

398 thoughts on “Q&A”

  1. 迷惘的人您好:




    1. Dear Kai:

      Thank you for introducing me to 彭明輝’s blog. I am impressed by his commitment to make Taiwan a better place. Although I have no connection with Taiwan’s academic world. I do know that University is the biggest monoply and resists to change stubbornly. Professors are the people who are most difficult to lead and to manage. I have no desire to make any change in Taiwan’s academic system. It is a big black hole. 🙂

      The most promising part is still in Taiwan’s private sector. I am glad that 彭明輝 has pointed out the crisis in food and peak oil in the near future. It is my personal belief that agriculture is the future since it needs a total different mindset to make it sustainable and cool again. Young people should get their hands dirty first.

      Organic Farming could be the next big thing for young people because it will become a hip and chic profession. Next time, you will get people’s attention if you hand out a business card with a title of chief guardian for sustainable agriculture or simply say: Hi, I am an organic farmer. 🙂

      Be the change,


    2. Kai您好:


      1. Dear 迷惘的人 and Kai:

        We are all here for you.

        I also welcome any of you who are reading this blog to jump in and initiate your own questions and answers.

        We are all benefited by your generosity and unselfishness.

        Be the change,


  2. 迷惘的人您好:





    祝 迷惑的人還有朱平先生

                 平安 喜樂

    1. Dear Kai:

      Your answer is much better than mine because it comes from you and your real experience.

      There is no other thing make me happy to see people like you to jump in and share your own lessons and ideas. This is the reason that I want to continue this blog. It should not be my blog but all of the readers.

      I really encourage you to use this blog as part of your journal to document your sharing and your learning.

      Both 許芳宜、布拉瑞揚 are my good friends. I admire their devotion to their art. I am glad to know that you are also a fan of modern dance. I always think dance is a most abstract form of artistic performance. A dancer has to prepare their body and practice everyday. It is an art form of space created by body and movement. I used to write a small essay about Pina Bausch, my idol who inspired me the love of modern dance.

      Anyway, thank you for your positive energy and your generosity.

      Love you,


    2. Kai 您好:


      在我身邊有不少同學是受害者,我確信有一半以上的人念EECS非出自內心的熱情,它需要大量的高等數學和邏輯來解決問題,在修練的過成中,很多人都是硬逼著自己去念,雖然念出一點心得,但每分每秒都是苦,在我這一代學校裡,大家為了GPA,為了做研究拼得沒日沒夜,主流就是申請美國理工名校(MIT Caltech UCBerkeley這類型),然後進矽谷主流公司,但這些人是否快樂,自己的熱情在何處,只有他們自己知道.對我而言,我不是天生就對它有興趣,我只是把我扮演的角色盡力做好,若能在過程中愛上它,那是很幸運的事.


      同時我也想分享一位藝術家的網站 http://www.cheerfulm.com/ ,閱讀幾篇短文後,會發現我們不只用正向心理學來定義及追尋自己的真實快樂,有很多東方古代哲學思想也對真實的快樂提出了討論.


      1. Dear 迷惘的人 and Kai:

        Please continue this dialogue. I think this dialouge has made a profound interest in seeking the authentich happiness in your generation.

        EECS is the hottest major in any engineering major in Taiwan. This is part of the problems in Taiwan. We have our brightest and brilliant young people majored EECS and worked for big domestic company immediately after graduation due to the high pay and stock options. These brightest young generation will get lost or used up by the ” low cost ” and ” low margin ” manufacturing jobs. There is no true invention or disrupted technology in their job description. All they can do is to design or refine the ” Process ” to make incremental improvement. They also have no international exposure and experience due to giving up the possibility to study abroad. You really cannot expect these young people to become Morris Chang of TSMC.

        I never have any expectation from Taiwan’s current crop of EECS. In the future, it is the lifestyle and rich life experience that will dictate the next new innovation. If you don’t live a life like Steve Jobs, you simply cannot see how his mind worked. If you have not experienced true, you simply don’t know what true love is.

        I am lucky that I have a second chance due to my father’s illness and death.

        I hope you guy are brave enough to follow your heart and take the trade off without regret.

        One thing you guys have what we don’t have in our generation, you are young and the world is flat. ( you will have more competition than our generation. It would be a tougher world for you guys. )

        Please continue the dialogue……


  3. 朱先生您好:



    1. Dear 迷惘的人:

      I am still trying not to use mobile phone as much as possible in Taipei. However, I do use mobile phone while I am in Dulan, Taitung.

      The real reason that I don’t use mobile phone is that I am a selfish person in terms of my private time. I am lucky with my current way of living that I don’t need to use mobile phone for business or for personal reason. I know it is a very selfish act to guard my private time jealously. 🙂

      Of course, the other reason is to send a strong signal to my team that they don’t need me and force them to take accountability of their own decision. I have them to work on their own term and to make decision for me. Otherwise, I don’t need them.

      Yes, I am grateful to my architect, Mr. B, as described in my book, for creating such an amazing space for me. It is tiny, but, it is cozy and airy. I never want to have a big house anyway. I am working on to revitalize the farmland now. It has been neglected for too long.

      I consider myself the guardian or only a trespasser of this land. I am not the owner of this land. No one owns anything in this life anyway.



