

398 thoughts on “Q&A”

  1. Dear朱平老師



  2. Dear Teacher Ping Chu:
    I’m the student from TOYPF (十傑學生大會).
    Right now, I’m the 4th grade student from National Yang-Ming university and major in Nursing. I think that being a male nurse in Taiwan is not what I really want to do, but I don’t know what I should do or what I really interested in. Therefore, I join the organization like TOYPF & participate in lots of activities and speeches to find out what I really like.
    After your class, I’ve got enlightenment from the idea and faith that you keep telling us, like: being a daymaker& ripplemaker or start acting to “DO SOMETHING”.

    Ooooh ! I have to say that I’d love to watch a TED video per day for receive new knowledge and practice my English, but it’s hard to force myself watching “the most dislike” category of video per day :((((

    And….. “kiva.org” is so coooooooool !
    After the class on Saturday, I signed up and loaned my 25$ right away!
    Just can’t wait being a daymaker and using my little power to change the world. :))

    Thanks for your wonderful lecture and sharing your idea with us. If I got no plan on 12/15, I’ll come to the red room for another adventure ! :)))

    Fando Liang

  3. 朱平老師您好:

    我是在十傑聽你演講的同學,您的”Day maker” 毫無回饋的讓人快樂,還有很多很多透過不同方式了解自己,尤其是說在目錄中點自己不喜歡的項目去看等等,真的讓我更驚喜發現,更認識自己


  4. Dear朱平老師,


    我們之後會一起去Red Room哦 🙂

    Best Regards,

  5. Dear 朱平老師:

    老師您好,我是在十傑聽您演講的珈卉 : )
    在聽完您演講時真的讓我思考了許多事情,而其中有些是一再被自己耽擱的事。像是對於自己想做的事或新的事物,我會告訴自己想做而不做會後悔,新的事物可以去嘗試看看不要怕踢鐵板;但對於害怕的事,卻常常沒辦法說服自己,不過就像您說的”去做自己害怕的事情”,我想我可以好好面對它的! You never do it, you never know it!
    真的很謝謝您帶給我們這麼棒的演講!之後我會去參加Red Room,好想要和這群”找到自己”的人對話,期待下次與您見面!

    Best Regards,

    By Anny

  6. Dear Teacher Ping Chu,

    I’m a student from TOYPF, which you gave a lecture to on Saturday morning. It took me quite a long time to figure out what kind of comment should I leave or what kind of question should I ask. I totally agree with your view of our generation. We have too many options, and often lose our purity in such a varied world. We all want to be “somebody”, instead of being ourselves. I know the importance of being myself; however, the reality forces me to be someone else, or even someone I don’t like. You said that we should define “success” on ourselves, but sometimes, if I don’t have the ability to be “generally” successful, how can I be able to define success on myself? “Too calculating, and then you lose these possibility.” You said. This sentence inspired me a lot; sometimes I think I merely need the courage to take the risk, to be the change, or even to face those things that I’m afraid of. Fear for losing, fear for failing; while being safe and sound, I lose the chance of being myself. Is there any principle that you follow while you need the courage to do something?

    By Steff Yang

  7. Dear 朱平老師:
    老師您好,我是今天在十傑聽你演講的同學。今天聽完您的課程讓我了解許多,對於語言有更不同的看法,對於未來的企業經營模式也有些新的觀點,也對於品味有更深一層的認識。而對我來說,在這堂課程中印象最深刻我想就是”Be different”,如何在社會中讓自己更突出、更獨特,如何走出一個不一樣的道路、活出不一樣的人生,並尋找出其中的意義以及價值,我想這是一個很值得深思的問題,真慶幸我在這年紀就能聽到朱平老師的演講,讓我提早思考這些人生問題,感謝老師今天的課程分想。Thank you !期待12/15的Redroom聚會,期望在那可以認識更不一樣的自己!

