朱平專訪台灣創業人的天使 David Dupouy (下集)
David在訪談中曾提出了以上這個簡單的問題。David也提到「三個圈圈」(熱情、技能、需求)─ 找到三個圈圈交會的地方,就是您能「綻放」(Flourishing)的地方。在整個訪談中,我從David身上學到許多,尤其是他的謙遜、大智慧,以及樂於分享的特質。我真為台灣的創業人感到高興!台灣真的需要更多像David一樣的世界人,讓台灣看到自己的不同,因此更珍惜自己擁有的。我將在未來介紹更多我所碰到的精彩人物,這些人可能不是很有名,但卻絕對值得讓更多人看到。
Dear Zoe:
Thank you for your kind words.
I decided to slow down and not to give too many public talks anymore.
However, I would still share my limited life expierence with those who are ready. If you can ask your friends to read my book first and know who I am and where I am from, I would love to come and get to know you all.
Please direct all correspondence on this to Chistine in Canmeng Aveda office.
In the mean time, trying to be a Daymaker everyday.
Dear Mr. Chu,
My name is Zoe. I am always inspired by your article and sharing. Last time, I heard of your speech in NTPU.
Recently, I have a chance to organize a conference agenda for 150s college students who just finished their oversea volunteer traineeship this summer vacation. It will be our honor if we can have you to share your insights about why and how young people shall have global mindset and entrepreneurship.
I already sent you an email.
Hope to hear from you soon
您好 朱先生:我是之前有去聽演講的女孩,關於上次曾詢問過明年想去澳洲打工簽證。媽媽一直很反對我出國,一來是擔心我的安全,二來是我在他眼中依然是小女孩。我今年28歲,但是我真的很想讓她知道我可以獨立了。卻不知道該如何向媽媽解釋也害怕她不會答應。我想去看看外面的世界,也想磨練自己讓自己更有自信心。我到底該怎麼做呢?對不起那麼晚才來留言,希望您能見諒。
Dear 小依:
One day you will be a mother and will you be worry about your children to go abroad alone?
I realize that it is a vicious cycle that most new mother will just follow what their mother did to them when they have their own children. It is so hard to break this cycle. All the soap opera in Taiwan just keep dumping this conventional toxic love and over protective motherly love.
You may need to take the responsibility of why your mom is so protective of you. You may fail to prove to your mom that you are an adult and want to live a life you choose to and want to.
You need to start travel alone in Taiwan first to prove to your mom that you are fully capable of taking care of yourself.
Then, you can tell your mom that you know she loves you and will do anything for you unconditionally, however, it is important for you to know that you can take care of yourself and find your own puspose in life.
Actually, this is a great opportunity for you to take the accountability of your own life. Your mom will not be there to protect you forever.
You can assure her that you will report her on daily basis while you are abroad so she will not worry too much. You need to treat this as a project ( to travel alone abroad with your mom’s blessing ) that you want to accomplish.
Ultimately, you need to learn not to live a life of seeking approval or pleasing people.
Be brave.
Dear 宥緁:
I know I am not the right person to say that money is not that important since I have a pretty decent income through my own company.
I would recommend you to reduce your living expense first so you can get off the treadmill that puts you into the situation that you need to earn enough money to finance your lifestyle.
It is cliche, but, it is time tested advice: Always seeking a job that will grow you, not seeking a job that only offer high salary. Most of the high entry levle salary job will reach plateau quickly.
I have seen way too many young people who want to make a career change and to follow their dream, however, they simply cannot give up their current salary standard. They know what they want, however, they don’t know what they are willing to trade off. They really don’t know themselves after all. They are the prisoner of their own preceived self worthiness.
Most people are trapped into this delimma.
I remember that I was the only one pharmacist among my classmates in the States to choose to work for a 50% reduction of the pharmacist salary and become an intern pharmacist in a world class hopsital right after I got my pharmacy license in the States. I know what I want and I am willing to sacrifice the short term salary to get what I want: To work at a world class hospital.
People who made it are those people who made the trade off in their life. The reason they can do this is that they belief in themselves and know themselves.
I am not in the position to give you any advice on anything. All I can do is to share with you what I have been doing.
Yes, go abroad and not waste your life in a predicatble and comfort environment, especially, when you are young.
Don’t play safe,