  4. 朱先生您好:
    “I recognize that people are different from me and they may think differently from me.”
    “I honor and respect other’s goals.I do not impose my own goals on other people.”
    “It is not what happens to me,but how I handle it,that determines my emotional wall-being.”
    我是7年級理工科系的學生,常閱讀一些書籍雜誌,思考著與當地媒體截然不同的議題,如The New Yorker,TIME,及一些派生議題如http://www.gladwell.com/ 我記得您推薦過一些Gladwell的作品,當然我也讀華人作者如龍應台,蔣勳,楊照,余秋雨及李敖的作品等,同時攝取MONOCLE的資訊約一年半,對某些人而言有點消費與物質,不過我很贊佩Tyler能導出如此的生活與格局,促進我們的Lifestyle,同時我也淺有研讀一些哲學及古典文學,最近我在讀法國Hugo的Les Misérables英文版,雖然只讀到一半,但我最近發覺自己的思想不斷地有革命性的轉變,導致我有一種和過去的朋友背道而行,與家人血親的思想背離的感受,所以每當我透露一點思想時,都被他們視為”paradox”,搞得自己是異類一樣,之後我漸漸接受自己人生是場Adventure,可以是悲劇或喜劇,也不執著主流或非主流,接受了就能自在地冒險,尋找比”survival”還要更高的意義,如同電影Simon Birch(1998) ;Gladiator(2000);Perfume: The Story of a Murderer(2006)裡面的主角,他們要不是絕望就是天生的悲慘,對某些人來說都是個悲劇,但他們都找到了自己的”存在意義及使命”,價值遠遠超越了活下來卻還找不到人生意義的自己,這個存在的意義困惑了我很久,想請教朱先生,我這麼想是因為自私或不知足嗎?或者我應該去找教練諮詢來調整自己的思想?或者我應該跟著現實的腳步平平地帶著世俗的喜與悲慢慢接近終路?
    The Story of a Murderer(2006)
    Simon Birch(1998)

    另外我相信Canmeng與Nonzero都是一種”實驗”,”創新”與”冒險”,Canmeng的制度,Nonzero的概念與哲學容易被本土傳統價值視為”paradox”,我想請教朱先生,當您面對”某些人”的眼光時,是用甚麼樣的心態來開創這些價值?您如何尋找出人生的更高意義(Higher purpose than survival)?謝謝.


    1. Dear 迷惘的人:

      I refer to Ripplecards self affirmation all the time. I watch my thinking pattern and talk to myself all the time. Unfortunately, most people did not take affirmatioin seriously. It is a habit and requires lots of training. I am glad you start this training at this early stage.

      I refrain to answer your questions because I really don’t know how to answer it.

      I am glad to see Kai has offered you some excellent options.

      Actually, you are not the only one who has lost and feel like a 迷惘的人. I can see you are more sensitive and aware of your being. It is a good thing to pay attention to your feeling, however, the only way to get out of this dillemma or bewilderment is actually through doing, not just being.

      I don’t live my life on getting anyone’s approval or vindication. I know what I want and I just do it. I feel the fear and just do it anyway.

      Please read my book and you will find some answers in there.

      Just do it,


      1. Dear Ping:

        I think I should have asked your permission to call you Ping,
        I decided to do this because I was convinced that you are a very positive people after reading your paragraph and some articles elsewhere,and I received your energy fully as if you were as young as me,walking with me to redeem me from the darkness,so that I could show me without shyness.Your words calmed me down and lead me to rethink it more deeply.

        I know I’m not qualified for mastering this project both psychology or philosophy,but I’m still making more effort on them as a listener or a pupil in other field.It is very difficult to comprehend thoroughly.

        I inculcate some affirmation into my mind and practice it not just when I feel depressed.My primary goal is to maintain my mind positive all the time without taking out the cards,cards will be given away to friends around me as a ripple.
        I’m trying to get some information here,it is really helpful.

        Actually,the question I asked above might be a Metaphysical problem which is still no answer yet.I asked you this because I am convinced that you are a man of great wisdom and experiences,and most importantly you have a young heart.There are so few people that could do this in your age.You are very kind to young man so we could learn together.

        I’m very grateful that Kai involved this course and offered his perspectives,that was really helpful to me and to the others.

        Some of the reason that people fell into this dilemma because they were so successful to someone’s perspective,not to mention most of the people,but failed in the heart themselves.If we draw an analogy,it is like a composer who loved music so much,had thrown his life into the music,he knew his existence,the gift is doing people a service,to bring out the most beautiful music to the world.One day he lost the inspiration,his heart would die,even he had earned a very high level of reputation,wealth…and others in his early life,his dream had ended,so he ended.

        Opposite to him,I should be ashamed that I have many interests but still can not find out any task I truly love as Kai said that you will light it up in all your life and do it without any hesitation and never regret.

        I made the decision that no one has ever done before.That could be a good idea or the worst one.Whether it is or not,I will try to find the answer for me through doing.

        I try to write in English as possible as I can.I’m still learning,however,that might mislead my meaning,if there is anything inappropriate,please correct or remove it.

        learn together,


      2. Dear 迷惘的人:

        Of course, you can call me Ping.

        Wow, you know MAPP. My girl friend, Tan Yee Ming, has got her master degree in Appliend Positive Psychologh from UPenn and studiend under Martin Seligman. I also learned all my Postitive Psychology from her.

        I decided to implement Positive Psychology throughout Canmeng team and cultivate a coaching culutre based on Positive Psychology.

        Thank you for your kind words. Indeed, I know I am young at heart as long as I am curious about this world and continue learning things that I don’t know. Age is only a state of mind.