    十傑 余志洋(YU CHIH YANG)

  8. Dear Ping Chu:
    對於「悅日人」的部份,我會更努力的去學習,傳承老師給我們的想法,「Don’t ask what can I do,just doing.」讓陌生人也能因為我們的一個小動作而開心,我想,漣漪卡很快的也會傳下去,給下個願意關心陌生人的人,如此傳遞,社會上人與人之間,才真的會有溫度的產生。當然,當個優雅的男士,更是我現在需要加強的課題,有了方向,做起來一定不難,我會努力的。
    期待12/15和老師的見面,我會去參加Red Room,因為我想了解何謂「不滿就be change」的精神,也想介此多和外國人聊天,加強自己的語文能力,然後分享。

  9. Dear 朱平老師:

    今天聽完您的分享後讓我得到很多想法,也讓我重新思考了很多事情。我很喜歡老師說的”讓自己去做自己怕的事情”這點,有時候我們總是想得太多、顧慮太多,就錯過了很多精彩美好的事情。今年寒假我有打算要自助旅行去美國瞧瞧,但總為了一些安全上顧慮而猶豫不決,但聽完老師的分享,讓我相當有動力去完成這件自己害怕的事。希望自己可以成為更積極,Just do it的那種人。感謝老師的分享,讓我再次檢視並認識自己:D Thank you very much!!!

    十傑 Yu Chun Ou

  10. Dear 朱平先生:
    Today you are my daymarker!
    Thank Q so much 🙂
    十傑 yen yu

  11. Vanessa dear:

    Wow, a freshman in the college.

    Hey, slow down, enjoy the college life with open mind and curiosity. It is too early to know what you want your life to be.

    Steve Jobs told us that connecting dots is the fun part of our life. Now, you just need to create lots of dot in all kind of situation. You may never know why this dot will have effect on you later. It is not the point. The point is to live life fully here and now. If you leade your life the right way, Karma will take care of you and the dream will come to you. ( Randy Pausch’s famous last lecture. )

    Please enjoy the journey and not to focus on too much of the outcome.

    You may need to come to my Red Room and realize that simple pleasure is really easy to cultivate as long as you are ready and willing.

    I have no idea what I want to do when I was your age. I do know one thing, though, I want to see the world. And I did.

    It is not just finding the meaning of our life, but experiencing the meaning of being alive.

    Go, let your thought be free and don’t make your life too complicated by always calculating the return of your investment. The biggest return of your efforts on anything is to know who you are. You will never know who you are if you are aversive of risk taking.



  12. Dear Ping Chu
    I am a freshman now. I felt something encouraging after reading your article on ppaper, and I started thinking about some of my life experience. I found I sometime indulged myself in sorts of anxiety. some are good and essential, because it urged me to do things well or motivate me to be braver. However, others always led me to the depression which reminded me that I can not actually solve the problem though I was still working on it. Just like many young people, I have a “dream” that I am eager to realize. It kind of awkward because I often can not describe clearly to people that the changed I want to see in the world. I indeed want to make the change happen, but sometime I was like a lost kid forgetting what I really want to pursue for. Um, probably just as a saying goes, ” find out the correct question is more important than the answer. ” I am not sure if I am toward to the direction I indeed have passion on it. All I am doing now is keep absorbing varieties of information and try to understand them by explaining it myself. How do feel about it? Should I give up finding out such the direction for myself?


  13. 朱先生您好:


    1. Dear Yu Ting:

      Thank you for making my day.

      I decided to slow down a little bit so I can focus on what I could do with my Third Life.

      As you may know, I spend more and more time in Dulan, Taitung now.

      You can still connect with me through this blog and PPaper Business magazine that you can purchase from 7-11 every month.

      Be the change,


  14. Dear 朱先生:您好!




    1. Dear Timothy:

      I plan to slow down and start my Third Life.

      I am sorry that I cannot attend your program.

      This blog is my way to engage with those people who are ready and want to take the accountability of their life in their own hands.

      I enjoyed the sharing and replenished my own spirit through these dialogue.

      Thank you for invitation.


  15. Hi Mr. Ping Chu!!

    Always enjoy reading your encouraging and insightful posts here 🙂 I totally agree with you in one of your post where you expressed “Studying, working, living abroad have made who I am now. We need these dots to connect our life with a full circle.”

    I often shared with some of my friends that “…The waves in our lives make us stronger and broaden our horizon to achieve greater things to come :)” All sorts of good and not so great things happened in my life, and often friends asked me would I wish to change or choose differently, and my reply to them would be if I have changed these events in my past I would not be who I am today. There may be things that I may have thought that I could have done better but would wish it never happened as I believe everything happens for a reason whether we know it or not or we created it or not, we just have to take responsibility for it and try our best to make the outcome in the end a better one.

