

398 thoughts on “Q&A”

  1. Dear Mushroom:

    Your English is absolutely OK because I can understand you perfectly.

    English is like any language, you need to use it more often and try to improve it constantly. You also need to invest time to sharpen your English. Starting to build up your vocabulary systemically is not a bad first step.

    Feel the fear and do it anyway.


  2. Hello Ping Chu,

    I really enjoyed your column/interviews on ppaper business; they are very inspiring and encouraging in many ways. When I came back to Taiwan from the US, I was quite passionate about joining into the creative industry in Taiwan especially coming for a creative business related major. I also heard about Xue Xue and other various design/design integrations/branding companies that are doing well and gaining attentions/acceptance from the public. However, when I visited Xue Xue Institution a few days ago, the whole experience was quite disappointing. It seems that they not only see themselves on a leading position(cocky), but also assuming that culture, creativity, and aesthetics are something that people have understandings on. I must said, they did not do well on spreading the idea of creative business nor the meaning of fusing culture, creativity, and business to the general public. Before my trip, I was very excited because I certainly heard many good things about Xue Xue, but I must said that I was very very disappointed and perhaps would not go again, going to a exhibition like Picasso or Mucha would probably be more educative and inspiring than an institution that put itself on a leading and educating position but rather felt like a money taker.
    So I thought of you when I felt like sharing this experience with somebody that would understand without having to explain tons, and really want to hear your thoughts on both the creative industry in Taiwan as well as how one should make the approach.

    Thanks, Jennie

  3. Thank ping chu.
    i will prove to my parents that i can be accountable for my own behavior.

    i think that my positiveness is not enough.
    i think that i usually think too mush and do too few.

    i really want to do something to change myself.
    just do it.

    my English is poor. i will try it.

    : )

    by mushroom

  4. Dear 劭斌:

    Thank you for your kind words.

    Actually, it is a lifelong struggle to control our own emotion, especially, the negative emotion.

    However, there is a way to learn how to deal with negative emotion. I would recommend you to read more books on this subject.

    Optimism is a learned science. Martin Seligman’s Authentic Happiness is a good book to study the positive psychology.

    Please remember that it is never what happened to you, but how you deal with it will determine your emotional wellbeing.

    Failure is a process of getting to know yourself. You need to reframe this setbacks as a growth opportunity.

    Well, I have mentioned a good philosophy that helps me a lot: No lose philosophy. There is no failure in life, only a way to be a better person.

    You are still too young to learn how to live a life here and now. However, I will guarantee you that you will get to know yourself better over years, if you start reading more books about happiness.

    Be happy,


  5. Dear Mushroom:

    First, I want you to know that I enjoyed the time with three distinguished panels on the stage at 16th GYLA. I believe it was a very successful event.

    I also want to congratulate you to post a question here. You are the very few people who took the time to look for the answer, instead of waiting for the answer.

    Unfortunately, family members are usually not so keen to encourage us to take risk or road less travelled.

    I don’t blame them at all. This is what parents for: To protect you from being too idealistic and out of touch of the reality.

    I would recommend you to talk to your parents and let them know you have to live a life you choose to. You have to learn your own lessons.

    Of course, you need to work on personal mastery all the time with discipline and track records of being accountable and responsible.

    You have to earn the trust from your parents that you are tough enough to face the setback and have enough resilience to bounce back.

    Again, assertive communication is the key. Please do remember that your parent love you unconditionally. Once, they know you are taking the control of your life seriously. Most parent will support you.

    I am the lucky few whose parent never dictated their children what to do. However, I did earn the trust from them. They never have to worry about my school work because I always maintain to be the top 25% of the class. I did study hard on all my examination. I know my role is not to worry them about my school work. 🙂

    if you did not study hard and prove to your parent that you can make decision on your own, it is naturally difficult to expect your parent trust you or support you to take the road less travelled.

    Therefore, you need to prove yourself first, either with good grade or a discipline to be accountable for your own behavior all the time.

    Be persistence,


  6. Dear Jack Hu:

    I do remember the little noodle house at 光復南路巷內. I hope you are doing right after you close down this cute and clean outlet.

    Please never give up your dream.

