Comments welcome

我寫了一段日子的blog後感覺有點失望,怎麼那麼少人寫comments?最近因為朋友的提醒,才發現是因為blog本身有些限制,必須是 sign in 的會員才可回應。?這個限制現在已取消了,所以敬請大家多回應,多寫comments,讓我們有更多的互動。

42 thoughts on “Comments welcome”

  1. Dear Mr. Chu,
    I’m really very happy that i visit this website eventually. Buying ICB magazine every month is really my best expectation, to inspire me, and encourging me.
    Daymaker is also my pholosophy toward life, everything time i read about your essay, i can feel a person who’s teach me a lot. I totally agree your opinion, like READING, DAYMAKER,. etc.

    All i want to say is Thank you, and hope you can keep your sharing, help more people.

    Truly yours,

  2. 親愛的朱先生,您好:
    一路走來一直覺得您像是我們的人生導師,雖然不常跟您見面,但您卻總像是無所不在:在辦公室中隨處可見的美感生活禮物中、在書局裡隨手翻閱的雜誌裡(I love Yoga)、甚至在我的每一個消費行為(We vote what we buy)和日常生活(Be a daymaker/ripprle-maker)裡…
    很喜歡刻意比預約的時間提早到Third Place,因為可以有一段時間讓自己享受那裡的氛圍、smell、熟悉的康福茶、特別是那裡的書,因為那裡是唯一不需要自己”選書”的地方,看得到了都是朱先生挑選過的書,所以我總是可以”be inspired!”
    Thank you for always inspiring us, creating so much wonderful experiencing spaces(third place, nonzero,…), and sharing your wisdom and all the great life style.

    With Love,

  3. DEAR 朱先生:

    我真的很感動當天在萊卡兒的每分每秒,同時那天也是我們國家的選舉日,其中有一些客戶是有一些悲傷的故事在身上,但是離開萊卡兒的時候是帶著滿滿的笑容, 這是我在經營事業的同時所得到最大的收穫,謝謝你的快樂製造機, you are really incredible!

    同時, 也感謝你的好朋友也就是漣漪詞的作者陳郁敏小姐,她的漣漪詞是一本很棒的書,漣漪卡也對地球對人類很有向上提升的作用,這世界一定會越來越好,因為有我們這一小群人不斷地努力,你說是吧!謝謝您!請代我感謝陳小姐!



  4. Dear 朱先生:

    我一直不斷的看朱先生的blog,還有ICB朱先生的文章,您一直給我很正面的影響,尤其是看天下雜誌影音時,您的話語讓我是打從心底的感動…尤其是:I have unlimited potential. I don’t let other people’s negative beliefs limit how I shape my future.





  5. Dear ARI:

    Of course, I remember you, a young man with idealism and a vision for a better world. I am so happy for you to take action and find your own destiny. I am just a traveler so happened to cross our path together. You have everything you need already. The rest is up to you to execute it with wisdom and courage.

    Xue Xue, , is a pride for Taiwan. We should vote with what we buy and support Xue Xue with our action, not words.

    Thank you for making the ripple effect through your daughter. It is the best gift you can give to her: the positive mindset with assertiveness.

    Thank you for subscribing Nonzero lifestyle gift. It is a grand experiment I did. You are one of the 60 people who are willing to take risk to let me spend your money and expand your comfort zone. It is an important character building: willing to trust and be curious. Nonzero lifestyle gift is based on this rare strength in human being.

    Yes, please incorporate or even copy what you think is right in building your business. Please do not mind what other people said. You are only accountable for your own action.

    After all, we only live for a hundred years, don’t we?

    Give love and continue making ripples.


    Please say hi to your beautiful and intelligent wife.

  6. Dear SuSu:

    Please visit this site and see how other people make the comments on this movie. You also will find out how these people were so passionated about their love of the movie. Unfortunately, I did not see the movie so I can not make any comments.

    I am so happy for you because you have found a way to share and to live a life that you want to live.

    Thank you for the most kind words on my column in ICB. I want to thank Mr. Pao of ICB to invite me. I also enjoy the opportunity to share my life learning with young people.

    Please remember that you have a choice.

    Give love,


    Yes, I purposely force young people to read English in my blog. ( the real reason is that I cannot type in Chinese character. :-))

  7. Dear lovelyshow:

    I also left a comment on your blog on the book that you recommended. I can see you are a very committed bloger.