    I don’t know if I have a list of 50 things to do in Taipei but one of the things I wanted to do during my chapter in Taiwan was to pick up the sketchbook and draw again.

    So, I wanted to share with you this special piece (http://goo.gl/0R2Fb) that I did. It was special because without knowing that it was going to become a historical mark for each of these wonderful people I was learning bread-making from as they all are moving on to a brighter future of their own. It made their day and certainly made mine…sometimes just strange how the simple act of spreading happiness from the heart freely and truly can come in a full circle.

    As for me, I am one step closer in making one of my wish come true and I hope in the near future I will have the chance to visit Red Room.

    A quote that echos one of my take on Happiness in Life that I would like to share with you: “Happiness comes only from appreciating what you have right now. You can even be happy by appreciating your troubles because they are helping to build your character.”

    Take Care and Hope all are well with you!!


    PS. BTW I am totally curious on your list of 50 things to do in Taipei 🙂 I think 1/3 of my would be on food/drink related hahaha

    1. Dear Serena:

      Thank you for sharing your life philosophy with me and all the very selective readers here.

      We are so lucky to meet here, I meant all the people who are reading this blog, so we know we are not alone and we are learning from each other.

      We feel special because we know our life philosophy matters to many people. We just need to cuddle together and have enough courage to be the change we want to see for ourselves.

      Your drawing is lovely and I am sure your friends will treasure it for the rest of their life. You surely made their day that day.

      Food and Drink is an essential lifestyle business ( not an easy one though ). If you can link your passion, purpose and strength ( skills ) together with a match of demand, you may stumble on something. No one will guarantee you to be rich and famous, however, you would be happy with the integration of your work and life.

      Nonzero is the statement of this lifestyle. Have you visited my Nonzero restaurant yet? Restaurant is a very tough business, especially if you are not the chef. However, restaurant is a very rewarding business if you have passion and love to food. Unfortunately, we seldom see any food that is prepared with love and pride in Taiwan, except from our mother. 🙂

      It is the most difficult part in restaurant business. How to inspire chef to become a master in food and lifestyle. Well, I don’t think Taiwan’s consumers are not ready for appreciating chef’s meticulous love to their creation yet. Most consumers just want to have food that satisfy their taste bud and value proposition. Nonzero is an experiment trying to see if Taiwan’s consumer will appreciate simple, tasteful, honest and good food. No fanfare or celebrity chef stuff, just simple honest food.

      It is my humble opinion that trust and generosity ( being trust ) would be the biggest selling point to conscious consumers in the future.

      Let’s see if Taiwan has critical mass for conscious consumers to initiate any social value change.

      Again, let’s be the change first.


      Hope to see you this coming Red Room on 8/18/2012. http://www.redroom.com.tw

      1. Dear Mr. Ping Chu,

        I sure did visit your lovely non-zero restaurant, it was that initial visit where we met by chance when I took my friends one from Vancouver and one that came back from Vancouver to taste the delicious afternoon tea dishes and latte. I believe you were there that day meeting with a couple. It was also there that I had a lovely conversation with Winnie (lovely lady)

        You shared with us the inspiration and concept of the interior design of your restaurant (loved when you told me the floor tiles) We then had the honour to have a tour of Canmeng by you and loved the free hand paintings in the lobby and the praticum classroom at the funky underground studio.

        That day was in particularly memorable to me 🙂 Thank you for sharing your humble opinions, it will be quite interesting to see that social change in values. All the best and have a fantastic week.



      2. Dear Serena:

        I am glad that I made you and your friends day that day. 🙂

        Life is a series of chance encounters.

        I wish you the best in whatever you want to do.


        PS. Thank you for choosing Nonzero.

  16. Dear 育典:

    I would like to rate your homework A+. 🙂

    You are the few exceptional people who take control of their life from their inertia and spend time to write to me here. Congratulation.

    Actually, you should find more comments on this blog on this popular article.


    I think our developers are busy to chase big money by building more and more expensive, intimidating and boring apartment house. Rich people actually live in a 5 star jail house with no fresh air and loss the connection to their neighborhood. It is a terrible things happened in any city. Rich people are isolated and lost the chance to cultivate empathy and humility. This is why I am so happy that I still can take public bus to where I want to go.