        However, my body did show wear and tear though. It is just a natural way to complete the cycle of life.

        Follow your heart and just do it.

        If you build it, they will come.


  5. Dear 伯陽:

    Thank you for your gracious words. It is important for me to know your true feeling.

    Actually, you are the few who get it. My monthly column at PPaper Business is written with the young people in mind. I stop wasting my time on the old generation. My goal is to offer an alternative and, most likely, a reinforcement to young people’s idealism and can do spirit.

    Happy New Year,


  6. Dear Serena:

    I checked your photo album and love your creative mood for the few cute sketches. I believe that drawing is a great way to engage with the creative self everyone has.

    Red Room, like many things in life, needs experience to appreciate the flow of creative energy and supportive community spirit.

    Happy New Year and hope to see you at Red Room.


    1. Dear Ping,

      Thank you for checking my personal blog out and very happy to hear that you loved my sketches. I am re-tapping into my creative roots through arts, cooking, photography, and hopefully, re-connect with my theatrical and makeup artistry roots 🙂

      I think often when people grows older, many looses a great amount of that child-like curiosity as they are dealing with the bustles of life. And the complications in one’s life often blocks that pure creativity flow. I truly believe that you can find creativity in everything you do in everyday life. It lives in everything and the key to creativity is curiosity. Once you approach things with curiosity and imagination, you will see and experience things at a creative regime.

      I hope to visit Red Room soon too! I didn’t get a chance last time as I needed to be back in Taichung but I did drop by Canmeng Institute! Great Place! Love the vibe 🙂


      1. Dear Serena:

        You are indeed a very special girl. You are also lucky to have something to fall back on. Creative energy, to me, is a spiritual energy.

        We are all artists. Never let anyone tell you that you are not.

        Please visit http://www.redroom.com.tw and read a few posts there. You will realize that art in any forms is the biggest leveling field. Rich or poor, we all can appreciate a good poem or a creative performance as long as you are curious with no judgment.



      2. Dear Ping,

        Thank you for such nice and encouraging words. I recently did took up my friend’s encouragement while I was job hunting and applied for the 東方食宿環島民宿大使 competition.

        Being use to stand behind the camera, it was a bit nerve wrecking to be standing in front of the camera for the first time in years.

        The thought of being able to share my love for travel and photography with people and hoping to inspire them to travel gave me a push to go for it. Afterall, can only grow more when you step out of your comfort zone once in a while and challenge yourself, right?

        So here is a little creative project of a self-made 60 secs that exhibits my travel experience in Taiwan and a “quick” intro of myself. Love for you to visit – http://youtu.be/jPmmNScjQns?hd=1

        I have added a visit to the Red Room on my list to do when I go up to Taipei 🙂 Hope all are well with you.

      3. Dear Serena:

        Just want you to know I tried three times at various dates and still could not get to your 60 seconds self introduction video.

        Anyway, I will continue to try.

        You are so right that we all have something special to offer. The most important thing is the most cliche: just do it.

        By doing it, you are opening new windor and new door.

        Good luck on your project.


    2. Dear Ping,

      Thank you for trying to visit it on few occasions. Very touched and sorry to hear that you had trouble viewing it. The link is correct. I guess the other way to view it is to paste “EASTBNB東方食宿網-丘怡雅 Serena Yau “Let’s Experience Taiwan” in the search field on YouTube. That should take you to the video.

      And the funniest thing happened while I was in Sapporo few days ago, an unexpected opportunity knocked on the door. Whether it will work out or not, it just acknowledged your say in “…by doing it, you are opening a new window and door”. So just wanted to share the news with you and thank you for your wishes.

      Again, it is great to have someone like you to continue to inspire the young generation. To inspire them to think creatively in a positive organic way.

      All the best to you as well 😉 And yup, I will need some luck for sure whether is this competition or job hunting (guess it is a lot of work for companies in Taiwan to hire foreigner). I am sending out my positive thoughts and still holds for a belief that all will work out.


      1. Dear Serena:

        Just a quick note to let you know I finally log in and watch your one minute video. It looks great and I wish you the best.


  7. Daer Mr.Chu

    You told us not to be afraid writing in English,so I wish you would forgive me to write this comment which may be in Chinese way.

    Thank you for making this on our land, the creation or contribution of this kind of lifestyle,living our life fully,to reach our authentic happiness,and more such significant things(There are to many to list here).Our young men need the conscious from your words,and also we need more entrepreneur to take action like you and learn from you,especial some company who has a power but do nothing.

    There are too many places need this power of consciousness,for example,we know tech is the one of many robust resources in Taiwan,and a way to build us stronger,sometimes the truly tech master may mind you that do not trust to some “hightech”our local media claimed,there are too many companies call themself hightech but do the OEM,bent on making much more money without any innovation and creativity,even do the violation of intellectual property rights.That is not a real tech and all be replaceable by other world sooner.It means unsustainable but also cause environmental pollution,however,there is nothing veritable wrong to do the OEM, but at all they should change their mindset and build up the soul and find higher meaning in their business.Some creative company craft itself broader,transformed through the revolution from OEM business.If you somewhat curious about tech,you may browse these sites blow http://spectrum.ieee.org/ or more professional http://www.ieee.org/,then you would know what the tech power is,Taiwan’s tech leader are lacking some spirits you have.

