PPAPER Business


許多人已知道ICB 雜誌將更名為PPAPER Business 。我很高興從 PPAPER的第一期開始參與包益民先生的game changing雜誌出版事業。從AANGEL的第一期到他說服我為ICB第一期開始寫專欄,我看到包的用心及企圖心。我當然對包的PPAPER Business有許多期許,因為我一直認為台灣需要一個不同的business雜誌,專注在能與世界同步的創意,設計中小型企業,讓更多的年青人有更多的選擇,了解到“愛您所做”比“做您所愛”更有啟發性。從“愛您所做”開始認識自己,準備自己。唯有如此您才能夠找到真實的快樂。我也將我在PPAPER Business的每月專欄跟我的部落格做更多的連接及實驗。

23 thoughts on “PPAPER Business”

  1. Dear Sandy:

    Thank you for the Christmas gift to me.

    You are absolutely right that sharing makes people more positive and united.

    I think you should share your learning journey with you boss. Please remember that boss needs to be embraced too. I think you have a good boss who wants to push a culture of sharing.

    Thank you for sharing this story with us here too. I used to tell people when you share things with positive energy, you will be recharged by this positive energy. We need to have this abundance based philosophy, instead of the scarcity based duality philosophy.

    I want to congratulate you to find this simply pleasure by sharing your learning with your colleague.

    Let’s learn, share and grow together.

    Be the change,


  2. Dear Ping,


    I read the article about the fashion blog in Papper Business and shared with my colleague. We are marketing executives of hi-fashion industry. The blog give us more inspiration to our work.

    Our boss push us to share the new info each week. Be honest, I hate the assignment at beginning. Spending time to search the article in the magazine and internet make me feel sick. Week by week, I feel satisfied when sharing something interesting and meaningful to colleague or getting new knowledge from them. Little by little, I find the passion to my work through sharing.

    That’s why I feel adoration when I read your article.Sharing makes people more positive and united. I sincerely appreate your encoragement to us.

    Thank you
    Best Regards,


  3. Dear Annie:

    You just made my day. I want to thank you for taking time to let me know your feeling here.

    Let me assure you one thing: if you are really good at something due to the unconditional effort to love what you do, you will open new doors and prepare yourself for something you are destined to do. You will connect all the dots in your life when you devoted to love what you do.

    Do what you love is sometime an excuse or even an escape to confront the real reason that you fail to love what you do.

    We all change because we learn and we grow mindfulnessly. We really don’t know what we love to do until we have enough exposure to all the things coming into your life.

    Of course, there are people who always know what they love and pursuit it with vengeance. By accepting that we are not that lucky, we become humble and are willing to commit to love what we do. Once you have changed this mindset, you are free from the victim mentality or powerless trap.

    It is a mental game sometime. You just need to know how to get yourself enlightened with timeless wisdom.

    Life is difficult and unfair. Once we accept this, we can move on and be the best we can be.

    Shining eyes,


  4. 您好,

    一開始只是PPaper的偶然相遇,然而讓我有動力並且不在躊躇不前的是”愛您所愛 做您所愛”這篇文章。




  5. Dear Viva:

    Thank you for your kind comments. I enjoy our dialogue a lot. Working at flower shop is a great way to make people’s day too.

    There are lots of things need to be done about Taiwan’s salon industry. Canmeng Aveda and Canbran Pual Mithcell/Lebel/Utowa are working hard to re-define Taiwan’s beauty industry. I always believe that salon should be a place not make you look beautiful but feel beautiful too. To change the commission pay system is the first step so we can change salon from a fear based culture to a trust based culture. We are still in baby steps stage. Thank you for wiling to give Canmeng Aveda a chance to make this revolutionary change. Yes, all Canmeng Aveda salon or spa are not commission based but team based pay with 20% profit sharing program. Yes, all my company’s employee are 20% of owner of the company by this 20% profit sharing. I challenge all private company to do this: 20% profit sharing with their employee.

    Which company will you support? This is why I said we should vote with what we buy. We have to become a social conscience consumers so we can choose the right company to thrive and make this world a better place by letting nice guys finished first.

    Now, you know it is not just a superficial cool brand or cool interior design. A 21st intelligent consumers will buy what company stand for, not just how much discount they get. A discount society will only product discount job. No one will get a decent job eventually.

