大陽台的生活 Terrace Living – a new lifestyle


只要打開報紙就可看到有關豪宅的大幅廣告。我有時懷疑,台灣真的有這麼多有錢人嗎?一個城市,如果都是豪宅,它的生命力及創造力在哪裡?從許多的資訊中我們已經知道一個城市的競爭力,在於文化創意階級 (cultural creative class) 的臨界量 (critical mass) 有多少。Richard Florida 早已提出城市必須要先能吸引創意階級,才能發展以創意文化為競爭力的經濟。


我們看到有越來越多的人願意取捨犧牲室內空間,換取較大而且可用的陽台空間。為甚麼不在一開始就設計一個足夠大的露台,至少 10 x 28 尺 可以放一個六人坐的長桌,一個daybed,一兩盆大樹,盡量將空間留給人而不是給花園。(我一直不喜歡空中花園,小山小橋小草坪。我情願留一個大的空間留給人。一兩棵大樹,綠化遮陽,帶點慵懶度假氣氛。)

四年前一個好友在香港置產,因為沒有錢,只能夠從老舊公寓中看到別人看不到的可能。終於找到一個小公寓,但他做了一個重要選擇,放棄 三分之一的室內空間,將原本為露台的空間還原,一時整個房子的空間亮了起來,戶外生活變成可能。只要允許,都在戶外吃飯宴客閱讀寫作。我笑著跟他說:你擁有香港的一片天空,比任何大豪宅都富有。


記得數年前,有一次被邀請參加一個豪宅建案所推出的“美感生活座談會”。座談會開始前接待的人特別帶我參觀豪宅的樣品屋。經過他的熱心親切專業的介紹後,我很禮貌的跟他說:很抱歉,我不是你們推動豪宅的客戶群。我不但負擔不起,更不習慣每天生活在五星級飯店的環境中。我要的是一個有獨特風格(character) , 有個性(personality) 及一定要有大露台的居住空間。 當下,我就決定應該推動一個提倡有大露台小室內空間的new lifestyle。



• 建商為甚麼不思考,我有責任讓台灣人居住品質越來越好。我可以創造完全創新以new lifestyle為主的產品 – 大陽台的生活。如此可以創造新的購屋群,雖然可能不會賺到很多錢,但我的商譽及我的經驗讓我在未來會有更多的機會,爭取到更大更獨特的建案。更重要的是,你留給後代的不是銀行有多少錢,而是你為社會,為人民的居住品質做了甚麼。

• 消費者為甚麼不思考,當你決定要擁有一個大陽台的戶外生活方式時,所產生的困難都僅是挑戰而已:每天可用水清洗保持陽台清潔,用蚊香驅蚊,裝風扇,在家不放貴重金錢首飾,裝設電眼保全。。。。


1. 大陽台的重要性是寬度,不是長度。有了寬度,才能放daybed及六人的桌椅。(大陽台就是你的戶外客廳,餐廳,辦公室。)因此最理想的大小是10 x 28英尺(8坪)或者是 8 x 20 英尺(4.5坪)。

2. 因為減碳節能是我們未來生活的一部分,因此在設計大陽台時應有曬掛衣物的設計。我曾看到有人按照衣物的顏色大小排列曬掛,因此曬掛衣物也可以變成裝置藝術的。

3. 減少公用設施坪數,增加自用坪數,因此不需太大的lobby。

4. 為了降低建造成本,全部使用國產建材,基本上沒有隔間,要讓消費者自己決定要用甚麼廚房浴室設備。最大的原則是提供最低總價的設計。

5. 我個人是喜歡平台式的大陽台,如此沒有屋頂,可以擁有一片天空,但在設計上會有挑戰。因此有屋頂的大陽台是唯一的選擇。

6. 大陽台8平,客廳/餐廳4.2坪,廚房2.8坪,主臥室4.2坪,客臥室 3.5坪,書房/辦公室3.5坪,浴室/廁所 2.5坪,客廁所1.6坪,儲藏室1.5坪,合計31.8坪。我知道以目前台北市的房地產價格,這個實用31.8坪的“大陽台生活”的lifestyle新產品至少要新台幣一千五百萬到兩千萬,但比起目前動輒 上億的豪宅來講卻是一個突破性的新產品。


