
我想與大家分享第二個快樂製造機的故事。AL 參加了我在學學的私塾後,決定嘗試自己的快樂製造機。這是AL與我的email對話。


Dear 朱平老師

我在台中開了個『養生銀行』,現在已經有二家分行,我每天最開心的事,就是聽到小朋友大聲的喊,這裡有牛ㄟ,有魚ㄟ(我們有個小牛的雕像和一個魚 池)。那天,我也做了個實驗,我自己換了100元零錢,只要是來結帳的客人在掏零錢的時候,我就用這些零錢先幫他支付,客人可以還我,也可以不還。我想知 道 一天下來,我會比100元多,還是少於100元,你猜到結果嗎?

嘿嘿!我最後結算2,586 元,(扣除我的100元)





Dear AL
You made my day by not only being a Daymaker but also a Ripplemaker. This is the best story that I’ve heard in a long time. I am in complete bliss now. I salute you for being such an inventive doer.

Please remember that I am not your teacher. I am your peer. I am so privileged to get to know you all. I challenge you all to find your own way to start this ripple effect based on the law of 1%.

May I use your story for my next ICB and my blog so more people can be reached by your ripplemaking? You will have a happy life by being a Daymaker everyday. Your business will also thrive with positive energy you cultivate. I am so proud of you.

Be the change and give love.


Dear 朱平老師


我回覆您的答案是,『我願意』. 快樂基金目前正在累積當中,現在是 3,150. 希望您有平安快樂的一天