

398 thoughts on “Q&A”

  1. 朱平生先你好:

    NONZERO 這塊能量石投入到這個世界所產生的漣漪,






  2. Dear Jade:

    I told many friends that everything I do is for the people who are ready. Every talk I give is a process to reach out and, hopefully, plant a seed to just ONE audience.

    Jade, I want to tell you that the talk I did at Taitung University was more for my personal fulfillment than for students’ benefits. I was impressed by students like you, Jeremy, Winnie etc who asked me questions in English so we could have a bilingual session. I really enjoyed the entire two-hour talk with you.

    Yes, please share with me anything you have come up with. Don’t play safe and take more risk should be your mantra for now. 🙂

    We will definitely need some volunteers in the future. Please keep in touch. ( You can write to me with your personal email address. )

    Live, love, learn and laugh


  3. Dear Mr. Chu,

    I am the Graduate student from Taitung University.
    I have to say the speech you made this afternoon(Dec. 29), really makes me to start thinking about my “other choices.”
    I wish I could figure out something worth “to risk.”
    If I come up with anything interesting, I would share it with you. Thank you again for giving me(us) the chance to know myself better. By the way, if the fundation you own in Dulan need volunteers, my classmates and I are willing to try. : )

    Best wishes

  4. Dear雅筠:

    Thank you for your kind words. Actually, I think I did all Xue Xue’s talk more for myself, not just for you. I gained more faith in Today’s youth in Taiwan.

    It is people like you that prompt me to think how I can do more to change or even to create a new reality. Has my work been important?

    I just know you are on your way to live a life you choose to, not just have to.

    Please remember that you always have a choice.

    May the year of 2011 is a year for creating many new experience and new memories.



  5. 朱平先生您好:
    12/8(三)於學學聽您的分享,讓我到大陸出差前一天補充了許多能量,近日回到臺灣,剛好碰到聖誕佳節,在此和您説一聲Merry X’mas & Happy New Year 。

    雅筠 謹上

  6. Dear Ruby:

    Thank you for making my day with such generous words. I am the one who should be grateful because of your engagement in the class.

    Ruby, you are a very special girl who would take time to let me know your thought and your feeling.

    I would love to invite you to our next Red Room. Please check around in this blog to find the detail info on Red Room.

    Keep rippling,


  7. Dear Karey:

    Please confirm my schedule asap. My time fills up quickly.

    PwC is a prestigious Big 4 accounting firm. As you know that all my companies are audited by PwC. I am honored to be part of PwC universe.

    I do have one thing to request all your colleague: Please google me as much as possible and read this blog before coming to the class.

    I think you will learn more if you have known me. As I said it before, only when student is ready, teacher will show up.

    Be ready,


  8. Dear Mr. Chu,
    I have sent you an email yet I hope to recap some passges here. I am glad to attend one of your recent lecture at XueXue.

    There are many others sparkling (rippling) that I had written down from your lecture and I already shared some of them with my colleagues yesterday. I want to thank you again. The exciting or inspiring part is not only the new information or new business model that you generously shared with us, but also the reminders that you are giving us for life and in life. I feel most of the participants were very connected that night, since we had a wonderful facilitator and mentor like you.

  9. Dear 朱老師,
    Thank you for your encouraging reply and we are grateful and honored that you can accept our invitation. I actually replied back to your email account last week. However, as I did not know whether you have gotton the chance to check your email, I decided to reply back to you once again through this Q&A.

    We will study further and prepare our draft agenda, including the mainframe, the flow and key points of this session before calling your office sometime this week to confirm your schedule. Meanwhile, if there is anything you would like us to do to facilitate this preparation, please feel free to let us know at any time.

    Once again, thank you very much and we wish you all of the best.

    thanks and best regards,
    PwC 萱怡敬上

  10. Dear 萱怡:

    Congratulation to get involved with PWC leadership developing program.