我知道要在台北大都會區實現這個以lifestyle 為主的“大陽台生活”住宅非常困難,但至少我們已開始這個討論,能?發ICB讀者對lifestyle居住有新的思考。如果有足夠多的人要求這種改變,有一天就會出現新生代的建商,願意開發 “大陽台生活”的住宅產品。

正如同我的一位好友告訴我:朱平,你需要的是 一個不是做建築開發的人來完成這夢想,因為目前成功的建商,拿起計算機一算,就會說:謝謝,很棒的想法, 但不可能賺錢。



家庭作業: 請來信告知你在未來願意購買一個室內空間23.8坪但大陽台空間有8坪的31.8坪房子嗎?
(轉載自朱先生在International Creative Business (ICB) 雜誌每月專欄)

Update 2008.10.15


45 thoughts on “大陽台的生活 Terrace Living – a new lifestyle”

  1. 事實上.在高雄有些建商會接受這樣的看法.在左營區就有這樣的大樓.雖然不到8坪大小的陽台.但是270度角圓弧看山又看海ㄉ陽台.超美ㄉ.很快.新一代的觀念會蔓延.

  2. Dear JY:

    I think everyone would love to have a big terrace outdoor living space. The challenge is to set the priority. My writing is to remind people to chase their dream and accept the necessay trade off. Again, the biggest challenge is that we don’t have any options available for us to make this trade off in Taipei. My goal is to inspire future builders to provide this ” product ” for us. Let’s make some noice so these builders will know that there is a big demand for this kind of outdoor living space.


  3. Dear Dean:

    It is my honor to have the chance to get to know you and your group. Anyway, I am glad that I touch a few souls. 🙂 Yes, please become a regular here to share your thoughts with our friends here.

  4. 朱先生您好:

  5. 朱先生很高興能在周四的夜晚在世貿聯誼社聽了您ㄧ場對我來說非常振憾的分享,我很榮幸擔任當晚主持人,你對生活態度的追求與堅持也是我一直在效法與跟隨的,

  6. Dear Ru-Ling:

    You will be a invaluable addition to this blog by sharing your brilliant mind and unique life experience with us here in Taiwan.

    Life is not a destination , but a journey. We welcome distraction and excursion. This is why we need bewilderment than cleverness.


    Please visit the above website. It is my other blog that my team has set up for my writings. I love the comments made by my friends.

  7. Oops!

    Two mistakes on my part:

    1. I was thinking narrowly of the broader consumers.
    2. I was trying to convey my preference of a balcony with one
    and only one function of “relaxation,” as opposed to the
    outdoor-living space embraced by you, which for me denotes a
    multi-function purpose.

    Apparently, I failed in that I didn’t clarify my thoughts well enough and added too many descriptive words, like beautiful or green, so as to cause some misunderstanding about my intention.

    Regardless, the only thing I actually disagree with you is that I, for one, see greens in the balcony as a soothing agent, not a vanity garden. And, that certainly means I put myself, instead of the garden, first.

    Hey, you don’t mind an occasional well-meaning distractor like me to join this interesting and enlightening forum, do you?


  8. Dear Ru-Ling:

    Thank you for your input.

    You are right on that we can always improve the existing old flat to have a better livig space. However, the idea for my writing is to encourage the builder to create a new housing product that caters to the cultural creative people who are single or couple with no kids.

    I am not advocating a garden like balcony living either. I am proposing an out door living space, not a green space. I want to put people first, not the plant/flower first in our outdoor space design.

    There are great outdoor furniture that you can use to accentuate the outdoor living experience.

    One more thing, Taipei’s air is not that bad in the morning and evening time. Life is always a trade off. We need to know what we really want first. If outdoor living is what you want, the daily cleaning is the price to pay for your lifestyle.

    Let’s hope that one day, people in Taiwan will learn to live a life of their choice.