    AVEDA is a way of life,thank you for bringing it to Taiwan.There was a store near the theater I used to go,it was my favorite store among all the departments.When every time I walk pass there I just cannot help to recall the past beauty. To me,I guess 3rd Place Da-An or GreenCherry TianMu would be the ones with store concept but not department.We need more people to support this lifestyle.

    In my opinion,Taiwan needs more little street with lifestyle like somewhere in Europe.It combines many creative things like
    fashion,design,aesthetic,music,fine art,organic,or even a wine shop,I guess this is very common outside our country.I believe that there are many young people have a creative dream.To do this,they must fight against conventional wisdom and take risk,yet there would be no comfort for them to face up the social pressure,so you know we lose too mamy power who leave Taiwan to pursue their dream,to get the higher purpose in their life,and never turn back.

    And finally,if you do not mind answering for these questions,to put your state as the most powerful organization in Taiwan,what would have you done?If you still have a dream,what would it be,how would you fulfill it,or you have already done it?or it is a secret never show up.

    New yaer is coming,I wish the best to this land and all the dreamer around the world.

    Happy Holiday,


  8. Dear Serena:

    Congratulation to your new chapter of life. We all made a few detours in our life. These detours are what we made of, coming to think of it.

    Thank you for the wonderful quote. I may use it on my book in the future. I can see you are a girl with lots of positive mindset.

    For Red Room, we love what we are doing, we are successful and happy based on Albert Schweitzer. He is so right.

    I know you are the one who will appreciate for what Red Room wants to do. Hope to see you on our next Red Room, 12/17.

    We had another blast Red Room on 11/19. We had almost 120 people show up and literally had no space to sit on.

    There were too many people wanting to share and we had a few brilliant and out of this world performance. We did not finish till mid night.

    The Red Room is growing too big and having some challenges. I really want it to stop at 10:30Pm and no later than 11:00PM.

    We will have meeting on how to grow Red Room to a sustainable business. To me, it is more fun than TED because of the amateurism and a user generated contents. We don’t control who comes and who will perform ( share ). It is this unpredictability that mesmerize everyone.

    We had a guy did a professional level of human boom box, He surely can mimic any boom box sound and beat. We had a guy, closing his eyes and reciting the most beautiful poem in a mostly “rap” style. It was an amazing moment to see he did this. It is not like reciting from memory. It is more like a impromptu and coming out from his heart, not from his mind. We had another guy did a hilarious magic on cutting volunteer’s finger.

    Peter, the resident Red Room poet, wants to read complete Hamlet within 5 minutes if he drops all the ” repeating words” written by Shakespeare. It is hilarious and ingenious. He also brought a timer on the stage to make sure he can finish this recitation within 5 minutes. I just knew you would appreciate this stunt much more than me.

    Another enlightening story telling about ” lost in translation and lost in childhood ” about her life with her mental handicapped older brother. It is a bitter sweet story. She was able to translate anything her brother said when she was little. Until one day, she suddenly realized that she could not translate her brother’s muddy and slurred talk. She knew she lost her child like innocence. Laughters and tears in the crowd. We had a lady shared her metal metamorphosis by realizing she can choose not to be so critical about herself with defensiveness. We had one lovely and beautiful lady dancer shared with us why she was out of the loop of her usual network friends. She wants to use words to express herself, in stead of her body this time. The brazilian samba dance and cuban drums just excited us with the festivity. A young lady did her debut in singing her own song. What a brave young girl.

    This is Red Room, a space that can distort our reality field and make life fulfilled, even in a few hours. Love it.

    Hope you can join us on 12/19.

    1. Dear Ping,

      Thank you for the invitation 🙂 I will do my best to make it on the 17th as I am just coming back from HK. I am glad you like the quotes. I guess I am pretty positive girl (or as people tells me LOL)

      To me, you only live once and you can either swim these waves we hit in life with positivity or negativity but we still have swim these waves so to me why not swim it with positively, right?

      There are still many challenges and unknown variables in my new chapter. Although I don’t know exactly how things will work out in Taiwan, I know that I will enjoy this window of opportunity that has been given and have faith that all will work out.

      Thank you for sharing all these wonderful spontaneous live performances, they all sounds very interesting and brave for those people that are performing on stage for the first time 🙂

      If I can’t make it in Dec, will hope to make it for Jan 🙂 Have a wonderful week!!


  9. Dear Mr. Chu,

    Just wanted to say I enjoyed reading your blog and the interactions. I remembered that during my first view visits to Taiwan, I found many local youth were so shy when it came to speaking English. I always tell them that its okay if their English sounds a little funny at first, what most important is that they have the courage to speak out and have fun trying. Best way to learn English or any other languages is not to be afraid, be proactive and just have fun with it. So, I totally agree with you that it is never too late to learn English.

    As I am in a new chapter of my own personal journey and enjoying my time in Taiwan, I would like to share few of my favorite quotes that I find very helpful and insightful.

    “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” – Albert Einstein

    “The future is not a result of choices among alternative paths offered by the present, but a place that is created–created first in the mind and will, created next in activity. The future is not some place we are going to, but one we are creating. The paths are not to be found, but made, and the activity of making them, changes both the maker and the destination.” – John Scharr

    “Often people attempt to live their lives backwards; they try to have more things, or more money, in order to do more of what they want, so they will be happier. The way it actually works is the reverse. You must first be who you really are, then do what you need to do, in order to have what you want. ” – Margaret Young

    “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.” – Albert Schweitzer

    Have a great celebration tomorrow at the Red Room! Will hope to visit the Red Room on my next trip up to Taipei!

