- 生意人、悅日人、漣漪人 ( Businessmaker, Daymaker, Ripplemaker )
- 漣漪人基金會創辦人
- 紅房共同創辦人
- 肯夢(代理AVEDA), 肯邦(代理Paul Mitchell, Lebel, Utowa), 肯愛(Nonzero) 創辦人
- 臺北醫學院藥學系學士, 奧克拉荷馬大學臨床藥學碩士、美國哈佛大學企管研究所OPM(總裁經營管理班)畢業。
朱平相信微型企業是覺知商業(Conscious business)最好的方式,他提出”21世紀有才能的人,將會選擇在營利型社會企業(For-Profit Social Business )或一種新型態的有更高目的營利PFP 企業 ( Profit for Purpose Business )開創第二生涯。
現在的朱平, 正致力於推廣這樣的商業模式,希望吸引更多有能力、想貢獻的年輕人,來共同創造生活,而不只是求生存 (make a life, not just make a living)。
朱先生為甚麼用英文回答?相信一定有許多人心中也在納悶。台灣從初中開始接觸英文, 但到進大學前的六年英文教育,卻使我們的年輕人,英文讀寫吃力,聽講不通(尤其不敢開口)。我覺得真正的問題是台灣缺少使用英文的環境,許多人高中畢業 後,就停止接觸英文。我跟許多年輕人說:學英文永遠不會太晚,重要的是要不怕英文,要有好奇心,要有獨自探索這世界的覺醒。台灣的未來,在於決心在2050年, 讓英文成為正式官方語言之一。讓我們的孫子一代能跟新加坡人,馬來西亞人,菲律賓人,印度人一樣,在世界各地上班,跟世界各地人作朋友。我的部落格用英文 回答問題,就是要創造一個英文友善的環境。你的每次來訪, 都能接觸到簡單的英文短文,讓自己不怕英文,準備自己成為一個世界人。(當然,聰明的您,一定也發現到朱先生不會中文打字:) )
Ping Chu
- Businessmaker, Daymaker, Ripplemaker.
- The founder of Ripplemaker Foundation
- The co-founder of Red Room
- The founder of Canmeng (distributor of Aveda), Canbran (distributor of Paul Mitchell, Lebel, Utowa) and Canlove (Nonzero retail store)
- Harvard Business School, Owner/President Management Program (OPM 24)
- University of Oklahoma, Master in Clinical Pharmacy
- Taipei College of Medicine, Bachelor in Pharmacy
A serial entrepreneur. Founded the Ripplemaker Foundation in 2010 to support young entrepreneurs to realize their dreams. He believes that small business is the ideal platform to experiment with profit-for-purpose business model. He is passionate about sustainable lifestyle, conscious business, social innovation and young entrepreneurs mentorship. The title of his book “Businessmaker, Daymaker, Ripplemaker” aptly sums up his philosophy. This core philosophy underpins all his businesses in lifestyle retail, restaurant, beauty school, and Red Room (a social innovation which promotes poetry, music and all forms of creative expressions. Since 2005, he established the annual “Daymaker Awards” as a tribute to his heroes in Taiwan.
Dear 朱先生,
您好,上個月去 AVEDA men salon 剪頭髮時,偶然坐在您的旁邊,謝謝您主動熱情的打招呼,並送給我您的《Be The Change》,今日已拜讀完畢也獲得深深感動,我用螢光筆畫了好多重點,當然我也明白必須起而行。謝謝您給我的力量,點醒我許多,祝福您一切都好!
謝謝您和Ming今天在Good Lab 跟我們的分享。記得07年還在澳洲農場工作的時候,從台灣朋送上的雜誌看到朱先生你的故事,那時候覺得大為感動,人生真的不是 making a living, 是要 make a life, 這句話對於當時的我有很大鼓勵作用,讓我反思了好幾天,直到現在這句說話也是我生活上的左右銘 和支持,謝謝! 想不到多年後的今天有機會可以跟你分享我認識你的故事,也很多謝您今天熱情的擁抱。
Dear Linda:
I love the concept behind Good Lab. Please say hi to Ada, Tony and all your beautiful and social minded friends in HK.