    As you might know that all my companies are clients of PWC and audited by PWC. I always advice small business owners to invest in making their financial team as world class as possible. This is the fist step to become a principle oriented leadership. I judge a small company’s success by which their accounting firms are. If they dare to use PWC, they are number one in my mind already. 🙂

    Please contact my office for the schedule. I prepare to slow down a little bit in 2011. Again, please don’t worry about the speaking fee. I don’t charge fee so far. However, I would require all your colleagues to do some homework before sharing my thought.

    Thank you for reaching out to me.


  11. Dear Arthur:

    I remember you at the Daymaker workshop. I intentionally introduce you to Richard because I think you would get more inspiration from him since Richard is just a few years older than you.

    Please don’t worry about your English. The important thing is to practice and not to be too self conscious about expressing you in English. I would be the first one to admit that my English is not so well either.

    I started Nonzero by accident. Of course, I always have passion to food and how we can have a healthy and sustainable lifestyle.

    If I were you, I would spend more time to get to yourself better and not rush to the decision too fast.

    A rich life experience is the fist step to get to know yourself. Attending Daymaker workshop is a sign of your willingness to expand your comfort zone.

    I am not in the position to recommend you what your college major should be. However, trying to take some courses in Psychology, Anthropology and Philosophy are not bad ideas.

    You should take some part time job as chef assistant or even just a dish washer. Restaurant business is a tough business. You have to know what it takes to own a restaurant.

    I am lucky to have a great kitchen team and service team. Nonzero is only an experiment so far. We are still learning and evolving.

    You are still young and don’t rush to anything.

    Shining eyes,


  12. 朱老師您好

    我是資誠會計師事務所的萱怡, 也是AVEDA的愛用者 :), 目前我參與PwC Leadership Development的課程, 學員有15個, 我們有一個分組作業, 就是邀請會計師或成功人士來座談, 想要請問朱老師, 不知我們是否有榮幸, 在朱老師的意願及Schedule許可下, 跟我們分享朱老師對成功的定義, 一個社會人對社會應盡的責任及義務, 或者建議我們應培養的價值觀等等, 整個座談時間約2小時 (含Q&A的時間), 比較抱歉的是, 我們只有5,000元演講費的預算, 若朱老師覺得Okay, 座談時間可安排在2010年12月下旬或2011年1月, 我們會再跟朱老師討論座談會的方向及內容, 期待朱老師的回覆, 先祝老師

    平安喜樂 事事順心

    best regards,
    PwC 萱怡敬上

  13. Dear Mr.Chu:

    Last month I attended the Daymaker lecture,and the speech of the lecturers,Richard,and you all gave me a lot of opinions.As being a senior high student,it’s really different from my usual life.

    And I would wonder to ask for some your suggestion.I want to have an own restaurant as my career.And I have decided to work part-time first to understand how it works.But I have no idea which department to choose in the college.

    I’m intersted in language department and society department.And I would like to ask for how you start the Nonezero.

    Sincerely hope for your help,thank you.
    And please forgive me if I have any rude or wrong words in the messages.
    I’m not good in English actually.
    Thanks again.



  14. Dear 雅筠:

    Wow, I am very flattered by your generous words.

    I remember you, a very pretty young girl with a shy voice.

    After reading your email, I have to be back off for a few days and review what I have worked over years before I can recover from the high emotion when I read your comment.

    I never image that I can make a difference in people’s life.

    雅筠, I want you to know that your comment here have touched my heart. I am desperate because I know my productive life will be gone sooner before I want to admit.

    I want to tell young people that you don’t have to live your life the way other people expect you to. We have to have the courage so we won’t be intimidated by conventional wisdom.

    My life is a message to fight with the conventional wisdom.

    My daughter used to say to me: Daddy, you are a preacher. No one likes to be preached.

    I preach because I am desperate. This is why.

    Thank you for growing young with me.