    Be the change,


  7. 朱老師你好
    我是國立東華大學 企管系一年級的學生

    對於人生未來的旅途 彷彿又有更高更遠的看見

    使我無法將心中的疑惑 向您請教

    但活動的最後 您提供的這個blog
    在此 就將今天沒有機會問的問題

    您在演講中 分享所謂的be happy人生哲學

    但當我們面臨情緒時 又很難說服自己要happy 要optimism
    也許這問題 比較偏向情緒管理方面
    但還是請您 替我解一下這樣的疑惑

  8. 朱老師你好~

  9. 朱先生, 您好:

    之前光復南路巷內的小拉麵店, 還記得嗎? 我是小胡…


    和您聊過幾次, 其實當時我並不知您是何方神聖, 只知您是有想法, 品味的優雅客人

    知道您對自然的崇尚, 以及人與人, 人與自然協調之企望…從您的飲食和言談中…

    知道您很忙, 希望下次還有機會再和您聊聊…


  10. Dear Lily:

    For your information, Taiwan’s health care program is THE best in the world. I was a licensed pharmacist in Texas, USA. I am very aware of the health system in the States. From what I know, it is getting worse in the States for people who could not afford to pay health insurance.

    In Taiwan, poor or rich, famous or normal citizen, we all get the same health care under national health insurance program. It is one of the proudest achievements for Taiwan. We should be grateful for this.
    ( We also should pay more for our doctor visit and medicine to make sure this wonderful health insurance will not bankrupt. Please encourage our legislators to protect this insurance program at all cost. Yes, please increase the insurance premium we paid. )

    Now, talking about how to treat the human being, not the disease.

    I think the root problem is the way we produce Medical Doctor. How can any one at an age of 18 to decide he wants to become a doctor. In the States, you can only apply for medical school after you graduate from school at age of 22. This is why our doctor lack of the real life experience and have a mentality of superiority and strong ego.

    If we don’t change this, we will always have doctor who don’t have empathy and put making money as their life goal.

    I have to admit that young doctors ( 30’s ) are much better than old age doctor ( 50’s and above ), strangely enough. They have better bed side manner with more holistic approach to patient.

    I would highly recommend you to read books by 黃達夫. He is my hero.

    OK, regarding mind , body and spirit, I think I have found a lot of comfort from Positive Psychology. Please do some research on this field.

    People can also use religion, guru, aroma, massage, yoga, integrated medicine… to reach a high level of healing.

    Happy learning,


  11. Dear Eva:

    You are so cute to let me know this. I am grateful for your kind word. Every public talk I gave, I only wish I can touch a few souls. This is my little way to make a difference. One day, it would be your turn too.
    Please buy ( vote ) PPaper Business and read my monthly column and do your homework after reading the column. You are welcome to share your homework here so we can grow together.

    Please note the following info for my talk on 6/5. I just think we can make Taipei a much better place for us and also our future generation. It is forum on possibility.

    6.5 (日)9:30AM -5:30PM 台北好居城市座談會
    場地部份我們改到 台灣創意設計中心 創意劇場舉辦(地址;松山文化園區 2F 台北市信義區光復南路133號)

    It would be great if you can come.


  12. 朱先生您好,不知道您對台灣目前的醫療是否感到滿意?我現在是學生,想促進台灣目前身心靈全人關懷的醫病關係,在這方面加以研究。

    1. Dear Lily:
      I am not a student majoring in medical fields, but I totally agree with your idea.
      I would like to recommend you two authors, both of whom are doctors.
      one is 許添盛, the founder of 身心靈診所. he never give medicine to his patient, but instead, he tries hard to teach their souls.

      the other one is also my hero, even better than the above one. his name is 宋睿祥~who is now a Surgeon-in-charge. he is the first Taiwanese who joins the MSF(無國界醫生組織). his latest book, 回家的路是這樣走的, are full of how he becomes aware of soul while curing people in the misery of the civil war in 葉門.

      hope it helps:)
      and maybe we can make a friend~
      e-mail me if you see my message:

      Pei-Chun 珮均

      1. Der Liao:

        Thank you for the wonderful information.

        I love to see people reaching out and connecting to each other. I do think you two should start writing to each others and learn the 身心靈全人關懷的醫病關係 together.

