大陽台的生活 Terrace Living – a new lifestyle


只要打開報紙就可看到有關豪宅的大幅廣告。我有時懷疑,台灣真的有這麼多有錢人嗎?一個城市,如果都是豪宅,它的生命力及創造力在哪裡?從許多的資訊中我們已經知道一個城市的競爭力,在於文化創意階級 (cultural creative class) 的臨界量 (critical mass) 有多少。Richard Florida 早已提出城市必須要先能吸引創意階級,才能發展以創意文化為競爭力的經濟。


我們看到有越來越多的人願意取捨犧牲室內空間,換取較大而且可用的陽台空間。為甚麼不在一開始就設計一個足夠大的露台,至少 10 x 28 尺 可以放一個六人坐的長桌,一個daybed,一兩盆大樹,盡量將空間留給人而不是給花園。(我一直不喜歡空中花園,小山小橋小草坪。我情願留一個大的空間留給人。一兩棵大樹,綠化遮陽,帶點慵懶度假氣氛。)

四年前一個好友在香港置產,因為沒有錢,只能夠從老舊公寓中看到別人看不到的可能。終於找到一個小公寓,但他做了一個重要選擇,放棄 三分之一的室內空間,將原本為露台的空間還原,一時整個房子的空間亮了起來,戶外生活變成可能。只要允許,都在戶外吃飯宴客閱讀寫作。我笑著跟他說:你擁有香港的一片天空,比任何大豪宅都富有。


記得數年前,有一次被邀請參加一個豪宅建案所推出的“美感生活座談會”。座談會開始前接待的人特別帶我參觀豪宅的樣品屋。經過他的熱心親切專業的介紹後,我很禮貌的跟他說:很抱歉,我不是你們推動豪宅的客戶群。我不但負擔不起,更不習慣每天生活在五星級飯店的環境中。我要的是一個有獨特風格(character) , 有個性(personality) 及一定要有大露台的居住空間。 當下,我就決定應該推動一個提倡有大露台小室內空間的new lifestyle。



• 建商為甚麼不思考,我有責任讓台灣人居住品質越來越好。我可以創造完全創新以new lifestyle為主的產品 – 大陽台的生活。如此可以創造新的購屋群,雖然可能不會賺到很多錢,但我的商譽及我的經驗讓我在未來會有更多的機會,爭取到更大更獨特的建案。更重要的是,你留給後代的不是銀行有多少錢,而是你為社會,為人民的居住品質做了甚麼。

• 消費者為甚麼不思考,當你決定要擁有一個大陽台的戶外生活方式時,所產生的困難都僅是挑戰而已:每天可用水清洗保持陽台清潔,用蚊香驅蚊,裝風扇,在家不放貴重金錢首飾,裝設電眼保全。。。。


1. 大陽台的重要性是寬度,不是長度。有了寬度,才能放daybed及六人的桌椅。(大陽台就是你的戶外客廳,餐廳,辦公室。)因此最理想的大小是10 x 28英尺(8坪)或者是 8 x 20 英尺(4.5坪)。

2. 因為減碳節能是我們未來生活的一部分,因此在設計大陽台時應有曬掛衣物的設計。我曾看到有人按照衣物的顏色大小排列曬掛,因此曬掛衣物也可以變成裝置藝術的。

3. 減少公用設施坪數,增加自用坪數,因此不需太大的lobby。

4. 為了降低建造成本,全部使用國產建材,基本上沒有隔間,要讓消費者自己決定要用甚麼廚房浴室設備。最大的原則是提供最低總價的設計。

5. 我個人是喜歡平台式的大陽台,如此沒有屋頂,可以擁有一片天空,但在設計上會有挑戰。因此有屋頂的大陽台是唯一的選擇。

6. 大陽台8平,客廳/餐廳4.2坪,廚房2.8坪,主臥室4.2坪,客臥室 3.5坪,書房/辦公室3.5坪,浴室/廁所 2.5坪,客廁所1.6坪,儲藏室1.5坪,合計31.8坪。我知道以目前台北市的房地產價格,這個實用31.8坪的“大陽台生活”的lifestyle新產品至少要新台幣一千五百萬到兩千萬,但比起目前動輒 上億的豪宅來講卻是一個突破性的新產品。


我知道要在台北大都會區實現這個以lifestyle 為主的“大陽台生活”住宅非常困難,但至少我們已開始這個討論,能?發ICB讀者對lifestyle居住有新的思考。如果有足夠多的人要求這種改變,有一天就會出現新生代的建商,願意開發 “大陽台生活”的住宅產品。

正如同我的一位好友告訴我:朱平,你需要的是 一個不是做建築開發的人來完成這夢想,因為目前成功的建商,拿起計算機一算,就會說:謝謝,很棒的想法, 但不可能賺錢。



家庭作業: 請來信告知你在未來願意購買一個室內空間23.8坪但大陽台空間有8坪的31.8坪房子嗎?
(轉載自朱先生在International Creative Business (ICB) 雜誌每月專欄)

Update 2008.10.15


45 thoughts on “大陽台的生活 Terrace Living – a new lifestyle”

  1. Dear Perason:

    Just do it. This is why I am in Dulan so I can create my own big terrace living.

    If you don’t like what you see, go out and make something happened.

    This is why I started The Red Room movement and join the Dulan phenomena.

    Go ahead, young man, start your own club, your own movement, your own foundation and create your own job.