    I did talk to a few powerful and successful developers about this new Lifestyle living apartment. I assured them that they may not make big money, but, they will not lose money. I challenge these developers to build an apartment that their employee, their designers can afford. I think I touched a few developers soul. They told me to give them time. One day they will build this small and affordable lifestyle apartment.

    Let’s wait. This is why I said this will never happened from the existing developers. We need outsiders with a social mission to make a difference.

    If you have children, big terrace living is not suitable. Big terrace living is for those people who choose to live this lifestyle. They are usually single with pets, young or old. They are mostly in creative profession with a different values in quality of living. To live in a small space will make your life simpler with no space to put stuffs. We have too many stuffs already. It is a new thinking about living. No need to become a house slave or living on the hope of future return. It is here and now, living fully without being a house slave or anyone’s slave.

    I could not afford to live in a big terrace house in Taipei and would not sacrifice my time on the road. Therefore, I decided to live in Taitung instead. I am the lucky few, after 63 years building my dream, who don’t have to be at the office all the time. I have my big terrace living finally. 🙂

    Life is difficult and a trade off. You just have to learn your own lessons.

    I think you would be a great mother.


    1. thank you answer my quewtion 🙂

      PS:your airtcle all in this blog?
      if the answer is right,i will spend more time in this blog.

      1. Dear 育典:

        Yes, you will find a rich contents in my blog, especially in the Q&A and comments section.

        I spend a lot of time to answer these questions. I believe by investing my time on one on one Q&A, I can engage more with individual on an intimate base. This is why I don’t care about the numbers of visitors in my blog. I am more concerned about the quality of the questions and the community feeling of this blog.

        You should spend more time to read all the comments here. I guarantee you that you will also improve your English and gain wisdom from these questions.



  17. 朱老師你好 我是這兩天猜家GYLA的學員
    在昨天 聽到你有抒 於是我GOOGLE下
    也打算買了 今天也買回來了

    我來交作業的 😀
    因為我英文不是好 所以我先挑了一篇英文比較沒有哪麼多的
    我想你應該不會太介意吧 呵呵

    如果是我 我願意擁有一個有8坪大陽台的31.8坪的房子
    但是 這應該是屬於一個人空間
    如果要成家生小孩的話 我就會捨棄掉8坪的空間
    拿來給小孩子去發揮 等於說陽台的空間變成小孩的發揮天地

    這是我的看法 在此交流 謝謝

  18. Dear Ping Chu:
    It’s been long time to write letters to u.I am the one who sat front of you with gray hat at your speech in Taichung last night.
    I’ve been looking for seeing you and it came true finally!I used to write a thankful card to you for the sponsor when i was a sophomore in NTPU.

    It means a lot and taught me something about future.Life is composed of complicated things,however,we still have to figure it out by ourselves.

    You’re just like a mental coach to me.I really enjoyed the night.

    1. Dear Edison:

      Yes, I remember you, the one wearing a hat at the front row.

      You are absolutely right on the comment: we still have to figure it our by ourselves “.

      No one can learn the lesson for you. I am happy that you were there and I believe we shall meet again, either here with meeting of minds or somewhere, sometime, somehow.

      Be happy,


  19. Dear Law:

    We just had one of the best Red Room events last Saturday. I was completely breathless and gasped with awe when I saw so many talent people who just wanted to share their love of life with us.

    The next Red Room is on 7/21/2012, please mark your calendar.

    Thank you for supporting Nonzero. Nonzero is not only a statement on food culture that I want to redefine but also a new model for restaurant business in Taiwan. Let’s celebrate the bounty that nature has offered and the moment with friends. This is Nonzero.

    Yes, you are absolutely right. The torch has to pass on and on.

    I will be leaving my body in 20 years. It is time for people like you to take over the torch.



    http://www.redroom.com.tw Pleae browse this website and find the venu info before you come.

    By the way, your English is superb. Please continue practice Englsih. English is just a tool so you don’t need gatekeeper to screen newest knowledge for you. We should refuse to receive second hand info from katekeepers.

