

因為我發現絕大多數的人都願意改變,但力不從心,往往難以踏出改變的第一步。尤其對成為覺醒的消費者,用“we vote with what we buy” 的社會責任消費觀來改變社會,只停留在說,很少做的階段。因此我再一次提出一個每個人都可以做的新思維:只要我們在一百次的消費中,有一次做到 “we vote with what we buy” 的消費行為即可。

我自己不是聖人,我也從不要求每一個人是聖人。我們都有自私自利的時候,我只希望我們有1%的覺醒。在一百次消費中,有一次購買不污染世界的環保產 品。在一百次消費中,有一次去支持合乎您價值觀的企業及團體。在一百次消費中,有一次參與公益捐助行動。在一百次消費中,有一次是不在乎“對我有甚麼好處 ”(what’s in it for me?) 而在乎“我如何能參與”(how can I contribute?)。

我相信當我們能做到1%時,就會開始正向的循環,這種1%的good feeling會成為一個強大的驅動力,讓你有意識的要做到2%,3%,10%, 50%。您的人生價值觀,您的品格,您的魅力,都會因此而改變。

1%是讓我們從 be inspired 進入 get involved 到最後 take action。因此不要低估這1%概念的威力,它的力量能促使自己踏出改?的第一步。

這世界上的改變,永遠是從一小群人開始的。這一小群人也是從1%的覺醒 與行動開始的。

14 thoughts on “1%”

  1. Dear 波波:

    Thank you for joining me to remind people that they can do it, even do it 1% of the time.

    The idea is to relieve people’s self consciousness. We don’t expect everyone to be a saint. We just ask people to do some thing that they feel good about themselves. This 1% will increase to 2% and, before you know it, you are used to do these things without even counting how often you did it.

    Let’s become a Daymaker to those who serve us. We should be grateful for those people who are making an honest living by serving us. Please say thank you sincerely to your hairstylist or waiter. Even better, next time, bring some small gift to these people who make a living by serving you.

    One of my teachers told me: To serve is the reason that we come to this world.

    Let’s be a Daymaker to all those service providers.

    Love you,


  2. 1%雖然看起來不多,確能用這1%影響更多的1%,就像亞馬遜的蝴蝶一樣。從自身開始,讓得到的啟發開始動起來。買東西少拿塑膠袋,就是最好的行動。把我們對環境,對周圍的愛從這一刻開始。謝謝老師的分享。

  3. Dear Felix:

    Thank you for allowing me to post the link here so Taiwan’s young people can visit your blog and get a glimpse of the life in China from you.

    It is one of my dreams that young people from the Straits can engage in a meaningful dialogue.

    Thank you for droping in.


  4. Dear Felix:

    If I told you that I changed the host from wordpress to this new hosting and format for you, would you believe it? 🙂

    Yes, it is my primary reason to shift the webhost so people in China can also join our conversation. Please help me to spread the word. My original wordpress site simple cannot be opened in China.

    By the way, I want to have the honor to link your blog so my limited friends here can peek into your personal thoughts and realize that China’s strength is having so many of people like you, engaging in a personal crusade to make a difference in their own way. Your blog is amazingly thought provoking. Could you give my blog address?

    1% philosophy is to let us be free to do things that we, subconsciously, want to do but are afraid of doing it for fear of being put on the cross and examined by the public.

    1% philosophy is especially needed in China now. With a need to a new awareness for ethical business and integrity, 1% is the powerful tool to re-awaken consumers that they are not powerless. Please vote with your wallet, at least 1% of the time.

    Please join the conversaton and share with us your thought and experience with us in your world. My friends/peers are here eagered to welcome you and want to engage with you.

    You know that I want to create an English friendly environment so we will not be afraid of English. However, you are welcome to write in Chinese to express your emotion authentically.

    Be the change,


  5. Dear Ping,

    It’s a great experience to access your blog in mainland China, now we can communicate freely:)

    I think 1% concept is a very practical way to improve ourselves, I always keep it in mind to develop my life and business.

    All the best and hope to see you and Taiwan soon.


  6. Dear Ru-Ling:

    Actually, your writing on this blog has ripple effect to all readers.

    I have been trying very hard to remind young people tht English is the easiest language to learn. The English comment we made here is to create an English environment for readers.

