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14 thoughts on “學學私塾”

  1. Dear MLY:

    🙂 🙂 🙂

    Now, I practice the dialogue whenever I visited my doctor:

    “Oh, Miss nurse. I would rather wait outside so this patient can have some privacy. I will be wait right at the ouside door and I promise you that I would not delay the process. Can you permit me to wait outside? Thank you. ”

    ” Doctor, can you do me a favor? Can I ask you to stand up while I tell you how I feel today and why I am here today? I think you need to do some stretch so you can be recharged. ”

    After saying this, I stood up and started to stretch my body, right and left, up and down. If you do it assertively and politely, most doctor would love to have this pleasant interruption.

    I know Doctor Tsou, my doctor for the last 12 months. This is why I can plead him to stand up and give himself a break.

    Thank you, MLY, for your sharing.

    Be the change,


  2. Hi, Ping Chu lao shi,
    Read about your article from old issue of I Love Yoga; saying your are being “forced” to listened conversation between doctor and the patient. Well, your are lucky enough to listen to one patient conversation, i have bad experience where 3 patients inside the doctor’s room! I heard and seen everything.


  3. Dear 正宜:

    I am flattered by your kind words. Professor Yang is a pioneer in system thinking and conscious business. I think he is smart to direct you to learn things your own way. The best teacher is to teach you how to learn things yourself. Most importantly, how to discipline yourself a critical mind and positive attitude.

    I am not anyone’s hero or teacher. Please don’t accept everything I said without a critical investigation or interviewing of my team and our customers.

    One more advice, you need to learn your lesson your way. You can never be me.

    Once, you treat me as your peer, you start learning with wisdom, not with reverance.

    I visited your map in social networking blog. You did a great job to recap what you have learned from reading my articles. I don’t think anyone has done this. I am humbled.

    If you really interested in my business practice, please google me and you will find an excellent master thesis from one of Professor Yang’s students. She did a great work by applying what we did with Professor Yang’s system thinking with all positive re-enforcement loop.

    Please let me know if you find out this thesis. You can check out with Professor Yang too.

    The future trend is to know some thing very well and become an expert in this. You may become an expert in Mr. Chu’s lfie philosophy and practice in conscious business. 🙂

    Again, we are not even close to the level of conscious business yet. Howeve, we are learning every day towarding a Consious Business in Taiwan.

    I firmly believe that Conscious Business is THE way to integrate work and life with a higher purpose.

    I am glad to know you.

    Please say hi to Professor Yang.

    Businessmaker, Daymaker, Ripplemaker

  4. 朱老師~~您好,我是楊碩英教授的旁聽學生,教授給我們一項作業就是研讀您的BLOG ,我想LINK您的BLOG做線上讀書會,所以先跟您知會一聲, 這是我的網誌,是主要網站~http://map.answerbox.net/user-42668.htm, 但,她目前是一架飛碟,所以讀書會將放在http://map.answerbox.net/user-57591.htm 我叫 黃正宜 一位半年之內減了40公斤的人~徹底改變自己重新做人^O^很高興認識朱老師~~閱讀您的文章讓我感到~很快樂! ^_^ 楊教授的旁聽生 黃正宜

  5. Dear Yamina:

    First, all my companies are not as perfect as you thought yet. We are miles awasy from the Cirque du Soleil.

    However, we do try harder to reach the vision that we have: The integration of work and life in our life.

    Again, you need to take some action to visit our Aveda store or salon/spa, Nonzero restaurant to see if we are doing the right things. You simply cannot know us by reading my blog. Yu can ask our team if they like to work with Canmeng/Canbran/Canlove Nonzero? Will they recommend their brothers or sisters to work with us? Will our customers recommend our service to their best friends?

    Thank you for taking time to encourage me and become my daymaker today.

    We vote with what we buy,


  6. 朱先生,您好

    我是第一次造訪您BLOG的人, 對您的理念相當的同意, 尤其是在企業的經營管理上有種心心相印的感覺, 讓我不由得想起了太陽馬戲團, 本來我以為那樣的企業在台灣是不可能有的, 沒想到朱先生早就創立出來了, 害我恨不得自己可以年輕十歲可以去當您的員工哩!!

  7. Dear Dapan:

    We all have different learning curves. However, please remember if we can master Chinese, the most difficult language in the world, we can master English too. English only has 26 alphabets.

    You need to spend serious time to remember English words. Yes, you will have speed bump ( the time you think you did not make any progress and get frustrated.) However, I guarentee that you will laugh at yours 10 years from now. You are young and it is never too late to learn English.

    Please watch Sex And The City DVD and turn on the English subtitle. You just memorize every single phrases and read loud with the characters with the same emotion and tone. I learned my English from watching American soap opera during the day time when I was a graduate student in the States.

    It should be fun to learn anything. If you don’t have fun, normally, you are not so good at it yet.

    Successful people do all the things that unsuccessful people do not want to do.

    I spent six months to memorize 2000 high level English words for my Medical School Admission Test in the States. There is no short cut in learning anything.

    Improving yourself everyday.


    You also may notice that my English is not so good either. I am using simple words that I learn from junior high school. 🙂

  8. 朱平老師


    但我還是計畫在雲科的這段時間把英文加強好,通過托福,並存些錢,快的話就休學後出國 不然就等到畢業了

    培養我的美感,去做生活的體驗,我很重視我的生活 平常也看得很多國內外雜誌,但我總是覺得我所設計的東西沒有那種感覺



  9. Thank you, Freda.

    I am so surprised to know that you are still watching me and giving me encouragement whenever I need it. I don’t feel well lately. I think I need to listen to my body more. I, really, don’t want to become a contents publisher with this blog. I want to generate more comments and questions on this site so we can start a meaningful and intelligent conversation and build a support group here. We are lonely sometime, but, we are never alone. Thank you for being my light over so many years.


  10. very nice. is this an advertisement? you are very convincing. life is a perpetual ” in progress” experiment. hopefully we all will be brave enough to try all the ideas you have shared. making our country a better place to live, and ourselves become happier inside out.

    press on!

  11. Dear Dapan:

    Thank you for taking initiative to visit my personal blog. I may not very actively post my contents here, however, the real purpose of any blog is to start a conversation and dialogue. You can post questions, comments and thoughts here. Therefore, you can make lots of friends here too.

    Again, you are also welcome to write to me. My email address is


    Please tell your peers that I enjoy the opportunity to talk to our future leaders. Thank you all for allowing me to show off. 🙂

    It is never too late to learn English. You just need to talk to yourself and find the real reason that stops you from learning English. Laziness and self limited thoughts have no place in your lifelong learning to become a better person.

    Be the change,


  12. 朱平老師您好
    昨天聽了你的談話 我非常有興趣
    但我坐的太遠 英文又不是very nice
    (PS 您的笑容讓我記憶深刻 , 這真的是很棒的溝通)

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