Nonzero is taking a break to regroup





Dear loyal friends of Nonzero:

Ping Chu, the owner of Nonzero believes that Taipei surely has enough like-minded patrons to support Nonzero’s mission. You are one of the reasons that Nonzero has survived for the last 7 years.

After 7 years of operation, we realized that there is still quite a gap between what we have accomplished and what we initially set out to do. We found it difficult to improve and maintain existing service while constantly short of staff. So we decided to temporary stop operation from February 17, 2013 until further notice, we anticipate it will be about 4-6 weeks. This respite gives us the chance to re-examine the current business model, food menu, building a new team, and most importantly to introduce a new alternative to the food scene that is authentic to Mr Chu and my international lifestyle. We will continue to need your support, even more so than before.

I always like simple and delicious healthy food with rich and layered flavours. There are so many interesting foods around the world from different cultures. This is Mr Chu’s original vision for Nonzero, a place of adventure and excitement through delicious and healthy food from all cultures. At Nonzero, we want to introduce and?share these exciting foods with our friends and inspire you to try it at home yourself.

This is the vision for the new Nonzero and we need your support. I would love to hear your feedback on this new concept. My email is During this temporary respite and regroup period, our whole team will be working tirelessly to get us ready to serve you again in about a month’s time. If you pass by Nonzero, do drop in to say hello. Any enquiries please call us at our usual number 02-27721630 or email

Ming and the Nonzero team

February 17, 2013



非零Nonzero 創辦人朱平先生相信在台北一定有著一群擁有共同理念的人,相信並且以行動支持非零的使命。您正是Nonzero 能走過這七年的理由之一。

經過七年的營業,我們發覺實際所做到的和我們心目中的夢想還有一段距離。然而在人手一直不穩定的情況下,我們無法兼顧正常操作和改革更新。在此我很遺憾地通知大家,Nonzero 自二月十七日起,將暫時不提供服務,休息時間預期是四至六週。這短暫的停頓,讓我們有機會重新檢視現在的經營方式、菜單,與團隊重整,更重要的是給大家一個新的選擇,一個能真實地反映我和朱先生所要創造的多元文化的飲食生活。實現這個理念,我們將需要您的支持,比過往更多的支持。

我一向喜歡簡單、美味、健康,帶有豐富層次風味的食物,尤其是從世界各地不同文化所蘊育出的美食。最近的一趟旅程,我造訪了明尼蘇達州的明尼阿波理市,在一家名叫The Wedge Co-op 的超市,發現了許多新的食材,像是從黎巴嫩來的石榴糖漿,還有一種來自衣索比亞叫做Teff 的穀物。這正如朱先生對Nonzero 最初的願景,創造一個平台,透過來自各地的健康美食,讓我們大家的生活充滿好奇和冒險。在Nonzero 我們想把這些有趣的食物介紹、分享給朋友,並鼓勵大家把新體驗帶回家自己也試做。

這就是新的Nonzero 的願景,我們真切地需要您的支持。我很希望能聽聽您對這個概念的想法,歡迎寫信給我,來信請寄到。在這短暫的休息時間,我們整個團隊努力工作,為接下來的服務做好準備。如果您路過非零餐廳,我們應該都在裡面工作,歡迎您進來看我們。如需聯絡我們,請致電02-27721630 或。

2013 的蛇年對Nonzero 來說,將是一個更新、轉型的時機。

Ming 和非零團隊
2013 年2 月17

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