
Love is taking risk. Feel the risk and do it anyway. – Ping Chu –

Love at UPenn

最近接受Elle 雜誌的專訪,希望我能在新的一年,分享有關愛的議題。我認為Elle 雜誌的立德先生問的問題很好。特地花了時間將我的回答附錄於後:

Love is to be able to be your authentic self with this person. It makes you want to be a better person.

Part mentor part friend. Parental love is about providing a safety net and safe haven so our children can feel secure to pursue their own dream. It’s never about playing the guilt card. I don’t expect my children to live my dreams.

Family members are bound by genetic code sharing. Love is about choice, about whom you consciously choose to commit to.

After I’ve accumulated some life experiences and became aware of my own mortality, only then I started to appreciate love more. Mature love is the trend now because divorce is more common and we live longer. Love is just as essential for mature people as young people.

The more you give, the more you have.

In Chinese culture, expressed love is not considered as divine as unspoken love. Contrarily to this, I believe it is crucial to express our love. Saying “I love you” is good but we need to take it a step further to also express our gratitude.

Please say “Thank you for loving me” to your loved one today.