        Good luck,


  13. Dear Mr. Chu,

    首先要跟你自首,因為我今天臨時有事提早離席了,沒有完整的聽完講座,也許你有注意到,I’m really really sorry about that!!
    也許因為我也是個生意人,許多理念相似,希望可以透過凝聚更多人,發揮每個人小小的力量,進而change the world,讓這世界更正向更美好。
    Thanks for inspiring me so much today.



  14. Dear Wolfgang:

    I enjoyed the talk at NPO-EMBA platform that day. I did remember you.

    I can see from your comment that you are preparing yourself for something bigger than yourself.

    Coaching is the hottest and most effective way to bring out the best in people. You should start to do some serious research on becoming an executive coach or just to find out how to lead with coaching skill.

    Keep in touch,


    PS. I think I saw you at Red Room last Saturday. Red Room is a phenomena that follows the mesh business principle. Please read these two books and share with me what you have learned here with my other friends.

  15. 聖儀:

    Thank you for taking time to embrace me here. 🙂

    I am so happy for you to know that you are not alone. Life is a journey with so many excursion along the way.

    Please keep in touch and we shall reconnect when we are ready.



  16. Dear Mr. Chu,

    This Wolfgang, I asked a question and had a little conversation with you in your speech last night.

    I wanna thank you for what you contribute throughout the speech. I’ve bookmarked DLD also bought the book you recommended. Your sharing expands my sight. In your speech, I know what I do is right. You are a free man, you create a business then step aside. Your time is free, you can do what you love to do, getting along with those who you love. Your mind is free, you can give others hope with your story. “Gee! He is my model!”, I wrote in my note. I want to be free & be able to do something good to the human being. Though I know it’s still long way to go.

    I’m interested in the coaching part. I’ve coached & been coached in the 3 level personal developing course. But it’s under the category of training. It’s surprise to me to know that you develop coach system in AVEDA! For me, it’s hard to find a coach in life. All I can do is learn by myself. I’d love to listen to if you were willing to share more about coaching relationship.

    Btw, I will attend the red room with my girlfriend. I’m looking forward to make a day tomorrow night.

    Again thank you for making my day!


  17. 朱先生您好,昨天晚上第一次見到您本人,會後我跑去告訴你我有在看部落格,你給了我一個非常開心的擁抱,而這個擁抱給了我很多信心。
    而在經歷一段包含很多探索和思考自我的時間後,我已經知道我是誰了,有機會在同一個時間和空間下being,感覺很榮幸也很美麗。最後昨天忘記告訴你,我也會加入,要一起sexy! 謝謝你!!!

  18. Dear Daisy:
    I often said that only when student is ready, teacher will show up.
    I love the annual big question on 2008:
    What have you changed your mind about? Why?
    You are on your way to cultivate a critical mind with different eyes to see the world if you spend more time on http://www.edge.org and made friends with these brilliant and beautiful minds.
    You will suddenly realize that there are so many noises in Taiwan that simply cannot feed your growth intelligently, emotionally and personally.
    Be the change,

  19. 聖儀 dear:

    First of all, you need to cultivate a mindset that happiness is a choice and you can choose not to be affected by other people’s negative energy.

    No one says it is easy. This is why you need to practice this mindset constantly with self talk and affirmation. You are so young and I am sure you will master this positive self talk over years.

    I still practice this kind of positive self talk even now. We are all emotional animals so it is OK to have negative emotion caused by this kind of outside influence. We just need to practice more positive self talk and walk your talk.

    I would recommend you to listen to the elders with respect but face the challenge head on and respond with this script:

    ” Dear sir, I know you meant well for me. However, I think I need to learn my own lesson with my own way. I want to thank you for spending time to talk to me on this subject. I will definitely think it over. Now, I need to go and continue my work. Again, I really appreciate you share your wisdom with me. ”

    Be assertive and leave the room on your term.


  20. Dear Anna:

    Of course, the work and be a daymaker to your guest is top priority for you. If you have chance, you should go to Aveda store and purchase a copy of David’s book on Daymaker. He is my hero.

    I would like to share a youtube David made while he was diagnosed to have cancer. It is a brave, touching and moving short film. I hope you will get to know David better from these two films.