  20. Hi Ping,
    Last Sunday, I went to Nonzero for afternoon break, took some nice photos there, ate delicious cake with nice tea, and read your book which touches my heart profoundly. (although many ppl said

    Life is an attitude, and you instruct young generations how to face it with directional suggestions. It reminds my unconditional love. Only you really care, and you’re willing to spend lots of time on it. (Can’t imagine how did you have time to reply tons of mails n comments)

    Take your advice as a practice. I decide to use English to write down some meaningful words with pictures on wordpress. I’d love to join next RED ROOM event and experience all of little pleasures happened in our life.

    It’s great to have you to inspire people like me. Then, I do believe the torch will be passed on n on.


  21. dear 朱先生:




    1. Dear Yu-Ping:

      If you read my book closely, you will know that I would recommend you to find meaning in being a pharmacist first. Be a daymaker to your colleague and patient. You practice kindness and promise yourself to spend one extra minute with people who just received the Rx from you.

      You only need to smile and ask them how they are doing today. You also can tell them you know it is terrible when they have asthma attack. Asking them to follow Doctor’s instruction and take medication religiously.

      Please pay attention to the patient ( people ), not to the drugs ( disease ).

      I know it is hard to spend any time with patients with high spirit when you need to fill 200 Rx per day. However, it is a discipline you need to practice. This is the way to know what made of you.

      Without achievement in your current job, you will not be ready to be on your own and do something you thought you would like to do.

      As I indicated in the book, I am an accident entrepreneur. My father’s death prompted me to think how I want to live my life. I finally made the decision to take one year off and discover my life purpose.

      Thanks for Paul Mitchell, he told me if I enjoyed teaching, I could do anything in the world, including start my own business.

      Once you accept that you need help to live a life with aesthetic intelligence, you are on your way to appreciate the simple beauty in your life.



  22. Dear朱先生,





    1. Dear Mandy:

      Every disease is a lesson that requires our own learning and on our own term. No one can help you, except yourself.

      Life is finite so we all will leave our body sooner or later. Death is the biggest invention. ( Steve Jobs ) Death is also the ultimate equlizer. Nothing matters.

      Once you realize this mortality, you will take life as a beautiful journey and not be affected by conventional wisdom or definition of success.

      All I can say now is to listen to your body and take back the control of your health as much as possible. I started my runing routine once I have known I have irreversible allergic asthma. I become more in tune with my body ever since I become a runner.

      Without healthy, you can not achieve anything.


  23. 朱平先生,

    您好。一直以來很喜歡閱讀您的文章,也很喜愛肯夢AVEDA的概念及服務,猶記得好幾年前,閱讀了您的和等文章,第一次走進位於誠品信義店的AVEDA,一位親切的設計師Mel 為我進行洗剪髮服務,從此以後,便愛上 AVEDA 的髮型及產品服務。

    今天,只是想跟您分享一件小事。前陣子在書店買了本BIG ISSUE雜誌閱讀,看到這本雜誌的販售方式(提供雜誌給無家可歸者和社會弱勢人們販售,讓他們得到一個自營生計的機會),覺得很特別。這兩天在台中火車站遇到一位街友先生,用不擾人的音量和方式,叫售著BIG ISSUE,第一天,由於我口袋中只剩一點零錢,並未向他購買,第二天(也就是今天),又碰到這位街友先生在叫售,即上前去詢問:您是說BIG ISSUE嗎?



    1. Dear Dale:

      You are my daymaker today. Your authentic feeling and sharing just made goose bumps on me.

      It is this kind of sharing that brightens my heart. Big Issue is definitely an ideal way to help our street people to earn their living with dignity.

      As you may notice that Canmeng Aveda is a big supporter for Big Issue. Let’s continue this journey of empowering people. In the process, we also empower ourselves to be happy.

      Happiness exists in action.


  24. 朱平先生 您好

    想請教您 5/4 晚間在誠品【設計100分的生活系列講座】體驗美感生活,您開場白播放的一段影片我要如何可以找到?我想分享給我身邊的人,希望他們雖未在場,也可以有一樣的感動。也謝謝您將這美好的體驗分享給我…….
    敬祝您 天天開心 天天新鮮~~


      1. Dear Mr. Ping Chu



        祝福您 經常收穫滿滿


      2. Dear Wennie:

        All I did is to invest a few more minutes to find a better quality video for you and everyone to share. It is really not trouble at all.

        However, I need to point out that this is also what separates a person who want to be accountable for his own standard of excellence from a person who just want to be mediocre. It is a habit, not an intentional intent.

