設計好生活講座: 生活也需要教練 / 陳郁敏 Ming, 6/29 (三) 20:00-21:30

我的好友/教練陳郁敏很少做公開講座,難得這次接受蘑菇的邀請,分享如何設計自己的生活。我鼓勵大家不只參加講座,更要主動把自己的困惑或問題提出來,ask Ming to coach you! 名額只限35人!不要錯過一個機會,馬上連絡蘑菇報名。









蘑菇2011夏日好樂 設計好生活講座
生活也需要教練 / 陳郁敏Ming
時間:6/29 (三) 20:00-21:30
地點: 蘑菇booday shop 2F

報名請點這 或 電洽 02-2552-5552#11

8 thoughts on “設計好生活講座: 生活也需要教練 / 陳郁敏 Ming, 6/29 (三) 20:00-21:30”

  1. One of these days is today, right now.
    You don’t need a mission, all you need is to sit down quietly, preferable in a shaded park with breeze, and write down that first sentence.
    Take your time, only write when you feel like it.
    Bit by bit, sentence by sentence, before you know it, it has become a manifesto of your thoughts or your beliefs.
    You can do it.
    You don’t need a mission.


  2. thank you for the encouragement. right now i want just to be lazy. one of these days, i may consider to write down my pieces of thoughts. my mission will is not strong as yours.

    have a nice day today, and be glad in it.

  3. Dear Freda:

    I would strong suggest you to write something, essay, poem, short story, novel or even your bio.

    Reading is not enough. Writing would make your mind runs free and engage you with a divine creative energy. Only through writing, your mind can have a chance to be clear, settle and regenerated again.

    Judging from the way you were writing here, you are a much better writer than me. You just need to find a higher purpose to do it.

    Yes, we are the lucky few. Of course, we all also paid our due. I will definitely call my girls more often now. Yes, we are all just one phone away or just a few clicks away. 🙂

    Keep sending the positive energy to me. I need it.



  4. yes, life is short, i am doing my best to challenge myself. reading still is my best hobby. so i always read something new and something old. from reading, i can open my eyes a little more each time. with this, i communicate with my kids in a deeper understanding and sometimes without words exchanged. the only thing they know from me is that i love them.

    you have two lovely girls too. i am sure they love you as much. cherish every chance you have to be with them. girls have a special attach to their fathers. they are just a phone call away.

    press on, and love life.

  5. Dear Freda:

    Thanks for the encouraging words. Ming is my new hero. I have learned so much from her as I did from you.

    I still remember the time we first met 37 years ago. I just noticed you because you are such a good church choir. I used to do bible study and go to church when I first came to the States. I just love the community feeling.

    You are right. We need to constantly re-invent ourselves by engaging new ideas and new friends. The key is to experiment with open mind.

    We are not built with fixed mindset. Whenever I heard people said they cannot change, I felt they have lost the opportunity to experience life fully. Change is only a mindset to re-enforce your risk taking ( losing face/failure ) and feel you can control your destiny, for good or for bad. You take the full accountability of becoming a better you.

    I think you have done a great work by bringing up two fine young people. I also believe now is the time you should do something crazy with Tony so you can be the person you never know. 🙂

    Keep the positive energy flowing,


  6. i have guessed. very impressive. a matching interests and mutual admiration are the best ingredients in a relationship. very happy for you.

    in life, i am always adjusting and reinventing and try to make everyday the best ever. my goal is simple, just be happy and leave no regrets. positive energy is always an important part of my daily life. i will try to keep it that way as long as i can. reading your and Ming’s posts will reinforce my effort. thank you for sharing.

    now, be good to yourself and don’t work too hard.

  7. Dear Freda:

    As you may or may not know, Ming is my girl friend and I am biased to her brilliance in executive coaching, life coaching and positive psychology.

    You can check on her work on http://www.thirdthinking.com

    I think you have lived a fulfilled life with an intimate relationship with your God.

    Now, with kids starting their own family. You also need to re-examine your priority and live an even more engaged life.



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