    Love dear,


  15. 朱平先生您好:



    這週我將家裡所有的ICB商業雜誌及ppaper business 翻開,再次閱讀一遍您的文章,再次閱讀您所分享的生活、生命、美感、書籍、歌曲、工作態度、消費觀念…等,這讓我重新思考了許多事情,並問自己:至今我有冒足夠的險嗎? 是否有多看多接觸啟發自己智慧及修煉的事情呢? 是否有不被傳統智慧威脅的智慧與勇氣? 是否有意識地在消費,並作一個忠於自己的消費者? 是否懂得深度聆聽? 是否認真看待英文這件事? 是否找到工作的意義與使命? 是否有真正盡力做了最好的自己? 是否有愛我所做、做我所愛? 是否有做到不成功的人不願做的事? 在透過思考這些問題的過程中,心裡也整理出對於目前生命階段某些疑惑的答案,我相信您在十月份期刊在信中回覆M的一句話:「當您用心充實地過生活時,命運之神將會自動找到您。Destiny will find you when you live life fully.」,我相信誠實面對自己的不足,珍惜且善用自己所擁有的,確實地在生活中實踐,更好的命運將會找到自己。

    寫到這裡突然一股情緒趕上,淚水溢滿雙眼,不是因為傷感,而是心中充滿了感恩, 感謝您不吝與青年朋友分享想法和行動,感謝您不吝給予青年朋友一個溫暖的擁抱(從中我得到很大的力量),感謝自己在20歲時愛上了閱讀,才會讀到包益民先生的「天下沒有懷才不遇這回事」這本書;開始注意到PPAPER系列雜誌,進而閱讀到您的文章、使用優質的產品、參與擴展視野的講座、認識更多值得學習的人。每回我從肯夢綠櫻桃辦公室離開時,一路上總帶著微笑回到家,永遠記得09年您於Robin J.Winkler講座開場時所分享的:「我們要如人類學家Margaret Mead所說的Never doubt,永遠別懷疑這世界的改變都是從一小部份人開始,而且一直在發生,在某個地方有一小部份的人願意投資時間,願意做很多人覺得很傻的事情,然後世界因此而改變。」 (Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.-Margaret Mead)。以及Mahatma Gandhi名言「Be the change you want to see in the world. 想要世界改變,自已先得改變,自己變得如何,世界就會變得如何。」這兩句話已深植在我的心中。


    平安 順心

    雅筠 謹上

  16. Dear September:

    You know how to use impetuous word. Your English is not poor at all. 🙂 Please continue to write in English and engage your life with more international contents.

    Learning English is a very important aspect in all young people in Taiwan.

    I have faith in you to make the right decision.



  17. Dear September:

    I am sorry that I did not get back to you earlier. Thank you for following me since PPaper and ICB.

    First, I am with the old school thinking in terms of education. I think college education is very important, especially, when you have no economic pressure.

    Don’t quit college. Even you think you might waste your time by being in the college, you actually need the four years to prepare you for the cynical world. College years is what we called, the formative years. These four years college education will form your character and social skill.

    Of course, I would absolutely encourage you to change your major if you could. In my time, we did not have this luxury. We usually stuck with one test.

    One thing you have to learn in life:

    What you are passionate about is not necessary what you really good at.

    Again, you are still young. If I were you, I would definitely pursue the major that is related to creative design.

    You have to learn how to communicate your decision with your parent though. It would be your first lesson to learn how to get your parent’s blessing.

    Life is an adventure.



    1. Dear Mr.Chu,

      Thank you for your precious suggestion. I decide to finish this semester(this half year) to see wheather my passion for design is still going with me. If so, I will change my career goal into design, I will change my major. I shouid not quit my collage and my long-time effort so impetuous. My father says it’s kind of irresponsible. In this half year, I will try to learn what the subject in design really works, and I think time will tell me the answer. Thank you again for replying my problem.

      p.s. sorry for my poor English



  18. 朱平先生您好



  19. Dear Yi-Man:

    The decision is still yours. You need to learn how to make tough decision by yourself, therefore, you will learn how to live a life of your choice with accountability.