    I love Antipodes because of knowing the founder of this unique brand. They decided to use glass so the bottle can be recycled. They also purchased carbon credit to offset the carbon emission by shipping all the way from New Zealand to Taiwan. They are the first glass bottle water to become a carbon neutral company. Now, you know more than other people about Antipodes. Of course, Antipodes is from the most clean environment in New Zealand region. You can only purchase Antipodes from Nonzero now. We decided that we simply cannot handle the return policy of many big grocery store.

    Please try to set up your Paypal account so you can purchase more great items from Internet.

    I want to thank you for willing to get to know more about Canmeng Aveda. We are not a perfect company and we never claim we have no fault. However, we constantly try to find new ways to do new things. Taking risk is in our culture. Hopefully, you will be kind to us when we made mistakes.



  6. Dear Ping~









    Love profusion.


  7. Dear Viva:

    I will post something about the Kiva article I wrote in Ppaper Business. I am so happy to realize that you all are so supportive to Kiva. I still hope you will resolve the application for Paypal account and actually become a Kiva lender.

    Only then, you will realize that you can be a better person.



  8. Dear Viva:

    Thank you for your gift. Aveda with salon is the new thinking in experiential retail. Now, I know I need to do work harder to transform the impression that salon is not suitable for Aveda. I know long time ago that salon has an image stigma. People will associate Aesop or Kiehl or any products with cool design and better image than salon. I understand it completely. I also like Aesop and Kiehl with their great interior design and great concept. I wish them best of luck with their contribution to the shopping experience.

    However, Canmeng Aveda is very different from these other brands. All our stylists and frontline ( we called them Daymaker ) are not paid by commission, but by team based salary and profit sharing. We take the risk to trust people’s kindness and the desire to help people, not just work for commission or bonus. You can tell a company’s culture by the way they reward their team.

    I admit that we are always looking for the balance between sustainability and commercialism. We decided long time ago that sustainability is our mission.

    We seem not to have done a good job of telling our story. Thank you for reminding us that our display is not as artistic as other brands. We always strive to challenge us to do the impossible things. It is a challenging task to run a successful salon than a retail store. We all can create the coolest interior design and most beautiful bottle or package with talent and money. However, money and talent cannot bring you the holistic culture that we try so hard to build. We still have a long way to go based on your feedback of your actual experience with us.

    Thank you, again, to bring your observation to us. We determine to change your perception only if you allow us to interact with you. Please visit our office and get to know some of our Daymakers. You have an open invitation to visit our office, 2721-7909, for an appointment so we can share with you what we have been doing to revamp the salon industry and retail industry.

    It is my belief that people do not buy coolness, people buy what is behind the bottles or cool design. It is the soul of the people behind the products or brands that will make the difference.

    Unfortunately, this requires time and intimacy, not just a superficial chance encounter.

    Thank you, my friend, to bring this gift to me.

    Live, love, learn and laugh


  9. Dear Ping:









  10. Dear Jane:

    Business is the greatest game. Business with a soul is the game changer.

    I don’t know if you lend US$ 25.00 yet. I urge you to get involved, not just an audience. You may need to apply the paypal account to make the loan too.

    I have received two wonderful young men who had made the loan. I will invite you and other young people for a gathering when I am back from my business trip.

    In the mean time, congratulation to you to write to me. Now, you see, it is not hard at all. With this simple comment, you know yourself better. You can do it.

    Thank you for joining the tribe of learning and sharing.



  11. dear ping,

    我看ppaper business 已經有一段時間了





    更喜歡 有趣的商業環境


    我夢想當個 生意人



    只是 缺乏那麼一點動力



    並且加入了 kiva 的 member

    我相信 我可以幫助需要幫助的人

    不分國籍 不分年齡 不分男女

    我還需要點時間 研究這網站



    i can do it !

  12. Dear Viva:

    Thank you for your kindest words. Every time i receive a comment like yours, I am recharged and realized that my message is not wasted as there are people like you who get the message.