        One day, you will cultivate this kind of personal mastery.

        Please never lose faith in human’s goodness.



  25. Dear Ping,

    Via magazine, I know about “red room”. I believe “sharing” is an art and a wonderful thing to enjoy. Eager to enjoy others’ “sharing” whatever they are. When will it be held recently? May 19?
    Is it necessary to bring “one” friend? Wine is no problem but going along is not allowed? Ceetainly I will follow your rules whatever the answer is!

    Hope to feel deeply the little world soon!! And tks in advance for your kind response!
    Jeff Lai

    1. Dear Jeff:

      Thanks for the email and your interest in Red Room.

      No, you don’t need to bring “One Frind” to this event. Yes, you can come alone. Actually, the only rule I would like to impose is to practice listening not just from ear, but also from heart.

      I am also absolutely sure that you will make some friends at Red Room.

      The next one is the Third Saturday of May, which is on 5/19.

      Please find the venue details from http://www.redroom.com.tw or from this blog.

      See you on 5/19, it would be a very special event.


  26. Dear Aaron:

    I would share with you my limited experience in changing. Disruptive change can never happen in the existing situation. Change alwasy starts from peripheral and edge, never from the center.

    I don’t want to discourage you, however, unless you start a new team or even a new company, you cannot initiate change in an old system. There are too much personality conflict and turf wars that will obstruct any meaningful change.

    Please mark your calendar on 5/19 for 31st Red Room. This would be a very special Red Room.

    I would love to see more people attending Red Room from this blog so you will know what I am trying to accomplish so you are welcome to join me on this important movement in Taiwan.

    Only if you are ready though,

    Please double check http://www.redroom.com.tw and see if this is what you want to experience.

    Be the change,


  27. 敬愛的朱 先生, 您好!





    1. Dear Vivian:

      We shall meet when we are ready.

      Thank you for keeping your promise. I just hope you only give books to those who are ready. I also want to thank you on behalf of Ripplemaker Foundation. As you may know, I would self fund Ripplemaker Foundation from the proceeds of my book.

      You are a Ripplemaker.


  28. 朱先生 您好!
    當得知您有辦私墊時已過了…,很可惜沒能有機會參,未來何時您會再辦呢? 很想能有機會與您近距離學習您的理念!

    從退伍後,在朋友機緣下閱讀了PPAPER認識到您! 慢慢開始會去追蹤您的文章,了解您的生活與經營理念,一切都非常得認同! 且改變了我很多人事物的態度觀念,期間我也去參加了鐵人

    退伍至今5年的時間過去了,個人對於團隊經營非常有濃厚的興趣,開始謀職,也算幸運的了! 期間2個工作都是從基層爬上核心經營規畫單位! 也希望能將所了解所學的團隊熱情帶入,也希望在外公司能多學。



    1. Dear Aaron:

      What you need to learn is how to initiate change in organization. There are lots of books about this change management. Please google these books. The bible of change management is ” Leading Change by John P. Kotter. I copy some high points as following:

      1. Establishing a sense of urgency

      * Examining market and competitive realities

      * Identifying and discursing crises, potential crises, or major opportunities

      2. Forming a powerful guiding coalition

      * Assembling a group with enough power to lead the change effort

      * Encouraging the group to work together as a team

      3. Creating a vision

      * Creating a vision to help direct the change effort

      * Developing strategies for achieving that vision

      4. Communicating vision

      * Using every vehicle possible to communicate the new vision and strategies

      * Teaching new behaviors by the example of the guiding coalition

      5. Empowering others to act on the vision

      * Getting rid of obstancles to change

      * Changing systems or structures that seriously undermine the vision

      * Encouraging risk taking and nontraditional ideas, activities, and actions

      6. Planning for and creating short-term wins

      * Planning for visible performance improvements

      * Creating those improvements

      * Recognizing and rewarding employees involved in the improvements

      7. Consolidating improvements and producing still more change

      * Using increased credibility to change systems, structures, and policies that don’t fit the vision

      * Hiring, promoting, and developing employees who can implement the vision

      * Reinvigorating the process with new projects, themes, and change agents

      8.Institutionalizing new approaches

      * Articulating the connections between the new behaviors and corporate success

      * Developing the means to ensure leadership development and succession

      The most challenging issue is how to deal with family business. It is sometime a rocky emotional journey. I think it would be better if you can find a coach on hand holding you to over come this challenge.