    You are absolutely right. Without interactive comments, blog has lost the community feeling and become a ????. 🙂

    Thank you for your comment.


  8. Dear Melody:

    I left a comment on your blog. ( It should be ” missed out on love, by the way. I should add “on” before love.)

    You are very lucky to work on your favorite projct: a radio program. Please never underestimate the power of voice. I like to have a podcast on this website if I have time to do it.

    Thank you for your encouraging words. We are all doing something we want to do, not have to do.

    Please keep up the good work.


  9. 朱先生您好:
    我是林志全 ARI,很感謝您在2007年12月的時候,送給我們開幕的康福茶,並附上您親筆所寫的信,雖然又有很久沒有和您聊天,但是在您的部落格裡,在ICB的雜誌裡,在AVEDA的服務裡,每個月的非零禮物裡,都可以看到你的精神所在,
    最近,和女兒常常玩就是抽漣漪卡的遊戲,上面有很多可愛的圖案,有烏龜,山,海,等等,小朋友都很喜歡,抽完之後, 我們就一起將卡片的字朗讀一遍,小朋友將漣漪卡當作自己的卡片,每天就對著我們說,爸爸抽一張,媽媽抽一張,您可以想像這樣的畫面是多麼難以言喻的溫暖, 漣漪卡上的每一句話結合親子互動,這世界就是那麼精采.


  10. 我是先在澳洲認識Aveda之後,回台灣才認識朱先生您的,您把Aveda經營得很棒,我很喜歡高雄漢神及大遠百所營造出來的店面感覺,有點相似但又各有特色。


    另外,為著實現十八歲時的夢想,我在這裡經營一個小小的廣播節目,我很喜歡在節目中朗誦您的文章,譬如"快樂製造機"等等,很正面的思考很積極的生活態度,我想要分享給聽眾朋友,sorry… 我這是先斬後奏了。


  11. Dear 朱老師您好:
    看了ICB這麼久 終於試著和老師互動
    在凌晨四點 看著HBO播放口白人生(Stranger Than Fiction) 感觸良深
    人有太多渾沌與執著 如果試著改變 人生會比較精彩
    所以我英文不好 但我願意去挑戰這個能力
    所獲得的 遠已超越學校所給的觀念
    似乎也不敵這樣一個簡單 多元又有趣的互動
    也願透過更多的分享 讓己身周遭的人事物 更為美好

  12. 可以留言真好:)
    這樣子 寫東西才不會孤單
    想要跟人家分享的心意 才不會久而久之 又流於喃喃自語..


  13. One thing we will find is when we change ourself for better, something/someone around us will change for better too, no matter how little that change is.

    Dear Freda:

    I just think you wrote a wonderful comments. We are all in this effort to show people that a positive emotion can be learned and happier life is reachable only through action.

    The best thing you can do to your friends is through the change of yourself. We cannot change people, however, we always can change ourselves only if we allow us to change.

  14. Dear Eric:

    Only through sharing, we can recharge and replenish. The more we share, the more we learn.

    Love, money, knowledge will flourish if we share with more people.

    Thank you for your kind words. ICB is a fine magazine. Please continue to support ICB.


  15. Kellin Dear:

    The real fun for any blog is in the comments area. You can see a blog’s influence or popularity, not through the numbers of visitors, but through the quality of the comments or feedback.s If the comments are short and expected, the blog is only a likable or controvercial high traffic site. When there is no intellectual discussion, sharing, story telling and dialogue, the blog is just a blog.

    Please contribute your own story in this blog. I really don’t want to be the only one who is showing off my own writings adn pollute your own independent thoughts.

    Taiwan is ready for engaging a more intellectual dialouge, instead of the ideological muddling debate.

    Welcome on board. Kellin.


  16. Sonia Reeven Dear:

    Thank you for connecting me from either in ICB , this blog or when you are in doubt. It is difficult to have interactive exchange of any intellectural pursuit due to the limitation of the pages and the critical elements of all magazine: to survive with more sales, subscription and ads. This is why I said that we vote with what we buy. If you don’t buy ICB, ICB will either become a commercial driven magazine relying on ads or disappear for good. Please make quality comments in this blog that you think will inspire other people to take action. When you vote for this blog by making intellectual comments, this blog will thrive and become a Third Place to all of us. I will be happy to see you all become a story teller at this Third Place.


