),是一位非常獨特的設計創意人。他邀請我到他在他餐廳附設的一個網路電台受訪。如果有興趣聽我們的談話,可以在此上網看。http://www.radiodada.hk/#archive/dih20110518