  9. Here’s what I thought from afar on the other side of The Pacific:

    The polluted air and capricious weather pattern in Taipei could be a hindrance to your advocacy of a terrace-living lifestyle. Being a homemaker for the past three decades, I can assure you it’s no small job to wash clean the 8 pings of the space that is exposed to the dirty air everyday. If left uncleaned for a long while, the formed cake of dust would be punishingly difficult to clean.

    Nonetheless, I am excited to see you embrace this lifestyle. A beautiful balcony is so enticing that an enthusiastic following is rightfully anticipated. I, for one, see it as an uplifted yard where people can smell a little bit of green and touch a little bit of nature. Hopefully, by stepping into this small carved-out space, feeling relaxed and refreshed afterward, we can regain our stamina after a day’s hard work and start anew mentally or physically for a brand new day.

    Along this line of thinking, may I suggest to first focus on modifying the existing flats in Taipei? Why not start from there and conveniently make it a small soothing space first? By good design or re-arrangement, it is feasible. We may just put a shade umbrella and two chairs; a pot of green here; and a pot of color there. Elegance doesn’t have to come with a big room. Better yet, why not espousing flower-planting on the balcony first? Can’t wait too see the flower-blossoming “balcony-scape” of Taipei.

    Summarily, I am all for the idea of a well-utilized balcony space. However, we could start small by improving the underutilized ones in the existing flats. After people see and inspired by the beauty of it then maybe the whole idea of a much larger balcony can be realized, sooner and lasting longer.

    How I can’t wait to see a sophisticated Taipei, drowned in a sea of fresh natural colors on the ground and in the air. That’s so green!

  10. Dear Emily:

    Congratulation for your first book. Now, you are an author.

    Yes, I remember you and I have just visited your blog again. I am proud of your determination to find your own medium to share your life with broader audience.

    My life for boutique hotel hunting was over long time ago. I still remember the first time I visited NYC and was mesmerized by Andree Putman’s Morgan and Phillippe Starck’s Roylton. It was almost 20 years ago. I have stopped being Aman junkie ten years ago. I am more interested in the different kind of travel that is on pilgrimage with primitive experience. I am sure that you will also outgrow the obsession of the hippest hotel when you are older. 🙂

    The real luxury in travel is the privacy and the chance encounter with interesting people.

    Thank you for supporting the new outdoor lifestyle living. Hopefully, one day, we will have an unreasonable real estate developer who will create this kind of living space for us.

    Please say no to no.


    Yes, you can send your book to Canmeng office.

  11. DEAR朱老師~

    p.s 朱老師,之前曾在您sex and the city 一文留言,承蒙您熱情的回應,近日我出版了拙作{一夜叛逃:我在時尚旅館}(由大塊文化出版),想與老師一同分享,直接寄至[肯夢]您就會收到嗎?

  12. Dear Tai:

    Thanks for dropping by. Please join the conversation. Now, we know we will never be alone. 🙂

    I am still experimenting this medium. Please join me to find a more sustainable way to make a difference by our baby steps.

    1% is the message of my life.


  13. Dear Esther:

    You are right on. We just want to make our voice heard and create a demand for this kind of lifestyle based living space.

    I think it is our fault that we put too much emphasis on the valuation of the property based on Price per Ping. We don’t count the design and the lifestyle living into the total valuation.

    Only through the re-education of our younger generation can we stop this conventional wisdom.

    This is the reason that I started this blog and wrote monthly column for International Creative Business magazine.

    Thank you for contributing in this dialogue.


  14. 我想所謂的居住空間 指的是讓自已舒服的空間
    希望能讓更多建商了解到 人對free space的需要
    未來應該不需要再依建商的需求 建立更大的鳥籠

  15. Dear Deja:

    Again, we want to make sure that real estate developer can still make money. Therefore, we need to find a most economic way to create this property.

    I have so many young people, especially in the creative business, who wrote to me and raise their both hands to support this kind of lifestyle property.