  10. Dear Jenny:

    Red Room is best to experience it to see the power of user generated contents and the collective positive energy.

    You should read all you can from this blog on stage time and wine and reading nigh title. You can also google facebook on stage time and wine. http://www.stagetimeandwine.com You can get lots of info from googling.

    We are going to have a second anniversary on 11/19. You should make an effort to attend this special celebration.

    Red Room comes from our belief : ” if you build it, they will come.”

    If you don’t like something, go ahead and create a something new.

    Red Room is a special space where listening is the best gift we can give to each other. We have stopped listening for a long time.

    By the way, Red Room is an international community. English is our primary language, however, the sharing is multi-lingual. Most of people can understand Mandarin.

    I also want to create an English friendly environment like this blog. Taiwan’s youth needs to have an English friendly environment so they can access to the world class knowledge by themselves. If you cannot speak English in the future, you are limited by learning new things from second hand translation.

    It is never to late to learn English, especially, speaking and listening.

    In Red Room, you also will appreciate the pure joy of creative energy shared by one of the Red Roomers. It is a very addictive and intoxicating event so your intelligence and creative spirit can run free.

    It is a stuffy world with so many noises in Taiwan.

    Red Room is a space you can rekindle with your inner child and pay attention to other people.

    You will expand your comfort zone and make a lot of creative friends at Red Room too.

    Hope to see you on 11/19.

    Be the change,


  11. 朱平先生你好:
    剛好在某期的商業週刊上閱讀到關於您創辦的red room
    我們對於red room 很有興趣也很好奇
    目前最大的問題是red room只有在每個月的第三個星期六才有開放

  12. Dear Awham:

    I read and reread your letter. I decided to take the tough love route even though I did not know you.

    Please take this response as not directly to you, but to all the friends out there who have the same challenge in their life.

    When downsizing, companies tend to try and keep the people who have the right skills AND good performer. The low performer / lousy attitude are the first to go.

    I spotted some dangerous signs in you based on your letter to me:

    1. Perception Gap: You used a lot of “自認。。。。“,it seems like you have a big gap between your perception and how other people perceive you.

    2. Other people’s fault: in your previous jobs, the feedback you received was that you 原因是叫我去做的事沒做, 主管認為我與客戶關係不夠深入, 以及我不夠努力積極, 認為我不適任, 提到我去年績效較其他人來的差, You didn’t seem to take this feedback from your boss to heart. Instead, you give a lot of reasons to justify yourself. it’s all other people’s fault. You always have an alternative explanation to why things happened, and it’s because your boss’s problem, bad economy or colleague’s problems.

    Until you own up to your contribution to the situation, wherever you go, you probably will encounter similar fate again.

    It is not about whether you join a company that is stable (no company can guarantee stability), the question you should ask yourself is “how do I make myself into an employee that every company/boss wants to retain?”

    Again, I want to stress that I don’t know you. Therefore, please read this letter as if it is a rude awakening from a friend.

    Continue success is never an accident. Continue failure is also never an accident. Only through an honest self examination with no pretence, you can start a new journey to meet the reality head on.

    Be the change you want to see in yourself.


  13. 您好:
    之前聽過您在台大的演講, 讓我印象深刻, 相當認同您的理念, 我也因您的演講去買了’更快樂’這本書.那時主要是想聽您創業的一個想法, 不過我現在的工作生涯到時出了一個極大的問題: 6年內連續四次的開除與資遣工作經驗,現在是很徬徨的.先描述一下我的背景與工作狀況:
    國立大學電機系 國內mba 目前32歲 退伍約6年
    第一份 大型傳產電子公司 PM:進去3個月, 老闆說我沒通過適用期, 原因是叫我去做的事沒做 (叫我去其他單位了解技術的事沒做). 當時主管與其他同事極不合, 而我與同事關係看起來不錯, 期間主管工作分派簡報都是大家share完成的, 同事們認為我是因為主管不滿他們所以找我開刀.
    第二份 知名消費品公司 PM:進去2年多後, 公司開始人力精簡.而原本主管離職後, 原單位與其他單位合併, 人事單位表示合併需少一人, 所以請我離開公司.原本主管安慰我說是因為新主管比較喜歡女生的關係.

    第三份 外商(石化) 業務:進去半年後, 主管認為我與客戶關係不夠深入, 以及我不夠努力積極, 認為我不適任. 當時情況:同事主管客戶喜歡抽煙喝酒應酬, 我還是會去參加, 但我的個性與他們有些不同. 我自己覺得是老闆覺得個性與他不符所以找些理由請我走, 因為我自認跟客戶關係還ok.
    第四份 知名品牌公司(共待2年多) : 在原事業體做行銷業務, 之後事業體解散而進入一個正在裁員的事業體, 公司改派我做其他方面的工作. 隔年此事業體繼續裁員, 而新到任的主管告訴我本單位需少1人, 他提到我去年績效較其他人來的差, 因此選中我. 此新主管與其他同事很熟, 而他剛來時把還我誤認成另外一人.

    現在的我覺的我好像很難逃離這種命運, 所以縱使我已有一定的消費品行銷業務經驗, 我去相關產業或職務相信不難找, 但我現在只敢找穩定的公司(比較沒有裁員)
    但這種公司好像好少, 且跟我的興趣與經驗不太相同. 我心有不甘, 我覺得我雖然不是工作狂, 但自認工作問心無愧, 能力也沒有比別人差.我自己認為可能是不懂的與主管交好, 也認為自己可能在選公司上有所問題 , 儘管我不斷檢討, 把工作的缺失改進, 但我目前沒有自信說可以在未來避免此狀況發生, 且如果過幾年後此事重演, 到時我的年紀可能很難找到好工作.