    If I were you, I will not even think twice about this dilemma. I will jump in to go to Canada at the earliest time, the sooner the better. You will have a new chance to rethink your college major after exposing yourself to so many new things in Canada. College education has no meaning if you just want to get a degree. I also would think that your freshman experience in Canada College will help you tremendously. When I was in the Stated to study my master degree, I made a decision that everyone thought it was stupid. I took some Freshman class for my master degree. Of course, the freshman credits will not be counted as my master degree credit. Why I did this? I did this because I want to know the mindset of American 18 years old youth.

    Please treasure these four years college education in the Canada. These 4 years of college education is what we called the formative years. These are the years that will form your value and social skill too. You will made some wonderful friends younger than you. You will also be forced to learn English the teenage way. These Canada college life experience will become part of who you are. No one can take away.

    You are still very young and should not be too calculating in order to maximize your gains. Give a little, so you can get a little.

    If you start to cultivate yourself a purpose driven life philosophy, you will not be so easily trapped into this dilemma.

    Thank you for reading my column on PPaper Business. I make lots of young friends from this column. Please submit your homework though. 🙂



    1. Dear Mr.Chu,

      Thank you for sharing and your kindness, it really broadens my thought patterns. 🙂 I know there is an answer in my mind, but I just don’t have the courage to make the decision and to be responsible for the decision I make. After reading you comment, I realize there are a lot of work I need to do. I will accomplish them gradually, and share the happiness with you.

      Be- Do- Have !

      That is what you taught me,”Be inspired, Get involved, Take action.”

      Thank you.



  20. Dear Mr.Chu,
    I’m a university student of junior, I love the way you lead your life, your column in ppaper business is my energy!
    There was a big problem came into my life, I’m now figure it out by being open-minded and listening to what others think about.

    The problem is that my family is going to immigrate to Canada next Feburary, but I’m a junior in university, I need to make a decision between go to Canada to start the university from a freshman, or leave in Taiwan to finish senior. I’m really confused about this problem.

    May I have your suggestion and opinion?



  21. Dear CC:

    Thank you for your comments. I can tell that you are ready to grow and live a life you choose to.

    I notice that your last paragraph about nice people finish last comment. One of the first thing you should do is not to become a victim of this conventional conclusion.

    ” I just don’t speak out or show off my accomplishment. This is why I did not get that promotion or this is how I got ditched off. ”

    You should learn that you can take back the control of this negative mindset. The right attitude should be:

    ” Hey, I should learn how to express myself better and be more assertive about what I have accomplished with my team. ”

    You need to engage with your work and your team through doing things that no one wants to do. You will become a leader when you volunteer a project.

    Thank you for spreading my blog. Actually, I am lazy in posting article. I am more interested in Q&A so I can make new friends and build a community of like minded people one at a time.

    We vote with what we buy.



  22. Dear Michelle:

    I am really flattered by your question. This is the purpose I started my blog.

    As usual, I always salute people who are taking initiative to reach out and take the ownership of their own bewilderment.

    I really have little confidence about Taiwan’s “美容科”. You can just ask the school about how many of their graduates actually are still working as hairstylists or aesthetician after three years of graduation. If it is less than 50%, it has shown their education is a failure. I guess the real number is around only 10%. “美容科” actually kills the passion for young people to pursuit 美容 as a profession, especially with the outdated education and intern program. “美容科” graduates simply cannot meet what the market needs. The conventional beauty industry in Taiwan also fails to inspire young people to pursuit 美容 as a way to integrate work and life. Canmeng Aveda is different in that we change the reward system from commission based to merit based. Please explore my manifesto on this destructive innovation in this blog.

    What I would recommend you is to talk to your children about her true intention to become a hairstylists or aesthetician. She may just not want to go to the college. 美容 is a way to escape from the college.

    I encourage you to invest your time and money to experience Canmeng Aveda’s service with your daughter first. You can also call my office to talk to Canmeng Institute team and make an appointment to tour Canmeng Institute and my company. Then, you and your daughter can decide if this is the work and life you want your daughter to get into.