    Be the change,


  2. Dear Mr. Ping

    Recently I find out that more and more people try to changed their thoughts to everything surround by. They want to change not only because they go abroad seeing others live better, but also find that they live in the limitation like cocoon is created by themselves.
    When someone want to give a try to step just a little and cross it, they’re shocked because there’s nothing, there’s no barrier, and no limitation. But they’re still not dare to scream for the new discovery with full of happiness. Once they can breath in fresh air like budding, our city is changing. The speed to change is so fast that u can caress it.

  3. Dear 施尚廷:

    Thank you for your thoughtfulness and the commitment. I did talk to a few developers ever since I wrote this article. No lucks yet. Everyone was inspired by big terrace living. They just don’t have the resource or will to carry out. I cannot blame them for their inaction. It is too much risks for them too. This is why I joked to mention that I may have to become a developer to realize this dream for our future generation. 🙂

    What we need is one developer who is also an unreasonable man.

    Yes, please mail your proposal to my office at Canmeng. You can find it out from http://www.canmeng.com website.

    Be the change,


  4. Dear Banzai-Epoch:

    I took a look on your blog. I am glad to know that you have take this concept into your hands and transform your old house and lease a new life again.

    I know 張裕能. I am sure he wants to do better things all his life. I am happy to see working on such major project to provide big and livable balcony or terrace.

    Actually, my main theme is to provide affordable housing project for people like you and me, not for super rich. 30 to 35 ping should be good size for young people who just find a job and want to start a family or stay single. 8 ping should be allocated to outdoor living, 22 ping is for indoor living. I believe a good architect can design a house like this so more young people with this kind of lifestyle can afford the price.

    Indoor and Outdoor living is the future. Let’s hope we can see this kind of big terrace living products developed soon in Taipei.

    I am happy for you. Please post a photo for your final remodeling,

    Be happy,


  5. Dear 智媞:

    One day, we will find a developer who has the gut to create this big terrace ( balcony ) living with affordable price.

    Once I find this developer, i will ask all of you to stand out and be counted.

    I also believe it is an excellent business opportunity for the developer who have vision and courage.

    Let’s keep our finger crossed.



  6. 朱先生 我一直都超想要這樣的私人個人空間
    現在越來越多單身女子 獨立自主的
    擁有這樣的空間 有多棒 光是想像就已經很開心

  7. Dear Tim:

    Thank you for believing in yourself. As you know we need to be a Businessmaker too.

    You need to start a marketing campaign targeted to the right home buyers. You should find ways to engage with the creative professional people and sell the lifestyle that you want to advocate with your property.

    If you need any help, please let me know.

    I am so proud of you to take the initiative to create this big outdoor living project.

    If we cannot live in a place with personality and character, we will have a hard time to have a lifestyle that inspire creativity and imagination.

    We are how we live. 🙂



    1. Dear 朱平老師:
      祝!平安 喜樂 Tim

  8. 這文章在我心裡不斷的散發的提醒有如浪花一般,身為開發商的我其實也有著這樣的夢想,好笑,如朱老師說的”我仍然不放棄,因為我相信當市場有此需求時,真正成功的建商會想出方法滿足市場的需求。我也絕對會盡我之力,讓此計劃成功。雖不會賺到大錢,但也不會賠大錢。
    祝福 平安喜樂!

  9. Dear hailun@青蛙公寓:

    I simply love your comment. You really point out one thing that stops us to live a life that connects to the outside world.

    Can you believe that we consider an air tight space powered by air-conditioner is normal. I don’t. I always want open a small window so I know I am still connecting with outside. I just think the air that is not exchange with outside is not a fresh air. I felt stuffy and restless. I need fresh air from the window opening.

    The reality is that most architect and developer still think we want a box with no terrace or unusable balcony for putting washer machine or natural gas heater. These builders never believe that people want to live a life with outdoor space at the expense of their indoor space.

    We need to engage with these powerful builders. Hopefully, one day there is one builder who has enough faith in himself and us. He want to change the way we live in the metropolitan life. When that one day come, I want you all to stand up and make yourself accountable.

    Actually, I was thinking to find one architect to help me design this kind of big terrace living apartment and sold these properties at the bottom price. Will you buy from me if I can pull this magic out of my sleeve?

    Poor people living in Taiwan, we are condemn by the short of builders or developers who are willing to take the jump to produce this big terrace apartment for us.

    Let’s keep dreaming…

    Be brave,


  10. Dear 朱先生




  11. Dear Lamb Tang:

    I agree with you that there are many young generation developers want to do this kind of lifestyle oriented residence project. I will not give up easily. Let’s continue advocate this big terrace living. Who knows, one day we may find an enlightened developer who simply want to make his mark and make a difference in Taiwan’s real estate development.

    Thank you for letting me that I am not alone.


  12. 朱老師
    是有建築人與你一同 在追求大陽台生活的喔
    雖然很難 但是一步一步 一定會有用大陽台打動人的那一天:)
    一點一點的引誘 人們 漸漸發現了 半戶外空間的美好 與天相連的好日子

  13. Yes, the whole outdoor is your terrace.

    There is one of my secret places in Taipei. It is called Fortress Cafe, 2F, no. 98, Yen Ping South road, 02-2381-9551. It is one of the best kept secrets in Taipei for an amazing terrace in the heart of Taipei City.

    Let’s support Fortress Cafe before it is out of business due to the lack of support.

    We vote with what we buy.


  14. Dear Anne:

    I also think Kaohsiung and Taichung would be easier to have this kind of big terrace residential building. I am happy for you all. Taipie is very difficult due to the high price for the land.

    Well, let’s cross our fingers.


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