  17. Please feel free to join the conversation around these talks at our website. Do blog about them, or share them with family, colleagues and friends.

  18. 親愛的朱先生:

    you are my daymaker!!!


    前天到菜市場買水果 老闆看我感冒了



  19. Dear Ariel:

    First, I want to thank your teacher to let me connect with you. I also want to thank you for reminding me that I may feel lonely sometime, but I am never alone. 🙂 Please do not be put off by my English reply. It is my way to force you all to read my simple English. English is the easiest language in the world. If we can master Chinese, there is no reason we cannot break the English. After, English only has 26 alphabets.

  20. Dear yungchun: You are so right that sharing is the most important in learning and exploring. We all get the most satisfaction when we know we can make a difference in people’s life. Your simple comments have made my day. Now, I know I am not alone. I also need embrace because I am only an ordinary people like you all.

  21. Dear ??:

    It is you who remind me to change the setting of this weblog site. I always think the real benefit for a blog is to build an on going dialogue. If there is no interaction from comments or feedback, blog is simply a tool to let the world know what I stand for or an ego trip for me. I always value the quality of the comments more than the real contents of the blog. I was sadden that no one wants to participate in this intellectual dialouge. Thank you for your initiative so more people can be inspired, get involved and take action.

  22. One thing we will find is when we change ourself for better, something/someone around us will change for better too, no matter how little that change is.

    Have a good day, friends.

  23. Dear Never Give up:
    I just got back from a meeting. I was touched by your kind commment. It means a lot to me. You made my day too. You are a great daymaker and ripplemaker already. Have you heard the law of 1%? I recently propose this concept at Xue Xue’s private mentoring class. It means that you don’t have to ask of yourself too much and become paralysis by this high expectation. You should allow yourself to be a human with all the emotion, positive or negative. Therefore, you can become a daymaker or ripplemaker one percent at a time.

    Thank you for spending time with me at this blog.

    I will spend more time on comments, instead of the one way essay that I post in this site.

    It is too late now. I will try to answer other comments tomorrow.

    Change the world by changing yourself 1% at a time.


  24. 每天流覽您的部落格已經成為一種習慣,讓閱讀成為生活中另一種〝讀癮〞。很喜歡朱部落格中許多的分享,讓我能從各種不同角度去檢視現在,答案也不會只有一個,這樣的互動,讓虛擬的網路空間,多了一點人味兒。真的很棒!

  25. Dear Ping,

    now my log-in problem is finally solved!
    Please don’t be so upset, from now on I will check your website all the time.

    By the way, I always buy the ICB magazine by connecting with your as well.

    See you soon.


  26. 其實有很多學生都會看你的BLOG

  27. Yes, that’s the problem I couldn’t share thoughts with you.
    Glad you found out.

    I really like your positive life experiences.

    Please keep writing and shining for creative business and people in Taiwan.


  28. 吳金津, on March 9th, 2008 at 3:25 pm Said:



  29. Dear Ping:
    每次看了你的文章,都會激發我不同的靈感,但是因為忙碌的工作,讓我一直給我一個藉口”下次有時間的話,我一定回應這篇文章…”,但是在庸庸碌碌的日子裡,常常就會在那麼一瞬間,就突然浮現你所提到的一些Point(像ripple maker, 快樂製造機…),也給了我許多工作及生活上的動力!我很喜愛ripple card這個”tools”(希望你不要介意我用這個形容詞),因為它就是在我產生負面情緒的時候,來轉化成為正面力量的媒介;當我有朋友或客戶跟我分享一些事情時,我也會挑選一張來鼓勵他,或是來讚美他,他們也感受到這份薄薄的卡片,帶給他們如此powerful的力量;所以我堅信”正面的態度及思維” 絕對是可以培養出來的,就像我常會跟別人分享”每天讚美一個人”的觀念,因為我喜歡觀察別人的優點,無論那個人是否有意識到,我都會很直接的讚美出來!對方在驚嚇之餘(哈哈),同時也非常的快樂;慢慢的,我便發現漣漪出現了,雖然並不快,但是,我非常的為自己感到驕傲,也為他人感到驕傲,誰說東方人一定都是保守含蓄說不出口的呢?

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