      Now, you know how executive coach is important to coach you on this emotional tough decisions.

      I can only offer you one important insight: you might need to let people go if you want to reinvent your family business. It is tough, but, you have to do it so you can focus on building a new team with shared vision and vitality.

      No one says it is easy.

      You can do it if you really want to do it.


      1. Dear Aaron:

        Oh, please subscribe this blog so you will get news on inviting readers to chat. I don’t know when I will do this again. However, I still think the face to face gathering is still the best way to connect and bond.

        Actually, you all are welcome to meet me at Red Room which will be held on every Third Saturday of the month. The next one is today, 4/21, actually.

        Please check http://www.redroom.com.tw for venue and detail


      2. 朱先生:
        未能來得及參與本次的 Red Room ,期待下次能與您聚會到~ 謝謝!
        thank you much again!


  29. 朱老師您好,我是在禮拜三聽您分享的北大學生。那場演講對我意義非凡,我在您的內容找到了許多值得追尋的方向,預計4/21會給自己一次機會,參加redroom,總之謝謝!



    於是我參加了許多的社團也參與了各式各樣的活動。但是如同那天我所問您的問題,I have to focus on things matter.但到目前為止,我所以為我有興趣的事情,都僅止於興趣而已,它們不是夢想。




    1. Dear Jimmy:

      Thank you for reaching out to me. As I said in many occasions that I really have no answers to your questions.

      By asking these questions I think you already knew what the answers were.

      It is rare that people find what their real dream is. Those people who told you they have found their dreams are extremely lucky few.

      If it will make feel better, I did not know what my dreams are until I am almost 40 years old. Dream will find you when you always love what you are doing and make achievement diligently.

      Please continue your positive engagement with things you are interested or even not interested, over time, you will connect all these dots. Besides, you will have a rich memories and rich lifestyle by experiencing so many things. All these intangilbe would be your biggest advantage in your enjoyment of the beautiful life.

      Yes, focus is the key for any successful endeavors. However, you need to learn a wisdom that I am still learning: Nonjudgemental philosophy.

      Once you acquired this ” nothing is permanent ” eastern philosophy, you will feel liberated and start cultivate a growth mindset, instead of the limited growth mindset towarding any challenges in life.

      Here is my hero, Randy Pausch’s quote on his Last Lecture:

      It’s not about achieving your dreams.
      It’s about how to lead your life.
      If you lead your life the right way,
      The Karma will take care of itself.

      The dream will come to you.

      -Randy Pausch-

      Love and a big Hug,


      1. Dear Jimmy:

        I forget to mention that I use your questions on my column for PPaper Business issue 40, May 2012. Please check it out when it is published.

        I think your questions have touched on many young people’s mind.

        Again, thank you for posting this question here.


      2. 我懂了,我會試著讓自己把當下的每一份事情做好,並不斷對未知的事物保持好奇心。

        I hope one day I can be such a kind person like you.

        期中考無法出席4月redroom,sorry I miss my words.
        See you in May!!!

        PS: Being quoted is my pleasure.

      3. Dear Jimmy:

        Please learn how to make self talk and affirmaton by practice.

        How wonderful that you find answers your self.

        Please mark your calendar on 5/19 for the 31st Red Room. Please check http://www.redroom.com.tw for some photos and info.

        See you when you are ready,


  30. 迷網的人您好:




    以上是我淺薄的意見與分享! 共勉!

    1. kai 的觀點很好! 🙂
      “Not all who wander are lost.”
      每個人都有自己的生命路程,管他社會認為幾歲的人該有幾歲的樣子,不然全國的人都去考取公職好了 🙂

    2. Dear Kai:

      Well said. You are absolutely right. I would recommend you to read the PPaper Business issue 40 for May, 2012 on “Young at Heat”. I was inspired by what Kai has said here too.

      Actually, it is not some brilliant new concept. Life is a series of decisions, trade off and chance encouters. What a boring life it would be if you were so successful at young age and you are destined to live a happy life without any trying.

      If you read any famous people’s autobiography, you will notice that the defining moment in their life usually comes from the challenging time or despair.

      Thank you, Kai, for your generosity in sharing your learning and introduce 彭明輝’s book.

      Enjoying the journey,


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