    在此想請教朱平先生, 如果我覺得我沒辦法在未來避免此事發生, 是不是未來進穩定的公司比較好? 或是您認為說我仍應按照興趣去選公司?
    先謝謝您耐心看完, 祝您事事順心~

  14. Dear Shih An:


    Love the poem.

    Could I invite you to our next Red Room event on 9/17?

    Please read the rules and logistics on http://www.stagetimeandwine.com

    Or you can simply call 02-2721-7909 and ask for Iris for details.

    I love poem even I am not poet. I think poetic emotion is the origin of the imagination and creativity. Human being needs to cultivate this unique quality that exists in every human soul.

    Love it,


    Your poem is a good metaphor to all the people here reading this blog, including you.

    1. Dear 朱平先生:

      謝謝你喜歡這首小詩,後來我還是將手稿寄出了,因為用手寫的感覺與眾不同,也謝謝朱平先生的邀請(The Red Room),要打電話詢問之際,才發現17號有新工作要執行,很可惜,不過九月中會去台北一趟,我想我會帶一些小禮物,送到肯夢:)


      1. Dear Shih An:

        I received your hand writing beautiful poem.

        I also asked my team to frame it so I can keep it safe and treasure and freeze the loving kindness of your intention.

        Thank you.

        Please come to our next Red Room on 10/15.

        We just had one of the best Red Room last night.

        Have you heard the Scotland Bag Pipe playing before? Have you been enchanted by a children’s fairy tale in these days? Have you been enlightened by a group chanting with a loving kindness group meditation? Have you awed by people’s creative energy?

        We had one guy, Hack, asking 25 people to write a sentence. He made a powerful ovation poems with a guest musician right on the spot. I was mesmerized not only by Hack’s genius, but also by these 25 Red Roomers creative writing, even by writing one simple sentence. I would never compose a short sentence with such a powerful words. We do have a very different group of Red Roomers.

        Check it out the following facebook and you will be spellbound.


        Well, this is the magic of Red Room. We had around 100 people show up this time, after the exposure from Business Weekly last week.

        Please make an effort to attend next one, 10/15.

        Every third Saturday of the Month. Mark your calendar so you will not miss this magic gathering.


  15. Dear Shih An:

    Wow, I am speechless for your engaging comments and beautiful poem.

    As you so wisely pointed out, wellbeing ( closest to 幸福 in English ) is a state of mind. We all know the negative emotions ( envy, insecurity, discontent, jealous, fear, angry, depression, comparing mindset….) are all the culprit of reaching authentic 幸福. This is why I like the term Happiness 快樂 than wellbeing 幸福.

    One more thing that I want to share with you. It is so easy to fall back to escapism when you see you cannot do more or you are tired of seeing so many unjust things and feel helpless and despair. For certain people who have the will and the means, they should strive to do more to live a more fulfilled live through selfless love for higher purpose. My personal hero, 嚴長壽 is such person.

    Martin Seligman has told us to be happy, we need to live an engaging life too. To live a life of Taoism is great, however, if you know you can live a life that can make our world better, it is divine.

    We should never settle for mediocrity. Stay Positive and stay engaging is the key to be happy.

    Be the change,


    1. Dear 朱平先生:

      晚安,謝謝朱平先生的回覆,其實我也是用一樣的方法來解決,當我感覺到失望的時候。我的personal hero是羅曼菲老師,老師熱情又勇敢、充滿智慧:)

      1. Dear Shih An:

        Let me share a bitter sweet story I had with my dear friend and my hero,羅曼菲.

        Even until now, I still think she was the ” prettiest girl ” I ever know in Taiwan. She summoned me to her hospital bed when she knew she was on her last lease of life. I visited her whenever I could. I started building a bond with her and her deal friends. She told me she wanted to connect me with her best friends so we will still feel her whenever all her best friends mingle together after her departure. She did it. She brought all of us together.

        She was such an angel, even though she knew she was leaving us, she still wanted to give us a gift, a gift of connecting all her best friends together.

        Suddenly, I realize that her legacy is her friends and her students, not her brilliant dance career.

        Oh, 羅曼菲, how I miss you, my beautiful angel.


  16. 《 華 》短詩







      1. Thanks for sharing this photo. Two pigeons strolling on the empty plaza. Don’t know what they are thinking though.


  17. 親愛的朱平先生:


    其實我知道「何謂幸福」這個問題沒有標準答案,因人而異,每個人所追尋的不同。而我想提出這個疑惑,並非不了解幸福對於自己是什麼,而是脫離學校後,我試著以一種「成人」的眼光去看見社會,由於我一直很嚮往古中國的智慧與和平,覺得東方有種生活精神(日本同是)以自然為家,珍惜用物,用心、謙虛的去選擇生活,真正的生活。反思現在,透過媒體我所見到的中國,是一個過量生產、盲目消費的國家,賺錢為了擁有更好的消費,成功意味著是買更好的車子與房子,但我卻少見裡面有「We vote with what we buy.」的精神。我所見到的是一個貪婪又速食的面貌,而這種情形不僅止於現在的中國,世界各地也依然是。然而,在這裡所述的並非批判,或者說這樣的消費、對於成功的定義,都是錯誤的(所有事物都有不同面向的道理與觀點,沒有絕對是非。)






  18. Dear 思明:

    First, I almost forgot to thank 勤美講座 so we can connect for life.

