Nonzero 非零: 101 Best Restaurants in Asia

Nonzero Top 50 Asia

恭喜“非零”,榮登“亞洲最佳101家餐廳”榜。 也祝福非零重新出發,更上一層樓。 By Freda.

Dear Freda:
You are the first one to leave a message here to congratulate Nonzero to be selected as 50th of the 101 best restaurant in Asia.
It is an honor to be recognized after 7 years persistence. I know Nonzero may not meet the mainstream food scene in Taiwan. However, I am convinced that for those who are ready, either has lived in the abroad or happened to visit in Taiwan, would appreciated our concept and our way of doing business.
It is an uphill battle to convince people that food is not just healthy or organic ( it is given ), food should retain layers of flavors. Food is, to me at least, also a manifestation of a culture. In Taiwan, I try to promote a multi-ethnics and international friendly food scene. I am really tired to see the pendulum shifted way to the left with too much emphasize on 原味 and not enough on flavors and aromas. It is time to celebrate all the comfort food from all around the world.
Thank you, my old pal. You know where I come from and, now, you will also see where I am going to.
Nonzero has been selected to the top 50 restaurant in Asia by this well known international travel and food website. ( we are ranked 50th. :-))
We vow to continue to evolve. We will not just settle on this laurel and stop changing. I believe Nonzero is just starting to embark a new venture.
I want to thank all the ex-employee and ex-chefs, without them, Nonzero could not be here today. I also want to thank our current new team since they are having a bigger responsibility to move Nonzero to the next phase now.
The phone is still ringing off the hook this afternoon.
We are fully booked. 🙂
Be the change,
Dear Y:
Just thought you may want to know this wonderful news for Nonzero 非零.
Our phone was ringing off the hook yesterday. All the major media were calling Nonzero 非零 to ask for our comments on being the 50th of the 101 best restaurant in Asia. What a surprise! We didn’t know what was happening until the phone started ringing.
Top of the list is, of course, Ding Tai Fung. There are 7 restaurants in Taiwan included in this list. We are thrilled and surprised just like everyone else.
Again, it is a gratifying feeling to know that what we do are being appreciated by these seasoned international travelers and experts. We never wanted to follow the mainstream Taiwan food scene. I know our concept and style may not be popular with the majority of Taiwan’s food lovers. However, we know we are more geared towards international travelers and those people who have lived overseas. Now we need to be more innovative to meet the high expectation from world travelers.
Hey, I have to say that you have excellent taste to know we are different and we hope there are more people like you in Taiwan to support us.
Ding Tai Fung, Nonzero and the other five restaurants are a must eating place while visiting Taiwan now. 🙂
Actually, I just realized that Nonzero is ranked 50th, Din Tai Fung is number one. There are only 7 restaurants in Taiwan in the list . We ranked number 3 among the 7 restaurants in Taiwan. Well, it is just a 15 minutes in the limelight. It is a vindication that our efforts have been noticed and appreciated. ?In the news, this ranking is the most credible one since it is chosen by the food critics, bloggers and the international people who traveled extensively or ?lived in the city. I checked the judge names and find that I did not know any one of them. We just have to do more to meet everyone’s expectation now.
By the way, The Daily Meal is one of the most prestigious websites on food and travel. It also was considered one of the most credible sources for fine restaurant ranking.
Be the change,
PS. One of my friends wrote me and titled his email as The Top 50 restaurants in Asia and Top 3 restaurants in Taiwan. 🙂 He really made my day. I have to admit that there are many old and new concept restaurants which are better than Nonzero in many ways. Nonzero 非零 just gets lucky and is appreciated by these creative minded people, international travelers and local expats community.

5 thoughts on “Nonzero 非零: 101 Best Restaurants in Asia”

  1. 朱平先生你好我是朝元:D

    我在今年一定會參加Red Room活動的



    1. Dear 朝元:

      The next Red Room is on 6/15 next Saturday. I would recommend you to come since we are going to have a special Red Room to welcome Red Room co-founder Ayesha visiting from Australia. Please check for the venues and rules.

      Taiwan’s future is on the 國際化. However, we, the young students have no idea about how to cultivate a competence to make friends with international friends. English is not the barrier, the real barrier is our lack of the desire to be a better person and a curiosity about the world.

      All changes comes from peripheral and edge. You have to go out side of the system to see what’s wrong with the system. To make a change, build a new model that will make old model obsolete. ( Bucky Fuller’s quote ). In order to build a new model, you need to cross over with many different talented people. Red Room is a great place to meet so many international minded people with brilliant talent.

      See you at the Red Room,


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