Ming told me at the airplane on our way back to Taiwan that this trip to HK was not only inspiring but also fruitful with meaning.
I am making my life now. 🙂 And, you are making my day.
Linda, thank you for sharing your feeling with me. It really meant a lot to me. This is why I said you were my daymaker that day. It took courage to share your profound experience with your hero or your mentor. Most people would not show their true feeling for fearing of being too vulnerable or too self conscious.
Please never settle. It is not about how to find happiness. It is about how to be happier.
I am sure our path will cross again. Please spend some solitude time and backpack around Taiwan by yourself. I am sure you will be inspired by many young people here who just live a life with authenticity and curiosity.
Dear 朱先生:
我是你學學私塾的學生, 謝謝你! 這二個禮拜以來的每一天, 你都是我的悅日人,看你的書,認識你的想法,每天思考你說的話和你的觀念 ,這成了我的家庭作業…..每天都覺有了新的力量,我試著也當悅日人 ,其實不太容易耶!
你真是令人感到神奇啊! 總是能把埋在心裡的種子,漸漸發芽,變成一棵樹…..
你在課堂和書上的分享,有許多令人感動的觀念,或許是常被提起,也是許多人的目標, 但是 ,想的人,
說的人許多, 做到的人卻少,但聽完你的分享, 證明了如果有像你一般的堅持和熱情,或許從現在算起,十年後我們會有不同的變化, 嗯! 從自己開始….
害怕寫信給你是因為怕你回信, 害怕看滿滿英文的信….
I love all 學學私塾的學生. You all not only pay tuition to learn but invest your own time to learn. It is a rare quality comparing most of other people who only learn when company paid. These are the people who learn because they want to learn. These people are on their way to self awareness and personal growth.
I am sorry that you will have to read my Chinese English. You will see that my English is only 初中程度. There will be no big words. If I can do it, you also can do it. 🙂
Now, I know I did the right thing to spend time with just a few students who are ready. Only when students are ready, teacher will show up. I think we can change the world by changing one person at a time.
I am so happy that you decided to write to me here. Your writing will have major impact on the readers of this blog. You have demonstrated the courage of saying what you true feeling is.
Yes, I have spent more time in this life and I am bound to learn something along the way. The reason I start writing the column on PPaper Business is that I can share my limited life experience with people who are ready so they will know they are not alone, most importantly, they also can take control of their life back and become your own architect of your life. Of course, the first battle is to be authentic to who you are.
I am doing my inventory all the time. I want to see what I have accomplished this year. Is there anything I want to do before I reached 80 yo. ( I am now 64 yo ). I only have 16 years productive life to live. I intend to live fully.
明珠, you are still so young. However, you also need to live in the moment and treasure each day. Are you taking enough risk in your life? Don’t seek for comfort and stable life. You will never know your potential. Please learn how to define your success and wealthy.
In my book, I have shared with you my epiphany ( big words, sorry, please check on line dictionary. ) and my definition of wealth.
Life is difficult and is never fair. Once you accept this truth, your life will be a lot of easier. When we are seeking fairness in life, you are trapped into a victim mentality and will be difficult to see things differently.
A person who always seek fairness will have difficult time to find happiness and peace.
Instead, we should have growth mindset and know it is not what had happened to you, but how you handle it that will determine your emotional happiness.
Please come to Red Room in 6/15 and let me know you presence. Please don’t worry about the English. English is the easiest language if we have an environment to practice it. Red Room is such a place so you can make new friends and learn how people live their life creatively.
See you at the Red Room, ( check http://www.redroom.com.tw for rules and venue )
Dear Rong:
Deep in my mind, I always want to answer your comment. I am sorry that it took so long.
