Comments welcome

我寫了一段日子的blog後感覺有點失望,怎麼那麼少人寫comments?最近因為朋友的提醒,才發現是因為blog本身有些限制,必須是 sign in 的會員才可回應。?這個限制現在已取消了,所以敬請大家多回應,多寫comments,讓我們有更多的互動。

42 thoughts on “Comments welcome”

  1. Dear Nice:

    I think the reward system can shape people’s behavior.

    Please remember we have open book management policy. We open our book so everyone knows how we are doing. We, then, pay 20% as profit sharing. Yes, everyone is de facto 20% of the owner in company. I am the few private business owner don’t believe to give stock as reward system. No one will focus on the long view. They will only look for how much divident they can get. From all the study I read, for a long term effect, the stock ownership has no relation to the long term health of the company. It is just a political correct thinking. It creates lots of noice when you give our stock to your key emloyee, especially we are a private company with no liguidity in our stock.

    I don’t think there is anyway to guarentee anyone’s fit into our culture. Only time will tell. Yes, we rely on time to decipher the person. People change and always will.

    The original right person maybe the wrong person when organization changed under the globalization and most competitve environment.

    We all know who is competent and who is not competent in a small organization. As long as we play fair and have the courage to let people go ( even the old one who starts the busienss with us ), people who are matured will know if they are in a ever changing organization or a status quo/business as usual business.

    One thing I am sure: Canmeng is a lousy place to sit and wait for retirement.

    We also actively looking for people who are a born daymaker and having an aesthetic lifestyle. We are in a fashion and lifestyle business. All other skills can be learned. Service from heart is difficult to train. Ethics is also difficult to train.

    Be a daymaker and you will find your calling eventually,



    Please say hi to Professor Young and all your classmates.

  2. Dear Eric:

    Thank you for your email. I am flattered.

    Of course, I am advocating meritocracy with a team spirit. We will reward people who have shown the problem solving, positive attitude and engaged changing with team spirit. Stylists will have different salary like any game changing organization.

    Yes, I agree with you that the commission based reward system has hostaged beauty industry’s sophistication in modernizing the management and growth. It also put off people like you to find a calling in our life.

    Salon/spa now in Taiwan ( for most of the world too ) is only a cash cow for making a living. Everyone lives in a fearful life. Stylists are afraid of losing clients. Salon owners are afraid of losing stylists. No one is really care about the long term health of the salon and the futre of this industry.

    You are not alone. The AIG, Lehman Brothers or any of the troubled investment banks are engaing the full commission based reward system. They are prone to sell high risk investment vehicle because they got much more commission by selling these toxic derivatives. This is what we got when everyone is motivated by greed and commission. There is no long term goal or ethics. Everyone is just focusing on how much I can get with my own contribution. It destroys the team and long term view. Environment friendly lifestyle is only an after thought.

    Canmeng Aveda is trying to change this.

    I am experimenting this team based pay with profit sharing for Taiwan’s Salon/Spa industry. However, we need the support from consumers to support this more positive and trust based rewars system.

    Next time, you go to a salon and ask them if they are on commission based pay ( 100% of them is on this fear based reward system ) and how many day off they have in a month. In our Salon/Spa, all stylists and spa therapists have 8 days off with vacation, maternality leave and retirement fund as labor law required.

    I am interested in creating a place where people can utilize their strength and skill to integrate work and life. Salon and Spa is a great place to experiment this craftsmanship oriented profession.

    Consumers, would you vote with what you buy, even 1% of a time?

    Eric, we are not perfect yet. We still have stylists left us. However, most of them left us with higher aspiration for themselves and in this profession.

    Please give me another five years ( in 2013 ) so I can tell you if Taiwan is ready for this holistic reward system. I need a total of 10 years to prove to the world that many young people don’t want to be motivated by money, they want to make a life, not just a living.

    Be the change,


  3. 朱平先生您好:
    因為老師在課堂中提到肯夢SHARE TIPS的做為不競爭的例子,同學們也想請教您如何調配能力強度不同的人?如何使能力強的人獲得較好的獎勵呢?

  4. 朱平先生:













  5. Dear Smellgood:

    I am so sorry I missed out your comments. I like it very much because you start to walk your talk.

    Yes, we vote with what we buy. The world will be changed by our intelligent shopping. Please don’t ever underestimate the power of you.

    I also admire these two young person to have the courage to live a life of their choice.

    Thank you for being a daymaker to these two young person.


  6. Dear Ann:

    I really cannot change anyone except myself. The best way to start a ripple is to become the first stone that starts the ripple. By changing yourself, you start a ripple effect.

    Thank you for allowing me to get close to you. It is a privilege to be considered a friend of you.

    Please share what you have learned with your peers.

    Please remember that your mom/dad and me was once as young as you are now.

    Your homework: Please hug your mom or dad and say thanks and you love them. You can also pick up your mobile phone to tell them that you just miss them and want to say thanks for everything.

    Keep rippling.

    your peer

  7. 朱平先生:



  8. 朱先生,您好,
    這陣子有機會到南投的一間三合院民宿住了幾天.主要是為了放慢生活的腳步.為什麼會選擇這間三合院呢?其中有一些答案是朱先生.You vote what you buy. 這是一間由兩位年輕人實踐夢想,克服萬難整修的百年古厝,為了保留傳統的建築,實踐個人的理想.他們的故事感動了我,這間古厝因為他們延續了生命.來到這裡,真的發現屋子好美,風景好美,這些努力不懈的年輕人更美.

  9. Dear Alex:

    It means a lot to me when I know people taking action. Now, you know it is not so difficult to wrtie to me so we can start the dialogue and build a learning and sharing based community together here.

    I want you to do a homework and share with us your experience. Can you ??????????? Can you share with us here the results? How do you feel about yourself when you make people’s day?

    Be the change,


  10. Dear Iren:

    It is people like you who make me the richest person in Taiwan. Yes, life is a series of decisions and ripples. I am glad that you contemplated and connected all the dots ( ripples ) in our path. I am convinced that our path will cross again in the future. You are a girl with a beautiful soul. Thank you for your kind words. ARI is the luckiest person in the world.

    We vote with what we buy.


  11. Dear ARI:

    You are the one who deserves the admiration and kudos. You have an idea and you just go for it. It is this can-do spirt that will lead you to something that you have never expected. I am glad to know that your guests liked the talk I shared. You are building a community that can replenish your guests’ passion in life. I think you are very lucky to have a committed team to realize your dream together.

    Please be fearless in pursuing what you believe.



  12. Dear Elyse:

    I took the time to browse your beautifully design website. I, especially, like the film you made to share with us your work day. I am so sorry to know the frustration you have in Taiwan. You will know when the moment has come. You should be very thoughtful when you talk to your parent. You can say this : I know you love me and want to protect me from wasting my life away. I am grateful for your support. But, I love design work and I know I am very good at my work.

    I have no idea about the job market in webdesign now. I assume you can do all graphic design work. Have you tried to contact PPAPER? You can give them a call and just tell them that you like what they are doing and want be part of their team if they have opening. You never know. You can use my name if it is helpful. After all, they will only hire persons who can contribute the most to their project. You can work as a free lance or ad hoc project assignment. Good luck and never give up.


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