    I am biased because I believe hairstylist is one of the professions that will not only thrive in a world that treasures craftsmanship and artistic expression but also change the world by making people’s day. One thing I am certain is that your daughter will never worry about finding a job or being laid off by company. However, not everyone can be hairstylist. There is an entry barrier to this profession. My mission is to change hairstylist’s social status by having a high quality of life with a higher purpose, not just making money at the cost of their private time and family time.

    I also want to recommend you to convince her to go to college and major in fine art or anything that she is interested in. She can still learn how to be a hairstylist or aesthetician after college graduation. She will have a rich college life before she steps into the real world. A college degree could be a great asset to become a hairstylist or aesthetician.

    Not many mother will support their daughter to take “美容科”. Your daughter is lucky to have a mother like you. After all, all parents want their children to live a happy life. Rich and famous will not bring your daughter’s authentic happiness.

    Be happy,


    By the way, my daughter decided to become a hairstylist after her college education. She told me that being a hairstylist is her best decision. She simply loves this profession because she can spend quality time with all her friends ( clients ) at her chair. She is doing challenging and creative work too. She loves to make people’s day by listening and making them look good and feel good.

  23. 朱老師:
    因為公司網路問題, 寫好的幾封回信都出問題, 你的blog 是非常好的工具 , 我當daymaker 的第一件事就與朋友分享你的文章, 當他們生活不快樂時, 我就介紹他們讀你的Blog. 我空閒時間不多, 但每天會讀一篇你的Blog 並且去看你介紹得video 或書. 當昨天與朋友分享你的課程, 她今天借我一本 Daymaker , ” 將自己的快樂建立在別人的快樂之中” ,
    志工服務人群, 很多付出的人沒有掌聲, 當利益衝突時, 他們卻成為被犧牲的一群, 因為很多人認為他們”不會計較被犧牲” , 就像企業中有許多默默工作的人, 但掌聲或利益卻是那位最會爭功表達的人( 踩著別人的肩膀往上爬) 現實社會很多人面對的問題. 大家的付出還是希望回報, 就像你的一篇文章, 幸福還是要自己去爭取.
    很多文章都有更深一面的意義 , 還有很多事我需要去學習及領悟.

  24. Teacher chu:
    I have writen three reply letters. But they blocked by mail server. Just simple message, i will study you blog to learn to be daymaker.

  25. Dear Mr. Chu

    Not sure if it is appropriate to ask such a personal advise from you. I am a sigle parent mother. My daughter is in first year of senior high school and choose “美容科” as her major. I am perfectly fine with the profession. My struggle is how to help her to understand what is the true beauty vs teenager’s perception to focus on materialized beauty. However, it is hard to guide a teeager. I was referred by my collegue that your organization will be a good place to upgrade my daughter thinking level about beauty. Is there a way that the teenager can be exposed to your belief in life and become a guide to her journey for beauty. Or is there any suggestion you can guide me to help a teenager who is interested in 美容 field. Thank you. Michelle

  26. Dear CC:

    Yes, I remember you.

    Only when the student is ready, teacher will show up. I think you are ready. 🙂

    You are so right that most of people not live in the so called corporate culture. Their daily behavior has not changed. It is a challenge even for me too. I have to constantly dialogue with my inner child too.

    I have concluded that all we need is to have people practiced only 1% of their purchase decision which is based on conscious awareness to be a eco and social responsible consumers.

    Please search this blog to find out this 1% philosophy.

    When we ask too much of people, we are not only disappointed but also imposing on people’s free spirit. We are not perfect anyway. This is why we need to engage with self dialogue to correct our primal urge to be a selfish gene.

    Now, you need to listen to yourself more frequently so you can catch yourself with the cynical or selfish thoughts.

    Canmeng Aveda is no where we would like to be. I also think it is a never ending effort to be a better person and better company.

    Again, please practice non-judgmental life philosophy. It is OK for people to pamper themselves as long as they practice 1% philosophy. This 1% ( we vote with what we buy ) will contagious for our selfish gene to broaden the circle of selfish to include all living beings on the earth, including earth.

    I am still learning. Let’s be the change we want to see in the world as Gandhi taught us.

    Be a Businessmaker so you can live a life you choose to.

