推薦TEDxTaipei 2011

仍記得在2008年在ICB (International Creative Business)上發表文章時,我就大力推動TED並曾恨鐵不成鋼的挑戰年輕人:一定要認識TED,如果不認識TED您就已失去跟世界最頂尖人學習的機會。TED的最大功勞,也是因為決定在網路上分享頂尖人物的想法,讓TED不再局限於精英的小圈圈。

仍記得在2008年, 我在ICB (International Creative Business)上發表文章時,我就大力推動TED並曾恨鐵不成鋼的挑戰年輕人:一定要認識TED,如果不認識TED您就已失去跟世界最頂尖人學習的機會。TED的最大功勞,也是因為決定在網路上分享頂尖人物的想法,讓TED不再局限於精英的小圈圈。

有一天,幾個年輕人因為知道我在台灣鼓吹TED而主動找上我,希望能在台灣推廣TED,我毫不猶豫就答應他們。第一步是爭取到TED授權成立 TEDxTaipei。於是有了在2009年在學學舉辦第一屆 TEDxTaipei。2010年在華山舉辦第二屆TEDxTaipei。

很高興知道TEDxTaipei在華山,2011年 1/15 即將舉辦第三屆,我看了這次的邀請講師,真是嚇一跳。都是我想聽的題目。才短短兩年就把TEDxTaipei提昇至 TED的標準。

我在此鼓勵所有對世界有積極正向想法及好奇的年輕人,趕快報名參加。報名費對某些人可能會貴了點 (NT$ 3,800) 但買經驗是不能單獨用金錢來計算的。(在美國TED的門票錢是NT$ 180,000 / 3天) 我一直鼓勵年輕人多買經驗,少買物品。慶幸的這次 TED X Taipei特別成立同步播放區,門票僅要NT$ 1,200。我將義務在同步播放區服務。希望能在同步播放區看到大家。

哦,對了!這兩位年輕人就是 Kevin彭宣璟、Jason許毓仁,讓我們替他們倆拍拍手並說:Thank you, Kevin & Jason, for making TEDxTaipei an iconic event in Taipei.

附上TEDxTaipei 活動網頁



8 thoughts on “推薦TEDxTaipei 2011”

  1. Dear Yee Wen:

    Thank you for sending such a gracious note to me.

    Hopefully, we shall meet again in the near future.

    I always admire people who volunteer their time to participate a meaningful event. In essence, they are creating opportunity to get to know themselves.



  2. 朱平先生:

    您好,我們曾經在 TEDxTaipei見過,當天是志工之一,與朱先生有小小的對話.
    朱先生,謝謝你. 🙂

    yee wen

  3. Dear Lily:

    I was put into a role to interview a few outstanding local heroes during the lunch time, other than the regular host for Simulcast room.

    TEDxTaipei is a new phenomena now. I am glad to see it grows with more young people involved.

    I also host a TEDxTaipei foreign guests party at my company. It was a great experience to get to know so many brilliant people.

    Jason and Kevin are our heroes to make TEDxTaipei a resounding success.


  4. Dear Freda:

    Young people do care and they also are more resourceful than us when we were young. Lately, I saw more and more young people taking new initiatives and setting the life they want.

    It is this way of living that will set Taiwan apart from China. I am a firm believer that Taiwan’s youth will eventually realize that their way of life is the one competitiveness that China still cannot match.

    Again, China is catching up us quickly. This is why I am desperate to take new initiative and encourage young people to expand their narrowly focused mindset.

    We are setting a new standard of living which is not limited in wealth accumulation but in how important your work could be.

    Work and life integration is the next big topic in living a fulfilled life.

    I am so happy to see TEDxTaipei become a reality in Taipei after my three years advocacy. Kevin and Jason are my new heroes.

    Taiwan is still a place that things can happen.

    Love you, dearly,


  5. Dear Natalia:

    Life is a collection of experience.

    Go and enrich your life with TEDxTaipei.

    I would be a host for the Simulcast room for those who did not pay the full price.

    Hope to see you there.


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