    You have to listen to your inner voice. I am glad that you are joining the conversation here.

    In many ways, this is the blog for you and all participants too.



  7. Ping,

    Thank you for the praise you lavished on me about my writing ability. I am both flattered and humbled by your compliment. Tell you the truth, it’s always a challenge for me to write anything, be it short or long. I have to revise my draft again and again. The difference between my peers and myself is that I have more spare time to spend on polishing the writing. My desire to express my inner thoughts freely helps to motivate me too. Now, you know the story.

    I looked up the recommended website, http://www.wordpress.com. However, one of your passing thoughts caught my attention, that’s the one about not blogging what doesn’t help us intellectually. I think that’s the real reason in my mind, ’til then not crystal clear to myself, when I said the idea of setting up my own blog hadn’t stuck in my head yet. I am glad your unintentional(?) passing thought allowed me this moment of reflection. Thus perished the thought to have my own blog.

    Moving along in our lives, we all receive countless advices, intentionally dispensed or not. Some click; some don’t. This is one of them that clicked and you are the person whom I will ever remember to attribute it to.

    Thanks, genuinely from the bottom of my heart.

  8. Ru-Ling Dear:

    You are definitely biased.

    I am just having fun here. Yes, I do think the only way to change the world is by changing oureselves first.

    You should take action, instead of contemplating. It is really reasy to set up your blog. Please visit the http://www.wordpress.com and chose one template that you like. Here you go. You can talk to the world. It is also free.

    I truly believe that next big movement in the web 3.0 is the expert generated contents. The user generated contents ( web 2.0) have created a paradox of choice for most of people. We only have limited time to browse the web. I will be the first one to encourage people to go running or do outdoor activity, instead of reading anyone’s blog.

    We don’t want to waste our time on the frivilous contents that are fun to view, but really did not make an impact in your growth, intellectually or spiritually.

    We need to start a dialogue that can stimulate our creative spirit, awaken our long lost innocence and replenish our passion.

    I still think that I am blessed with all these wonderful readers who are willing to invest their time to encourage me and create this platform with me.

    It is part of their blog too.

    Thank you again for sharing your impeccable English writing on my blog. I am impressed by your English writing.

    Please enjoy the third phase in your life.



  9. Dear Tshung Chuan:

    Of course, you can share this article with your friends.

    The idea of 1% is to tell people that we all can culitvate a new habit by taking tiny baby steps. We do all these good deeds in order to get to know ourselves. This is motivated by self interest. We don’t do this 1% behavior change for the sake of noble cause. We do it because we want to do it. We are only accountable for our own behavior, not even to society expectation.

    Let’s start this 1% movement.


  10. Hello, Ping,

    It’s really great to see you work so hard for trying to awake people’s conscious to contribute their share in improving the society they are in. I have to solute you for the efforts you put to better our homeland as evidenced all over the place on your website.

    Frankly, I am surprised to see such a contentful screen in front of me upon entering this site. Then again, knowing you personally, I shouldn’t be surprised after all. May I venture to say that this exchange, intellectually, educationally or otherwise, between you and your readers must be the most gratifying of all your works. Keep it up, our homeland needs more people like you!

    I have a feeling that for the first time in my life, I am developing a passion for writing now and a few friends suggested me to set up my own blog. However, it hasn’t stuck in my head yet, for I still have a long way to go before I can be as comfortable as you are in conversing with your readers.

    Truely a good man, you are.

    Ru-Ling (Gi)

  11. 很棒的想法! 應該好好的推廣出去! 人是很健忘的!
    要屢次的被提醒! 我們都知道環保的重要!
    感謝您的智慧與分享! 我想引用喔!

  12. Dear Freda:

    Thank you for dropping in. Your comments are alwasy our inspiration. I start this 1% movement to free people from procrastination and cynical attitude.

    I am extrememly happy to see you here.

    How is Tony and you two brilliant kids?. Please ask them to join the conversation. I may be in the position to help him if they are in the mid of job /life strrggle.



  13. BRAVO!!! 只要有1%的讀者以行動來支持你的看法, 我們的社會滿有希望! 謝謝你的努力. 願我們從自己開始, 從現在開始.

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