    Be a Daymaker so you can find happiness by making people’s day.

    Be a Ripplemaker so you can have a higher purpose to make a difference, change the world.

    Your next home work is to invest a week of your time to read all comments in this blog.

    Only when you finish reading all the comments will I offer you a dinner at Nonzero so I can learn from you.

    Are you willing to invest a week of your leisure time to get to me better?



  27. 朱老師:

    今天在學學上您的課可謂受益良多 , 雖然課堂上的氛圍不熱烈 , 誠如您所說我們沒做事前的功課 , 你或許不了解為何我們來上這堂課 , 公司希望有空的同事自由報名, 其實我下午有其它的會議 , 還一直猶豫要不要來上課. ( 最後就放棄原本的會議 , 讓其它同事去參加 )

    最近我一直為生活的目標所困擾 , 地球生態日漸惡化 , 但人們還是我行我素, 只有特別活動日喊節能減碳 , 平日或渡假時卻又極盡浪費 ( 看看各大吃到飽餐廳的糧食浪費, 豪宅社區的能源浪費) , 難道有錢就能為所欲為. 雖常聽到綠建築 , 然而製造綠建築的特殊材料卻消耗碳遠大於它想省下的能源. 很多政策採用以價制量的方式 ( 包含電費) , 根本是鼓勵有錢就能多浪費. 多年與高知識份子相處的感受, 大多數的人沉浸於優渥的生活方式 , 卻不願付出行動來幫助社會.

    你的企業努力提升大家對生活的體驗 , 但如何平衡社會責任的感受,
    有人可以花2000元去體驗好的晚餐, 也可以讓貧困學生有一個月營養早餐. 這牽涉到個人的價值觀. 看到很多公司贊助公益, 但企業內的員工卻很少願意自己出錢出力出時間 , 公司的方向會隨領導人而轉變, 並非員工個人的意願. 這是企業文化能否深入影響員工.

    有幸加入一個自由平等的跨國企業 , 很多事員工可以有主見做決定是否參與各項活動. 問題就來了, 很多人還是選擇最佳個人利益. 公益是吃力不討好的工作, 因為公司文化並不是能從小培養.

    我看了 Validation , 首先那個人要先付出自己的讚美, 改變別人不是一天的工作.

  28. Dear Mr. Chu,

    This is Yvonne Yu, Marketing Executvie from Moet Hennessy. I hope this message could find you well.

    I am currently in charge of Estates & Wine portfolio in the company and would like to propose you a joint interview with the Rep. of our Chilean winery.

    Originally I simply want to find a venue for media event, but I feel there is something more we could do after having more understanding on nonzero and your philosophy.

    The vineyard management of our winery is organic and biodynamic because the French founder aims to protect the earth from any possible human damage. By 2011 the winery will fully certified organic by CERES organization. Moreover, the winery have just been awarded CarbonNeutral® delivery status, which means that today all the CO2 emissions associated with the storing and shipping have been measured and reduced to net zero through carbon offsetting.

    Since both you and our winery share very similar values, my idea is to invite you to a joint interview so you and winery Rep. could have furthur discussion on what you did to protect the earth and how important it is. By doing this, I hope more TW consumers could learn to treasure the place we live and implement it in the daily life.

    If possible, could you please provide your contact so that I could phone you or email you more details about how this winery implements sustainable practices.

    Thank you very much.

    best regards,
    Yvonne YU
    (02) 2326-9928

  29. Dear Luo Yu:

    Your English is absolutely OK. Please keep learning and finding the beauty in English.

    Businessmaker, Daymaker, Ripplemaker.
    Be inspired, Get involved, Take action.

    Good luck on your project.


  30. Dear Mr.Chu:

    I am a university student,currently looking for objects in different areas to help my project.
    Can you provide three words or sentences to me?
    (For example: in summer, beer, breeze)

    Frankly my English is not very well, it may be expressed not sufficiently clear,but I still try!

    I sincerely hope will receive your help!
    Thank you very much! 🙂

    Luo yu

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