    Sometime, I think the only way to make it a reality is to go out to raise money or beg super rich real estate tycoon on my own to build a property like this. 🙂

    Thanks for your support.


  16. Dear Erick:

    Please keep searching and spreading the message. If we can create the demand. One day, we will see real estate developer start ingto build big balcony property.

    It may require a generation to see this happen. I know my mother generation will think this is crazy to trade off every day used interior space for occasionaly used exterior space.

    This is a lifestyle choice, not so much a money issue.

    Thank you for your posting.


  17. Dear Freda:

    You are so right.

    I still have a few secret gardens in Taipei so I can enjoy the great outdoor space within 30 minutes of taxi ride. I usually block my time duing the week day and spend the entire afternoon to write and to contemplate at these great outdoor space.

    Taipei is the most under-rated city in the world. You can go to the national park, hot spring, ocean, hiking trails, waterfall, mountain get away within one hour drive.

    I love Taipei.


  18. Dear Suman:

    Yes, you are not alone. I just want to use my influence ( if I have any ) to tell Taiwan’s real estate developer to look into this new lifestyle product.

    Please note that the total size of the usable space is still only 31.5 Ping. Hopefully, this small size can reduce the price and make it affordable for most middle class who are either sigle or make a conscious decision to stay single or not raising a family.

    Thank you for taking time to let me know you support this project.


  19. Dear Kathy:

    I am so happy for you. You have the courage to resist the conventional wisdom.

    I will recommend you to invest in a really good outdoor daybed or furniture.


    Now, the ourdoor furniture is so well designed that is better than the indoor furniture sometime. It would be a very worthwhile investment. ( If you spread the investment over ten years, you will see that it is not so expensive after all. )

    Thank you, Kathy, for leaving me such a happy note.


  20. Dear Tsung Chuan:

    Yes, I also received many emails that overwhelmingly agree to choose a bigger outdoor space at the expense of the smaller indoor space. It is a major shift in putting the lifestyle ahead of the practical usage.

    You are very insightful on my hidden agenda in this article:

    1. Moving out of your parent’s house as soon as you can so you can live a life you choose to.
    2. Lifestyle vs. utilitarian life
    3. Ultimate goal vs. noise ( all reasons that you cannot have bigger balcony ..)
    4. Creating demand
    5. Finding that unreasonable real estate developer

    Let’s keep pushing…


  21. 願意

  22. 朱老師

    如果有一個雨天可以出現 晴天可以隱形的透明大遮雨板

  23. 哇 朱平

  24. hello Mr. Chuping

    I’m kinda surprised that you take balcony
    a serious issue to talk about,
    I thought I’m the only one who want this kind of life style,
    most of the apts in Taipei don’t provide this “luxury space”,
    only those who can afford a Benz or BMW are affordable ~

    but thank you for let me know I’m not alone, and I’m happy to
    raise both my hands up to support this life style!


  25. Dear朱先生:我在兩年前買了一間預售屋,當時好興奮找到
    這樣的產品, 在頂樓有8平的露臺,每次想像在自己的大陽台看書,沉思,喝下午茶和一家四口躺在露台看星星,和朋友們在露台聊天曬太陽就覺得好享受 ,很多朋友問我為什麼不買樓下兩戶打通,可用的室內空間會增加許多,把8坪的空間拿來做房間,整體會更豪氣,我說我喜歡大陽台,他讓我感覺和世界連結,有一個可以讓我放慢腳步享受當下的空間我很期待有大陽台的生活,我最近交屋了,在和設計師討論規劃,看到朱先生的文章很開心有人和我一樣,家,應該是可以讓人放鬆,休息和自己相處的地方^^未來我會跟身邊更多的人分享我的大陽台生活,(下次我們私塾同學聚會也許可以安排在我的大陽台喔!!)

  26. 謝謝您~這篇文章不僅敘述了生活空間的價值!
    應該是很受用的! 我長年跟家人住在一起,多年來也還無法置產,擁有屬於自己的空間! 生活在台北,更不會去想要花錢租屋而居,從來沒有過任何屬於自己的美學創意……..

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