    Well, you need to learn how to communicate with your family members. The script goes like this:

    Dad and Mom, I know you love me and I feel the love you have for me. I am so lucky to have parents like you to care for my life and my happiness. However, I am really happy to try something new and expand my comfort zone so I can learn more about myself and life. I always want to get to know myself. This is the process i need to go through. No one can learn the lesson for me. I need to take full responsibility for my life. I am grateful for your love and your desire to protect me from being hurt. I am really happy with what I am doing now. You always want me to be happy, don’t you? Please don’t worry about me because I will definitely ask for your help when I need it. I know you will always support me when I need you. I love you for the rest of my life.

    To be honest with yourself and keep your family up to date about your progress is very important to build the trust with no surprises.

    Keep smiling and be a daymaker everyday,


  13. Dear Ping,

    非常感謝您四月的PPAPER BUSINESS又再一次給了大家正面的鼓勵,看到這句話真的有一絲想落淚的欣慰感.


    其實我們一直在為自己負責任,無論從 決定,轉換,歸零,再一次決定,任何的選擇似乎就是在認識自己.改變會付出代價,我能夠接受這些不能預期的結果.如果是您,您會給自己的孩子多少冒險或著限制多少?





  14. Dear Justine:

    Thank you for your kind words. You made my day.

    Yes, as you can see from my latest posting on BQ conference. I realized that we all somehow were trapped into a duality thinking.

    Let’s see if we can break this limited thinking through a new understanding of the power in reframing.

    Be the change,


  15. I am have been following PPAPER since it’s very first issues and enjoyed many points of view that you have published. This enticed me to attend a Simple Life event to see you in person.

    I especially enjoyed the issue about 「從心出發,創造工作意義」(published on經理人月刊) .This is shared by people throughout my colleague as well. Therefore, I would like to invite you, on behalf of my company, to give a speech on this topic on 2009, April.

    I am not sure if you remember, but I approached you about this invitation when I met you at 誠品講堂 on 2/8 (Sun). I am already in contact Amber from your company regarding this matter.

    I look forward to your reply.

    Best regards,


  16. Dear Lisa:

    Thank you for letting me know this. You are practicing daymaking and definitely made my day.

    This is exactly the reason that I post this photo. I was thinking one day we can post this kind of bill board advertising in Taipei too.

    Thank you for taking time to make this community yours.



  17. I love the picture you took in Copenhagen.
    (Replace fear of the unknown with curiosity)
    it’s very helpful and also reminds everybody, meanwhile, we need this attitude indeed, especially at this moment.

  18. Dear Cendryn:

    Yes, I remember you by clicking your name here. How is your team building business? How is Isabelle doing?

    You are amazingly industrious to learn how to read Chinese. I hope one day we can get to know each other well and share our many common interests.

    Thank you for dropping in. I really appreciate your comment here.

    Yes, see you in Nonzero or when our paths cross again.


  19. Hello,
    Chu Ping I am Cendryn, Isabelle’s French friend. I am always happy to read you as we definitely share many common interests. I am reading Ppaper since many years already. I like it very much but my reading is not that fluent so I am often quite frustrated. I would love to retrieve some computer file of the monthly articles that I could translate easily with google translate. Take care happy new year and see you soon in Fifi or Non Zero.

  20. Dear Ethan;

    Thank you for your posting.

    Yes, I think our reading habit has changed and the internet has changed the way we get our information. This is why the editorial team and columnists have become an important point of difference in many print magazines.

    Pao, Founder of PPAPER Group, is great with business sense, visual and graphic design. He has changed the game in Taiwan’s print magazine industry with his three magazines. ( PPAPER, AANGEL and PPAPER Business )

    Thank you for supporting ICB and PPAPER Business. Please let me know how you like the new PPAPER Business.


  21. Dear Vanessa:

    Have you found any great music that you can share with us here?

    I think you can buy new PPAPER Business now. Please let me know if you like the new version?

    If you want to keep reading your favorite magazine, you need to support it with your purchasing power. Otherwise, it will not be there for you due to the lack of support.

    Please vote with what you buy.

    Thank you for supporting PPAPER Business.


  22. 太好了
    期待PPAPER Business的上市

  23. Dear Mr. Chu,

    Happy Chinese New Year!!

    This is Vanessa, likes to share music with you if you still remember me.
    It’s so happy to hear that PPAPER BUSINESS will be published, few days ago I went to a bookstore for buying ICB magazine, but the bookseller told me it was ceased publication that’s so disappointed to me.
    But now, I can’t wait to read PPAPER BUSINESS….

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