    Thank you for sharing this touching story about how you spend your birthday and your dream to create a one of a kind corporate culture so your team can integrate work and life with higher purpose.

    It is not easy to run a small company in the creative designed accessary business. I just know you will somehow prevail and grow your business with quality and sustainability.

    I am so proud of you sharing your inner thought with your team and your friend in facebook. Kiva could be part of your birthday ritual. It is the best way to celebrate your birthday. Actually, it is a saving account. You just loan to people who can best use this money with no interest. You are making the world a better place because you have touched someone and empower them to pursuit their own future on their own effort.

    I think you can still join my Nonzero club at Kiva. Please click the link below and indicate that you want to join Nonzero Club.

    Now, we have 60 members at Nonzero Club. My plan is to get 100 members and I will throw a party to invite all 100 members to Nonzero and have a big party.

    I wan to thank all Nonzero club members. They are the few committed one who actually went through what you have been through and proudly become a Kiva Loaner.

    To be inspired is never enough, taking action is the only way we can get to know ourselves.

    Thank you for your wonderful sharing.

    Be the change,


  19. Mavis dear;

    Thank you for reaching out to Laurence.

    This is the exact behavior I want to see in here.

    We are here for a reason. One reason is that we want to share the same value and same emotional connectedness.

    Please feel free to comment other people’s comment.

    After all, no interaction is no emotional commitment.

    Let’s make a tribe by engaging ourselves.

    Be the change,


  20. Dearest Laurence:

    You have made lots of people’s day here. I read your comment with great enthusiasm and awed.

    You are a very special soul. How come I never thought about this: buying simple rain coat at 7-11 and freely giving out to strangers. It is a typical daymaking to the strangers.

    I will do this next time, at least once. Now, you see, we need to know how, not why. Please continue to inform me about your daymaking story so we can compile a HOW list and more people can copy these simple ideas and feel good about themselves.

    Please don’t worry about what other people say about your daymaking effort. You do it because you want to do it, not to please anyone or getting approval from anyone.

    I am so sorry that I did not know you, however, please share with me and readers here about your life story and your dream.

    As I stated at the very beginning of my blog, I did not looking for quantity of visitors, i am looking for a few good soul here so we know we are not alone. The idea is to prove that small group of thoughtful and committed citizens can change the world. ( Margaret Mead’s famous quote ).

    I am also very impressed that you went to eslite bookstore to purchase the Daymake book. Now, this is the best way to know who you are by this kind of action. We need to do more of this impulsive thing so we can get to know ourselves better.

    I could not take the credit by saying: Be the change we want to see in the world. It is my hero, Mahatma Gandhi’s famous quote.

    Thank you for the encouraging and elegant words. You are a very good writer.

    Be the change,


  21. Mavis:

    You are a natural born Daymaker. I remember you vividly. I am sure you will find a way to encourage your father to enjoy life more. You still need to do more experiment and find what will make your father not to take so serious about himself. One tactic I used often with my 84 yo Mom and it works most of the time: Mom, I really like to see this movie ( restaurant ), but I really don’t want to go to the movie by myself. Can you please take me there? It would make me really happy. Next, try this tactic. Your father may want to do it only if he realizes that he can make you happy. 🙂

    You should share more daymaking story with me here whenever you have made someone’s day.

    We really can make this world a better place by being a daymaker. You have made my day by posting your writing here and share with all my peers here.

    I know I will make a few friends in Taichung.

    Have you made anyone’s day today?



  22. Dear Shih An:

    You are so cute and lovely to write a poem about me under the comforter.

    劉力學先生 is my hero. I have learned so much from him. I still buy his organic vegetable for my Nonzero Restaurant.

    It is this kind of effort to show your appreciation to someone that you will get to know yourself better. When we do extra effort to thank people, we are re-inventing ourselves to be a better person.

    I really don’t remember what I said in that workshop with Pierre, however, it made me happy that somehow we connected for life. 🙂

    Good question! 何謂幸福?However, it is not the right question. Everyone has different meaning in 幸福. My 幸福 may not be your 幸福. Your 幸福 certainly is not my 幸福. Man and woman also may have different 幸福. I certainly did not want to accept the definition of 幸福 based on conventional wisdom or society’s collective imperatives.

    Instead asking this illusive and abstract concept, we should put more energy to know ourselves first.

    I would like to use Happiness, instead of 幸福 to define our purpose in life.

    Then, the real big questions, after you know yourself, is how far would you go to achieve happiness.

    Life is a trade off. We are constantly making decisions. Some will lead you instant gratification, some will allow you to delay your gratification.

    There is an excellent book I would recommend you to read: Authentic Happiness by Martin Seligman ( there is Chinese translation about this book. My blog readers, please post the Chinese book name here so Shih An can buy it from eslite bookstore. )

    Oh, you can find my mailing address by visiting http://www.canmeng.com

    Or better, if you are OK, please post your handwriting poem here so we all can learn from you and celebrate our friendship here together.

    We vote with what we buy.



  23. Dear Jennie:

    Hey, this is one of the purposes for this blog so we can share our thoughts openly as a peers, not as a cynical doubters. I always tell people I may be wrong in many things, however, I never try to judge people or label people.

