A picnic in the park

Kuala Lumpur is a beautiful city with lots of big old trees. I like the city a lot except for its’ outdated model of suburban development. It is a city based on automobile with the growing sprawl of suburban communities. Taipei is blessed by her density and limited space which used to be considered a drawback, and now a great model for urban living. Now, this is our strength to develop pedestrian friendly alley culture and MTR/public transportation system. One really doesn’t need a car in Taipei. In KL, car is a necessity. If you don’t have a car, you cannot go anywhere. People are so used to air-conditioner here that they prefer the air-conditioned mall to the park.
M and I decided to have a picnic at the park. What a beautiful way to spend the last day of my stay in KL, a picnic in the park with Petronas twin towers as the backdrop.

1 thought on “A picnic in the park”

  1. Dear Mr. Chu:
    I am the chief of the teaching staff of Miang Dao High School, Taichung. I wonder if we have the pleasure to invite you to our school and give our 13 graders-to-be a speech on “Daymaker”?
    Peggy Lin

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