    Oh, David is a Cancer Survivor now. He has regained his health and making people days with his special energy.

    He is my hero and a special soul.

    Love him dearly,


    1. Dear Mr.Chu:
      Thanks for you post these two films to me. It’s really touch my heart. actually,I read David’s book”Life as a Daymaker”,it’s a helpful book for me, and I recommend it to my friends, because I hope them can be a daymaker and have every happy day in their life.
      Thanks for David Wagner,he shares his idea of Daymaker by his book,he is also my hero.
      I’m very happy to share these message to you at your blog.

      Cheer for our life ,To be a daymaker everyday!


      1. Dear Anna:

        Daymaking is an “intentional” effort to find a higher purpose in our life. This is a higher purpose that every can achieve. There is no cost to be a Daymaker. All you need is a mindset shift and an epiphany that you have the power to make people’s day.



  21. 朱先生您好,我是一個28歲的女生,想請問您,當遇見與自己想法不同又講話停不下來的長輩時,有什麼心態和想法可以轉變自己忍受不了的心情?狀況類似傳教、批評等等…受不了他是不是代表我自己也很自大呢?能不能提供我一些建議?非常感謝!

  22. Dear Mr.Chu:
    I see an article about Daymaker in Canmeng’s website,I really like this idea, and this idea touch my heart, I found out I have been a daymaker in my life, especially when I work in reataurant,when I serve my guest, and let them feel happy, I also feel very happy!
    I want to join Mr.Chu and David Wagner’s talking, but I think I have important things more than this activity-be a daymaker in my work,I’ll share this activity to my friends.
    Best wishes,


  23. Dear Alice:

    I am glad that you reach out to me on this subject.

    Congratulation that you start to ask this question with self reflective mode.

    You are right that you need to self examine why so many people said that you are different.

    You may need to learn how to say things with empathy, instead of self righteous tone.

    One thing I want to share with you. It is also an assignment to you:

    For one month period, can you stop talking about how you think about an issue? Instead, can you practice making people’s day by showing your interest in your friend’s point of view and learn to see things from their eyes.

    Good communication skill starts from showing your interest in other people’s opinion by deep listening.

    When you want to voice your idea or thinking, you should start with the following script:

    I may be wrong, but, I want you to know that I value your opinion very much, therefore, I want to share with you my thinking on this matter……

    Sometime, it is not what you said, but, how you said it that will make the difference.

    Again, you might need to get to know some new friends who will not put you down if you think differently from them.

    Life favors those who see things differently.



  24. Dear Anna:

    You are absolutely right and well said:


    I would still recommend you to invest money, time and effort in improving your English though.

    I told young people to buy experience, not things. It is a doable goal if you could travel to a new country through working holiday or volunteer work. The key is to travel alone and make some local friends.

    Another advice I would like to share with you. It is never how many countries you visit, other than for bragging power, it is how many lifelong friends you made during your travel that matter most. Making friends is one of your goals to travel alone.

    Now, you know how important it is to learn English well so you can strike a simple conversation with locals or travelers.

    One of the best ways to get to know locals is to eat at local restaurant and made an intentional effort to get to know the owner of the restaurant. Normally, the owner of the restaurant would love to show you the spot that only locals would go.

    Travel safe,


  25. 朱先生你好


    但都被歸類為不合群 EQ很差



  26. 朱先生您好:

  27. Dear N.K.:

    Thanks for the question. However, I cannot teach you what love is. I am the few people who believe that you have to experience love to know what love is. I cannot teach love. I am not guru who can teach people. I can only share my story and my lessons. You have to learn your lesson your way.


    Please browse my previous blog on Love if you are interested.

    Give Love,


  28. Dear Queena:

    No, we will be off so our Nonzero team can have Chinese New Year celebration with their love ones.

    Once in a blue moon, I will receive a comment from people like you. Your words have meant a lot to me.

    Nonzero is a statement and an experiment for me. I am glad that you like it. I am also extremely happy to see Nonzero’s transformation. I love the gourmet comfort food that Zoya has created so far. We also have an amazing dessert chef, Rose. She is just adoring and smiling all the time. Have you tried her special cookie? It is so tasty that I can eat five pieces in a roll.

    Thank you, Queena, for your generous words.


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