    The important thing is to have a growth mindset, not just a fixed mindset.

    There must be a reason that you came back. When the time came, you will find it out. I usually ask people like you, talented with global experience, to learn how to manage your expectation first. Things may not meet your expectation, however, through the process, you always learned something positive or made friends who shared your passion and ideal. You need to expand your circle of friends and get to feel how other people who may not have your privilege may feel under the same circumstances.

    Only through this relentless zeal can you get an epiphany or enlightenment that all these challenges are there for a reason.

    You are still young and should focus on what you really good at, not just what you passionate about. Have you single handed created a movement, start a club, raised fund for good cause, organized an art event or exhibition…… Only through this social engagement can you know if you have what it takes to become a manager for cultural creative business venture.

    Only through the proven record that you are very good at what you do, you can go out and create your own work or be your own client.

    Be the change,

    You are definitely not alone.


  24. 朱老師您好:


    我知道不是我人緣好,而是FACE BOOK 系統可以讓你在今天輕易的在右上方看到我生日的消息,點進去,在把你存在便條紙的「生日快樂」剪下、貼上,有心的你還在上面註記我的名字。我淹沒在大家的祝福中,雖然只是短短的一句話,就會讓我知道,你沒忘記我,雖然只是臉書幫你記憶,但我知道你很忙,就像我一樣常常忘東忘西,但那顆心不會變的,你的祝福,會讓我深深的感動不已。




    因為今天生日,我想進「kiva.org」(微型貸款)網站( http://www.kiva.org/lend),把一堆英文搞懂。這個網站是一個國外的微型貸款非營利組織,他最主要的工作,是要讓許多有能力的人擺脫貧窮。舉個例子:有個會裁縫技能的媽媽,他可以透過幫別人改衣服養活他的孩子(我媽媽就是這樣把我養大的),但因為他很貧困,所以欠了一台100元美金的裁縫機。因此我們大家可以透過這個非營利組織貸款給他,我建議大家一次捐$25美金,等到累積四個人的捐款,KIVA就會把錢借給他,讓這個媽媽能購買一台裁縫機養活他的孩子。等到他賺到錢後,就會把錢還給KIVA,KIVA會把錢還給我,我就可以利用這25元,再捐給一個要承擔一家子家計的養牛的爸爸,因為他欠了第一頭牛。





  25. 今晚有幸參能夠與勤美講座聽老師分享「學悅日」,












    Just do it!」




    “Be the change you want to see in the world!”




  26. 今天在台中CMP BLOCK聽您的演講,


  27. 親愛的朱平先生:




    miss 🙂

    Shih An 敬上

  28. Dear Ping Chu,

    I really appreciated your opinion, and defending Xue Xue’s position. I guess I had a quite high expectation given that Xue Xue positioned itself as the pioneer of Taiwan’s creative industry. I definitely agree that it takes a while for the country and the young folks to embed the aesthetics/design sense into their lifestyle living. But it is also true that Taiwan right not does not have the ability to do so. For the past three years I have been learning about design and management, hoping that when I graduate, I could find something that I love and enjoys doing, while afford my living. I must admit that when I came back to Taiwan, I was hoping to see and to bring change into the creative industry of Taiwan. But then I figured, Taiwan maybe eager to build up its own designers and brands, but not really giving opportunities to design managers or creative business managers, or even planners or strategists, because that is not seen as a necessary part. Of course, it is only a personal thought, and I also understand that even the economy has recovered, it is not the same as before, and perhaps that’s the reason why, firms are not eager in training and developing their own young crew, but rather prefers to hire experienced individuals, so that the chance of success is higher than failure. I must apologize ahead that I may sound bit sarcastic, but I am sure I am not the only one having the thought. I definitely understand the obstacles of operating a creative business, and I do admire lilin’s effort dedicated to Taiwan’s creative industy and the general public trying to promote her idea.

  29. Dear Jennie:

    Xue Xue is not perfect and the Founder, Lilin, just like me, is also not perfect.

    Lilin is a very dear friend of mine and I am proud of her commitment and the investment she made to set a new standard in aesthetic learning. We may have different ideas about how to best promote learning on creativity lifestyle, I will not say anything negative about my dear friend.

    If you know that Xue Xue is still losing money even after five years operation, you would see the big picture. I think Lilin is the only one in Taiwan, with hes husband’s support, who can make a difference in Taiwan’s aesthetic sensibility. ( Again, her way will not be considered the best way for everyone, however, it is authentic to Lilin’s vision and her style. )

    Please give Xue Xue another chance and catch them when they are doing the right thing. 🙂

    I am only a ” small ” businessmaker and could not be on the same scale as Xue Xue’s grand vision.

    Small has given me the advantage of experimenting with new ideas and disruptive business models.

    I always tell young people that to be big is not the only way. I encourage young people to love what they do first before they can do what they love.

    I can sense that you, like many young people, gravitate towards a creative lifestyle. Again, like everything in the world, there is a trade-off in life. Are you ready for the trade off if doing what you love does not make you super rich?

    Please do everything you can to learn how to live life first, especially, if you are interested in creative business and creative lifestyle.

    Next, please do an inventory on where you spend your money most and how you spend your time. Hopefully, after examining this inventory, you will know if you are really interested in a creative lifestyle.

    Before Taiwan has a robust creative industry, we need to have a huge cultural creative consumers.

    Be the change,


    Disclosure: I am one of the many original funding shareholders in Xue Xue.

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