Thank you for your generous words on my sharing. I think you all are a special group of people who took night classes to enrich yourself with field trips to different businesses.
All business is a curated business. We need people to curated marketing, service and creativity. To me, a curator is a producer, director and creator who can pull different segments into one singular goal. Of course, a curator has to have entrepreneur spirit to embrace uncertainty with curiosity.
I always tell people this: don’t let NT$ 300,000 stop you from realizing your dream to become a hairstylist. Money is the least thing you need to worry if your desire and commitment is so strong. This is the biggest secret between doer and dreamer. Canmeng will offer the student loan if you are qualified. Therefore, money is no barrier at all to pursue your dream and passion.
Beauty industry is changing because more smart and intelligent people choose to become hairstylists, not because they don’t like to study or they just need to find a skill that can easily find a job or even because they come from poor family.
What I want to share the biggest secret is that these people who choose to become hairstylists simply because they realized that their passion is to make people happy and love to use hands to make people beautiful will be the one who can integrate their life and work with a fulfilled life and a happy life.
If you don’t believe it, please ask a salon owner if they would agree if their kids want to become a hairstylist. 20 years ago, the answer was a resounding NO. Now, most of salon owners would be delighted if their children choose to become a hairstylist. This is the most convincing facts to show people that hairstylists are a much better career than any other profession.
I recently advocate those people who are highly intelligent, love study, reading, poetry, design, humor, high EQ and love to make friends, drawing, painting, theater, dancing, singing, writing, photography, making things with hands to become a hairstylist. They will be so successful and so happy to become a hairstylist.
Canmeng is changing salon business in Taiwan. Hopefully, we can change China’s beauty industry too. Do you know you can make a living just by selling Aveda products. We have proved it with our store in the department stores and eslite bookstore. It is a no brainer. However, people still did not realize that most jobs will be replaced, except these jobs that needs hands and craftsmanship.
Please view the video collection on this site of google youtube on our hair show.
http://www.canmeng.com.tw to see all our salons and stores.
Canmeng Institute is advocating 學士後技職訓練. Anyone who have college degree and intelligent enough with high EQ would be the new hero for Taiwan’s salon industry. Your success in salon industry is much better than those who started as apprenticeship with segmented educational process and limited life experience.
Hairstylists need smart people with high EQ and rich life experience. Do you easy to make friends? Are you humorous?. These are the top quality to become a happy and successful hairstylists. We think hair salon is a business of happiness, not just a place to make commission paid living with the fear of losing customer loyalty.
There will be a major shift in hairstylists education in the future. All hairstylists will become lifestylists or a curator of the lifestyle of their friends ( not clients or customers.)
As you can see Canmeng is the only beauty salon in Taiwan who does not use commission to pay hairstylists and also the only one who use 資誠會計事務所簽證 to pay the full tax. I encourage more salon to pay tax and become a social responsible enterprise. Paying tax is the least thing any enterprise should do.
This is how we change Taiwan’s beauty salon industry. Paying full tax so we can focus on raising our social status and attract more high caliber people into this profession. No responsible people want to work in an enterprise that does not pay full tax.
Rong, thank you for sharing your “荒唐”的想法”. We will make hairstylist the best choice of creating a work and life integration work in the 21st century.
No high skill job that requires love, passion and creativity is paid by commission.
Commission paid job usually reserved for piece works and mundane low skill jobs. I think it is time to rethink how we paid hairstylists if we ever want to attract high caliber people with quality of life, not with commission paid.
It is stil a long way and uphill battle both in Taiwan and China to change hairstylist payment system due to salon owner’s mindset and business approach.
Well, Canmeng started this new trust based and merit based salary system about 10 years ago. Everyone told me it is impossible because in hairstylists mind, money is the only thing that will make them work harder. I don’t believe this is true. There are new generation hairstylists who come into this profession because they want to be a daymaker and live a life with quality and no fear. They want to grow professionally and personally together as a team.
I believe in people’s niceness and decency. Commission system, basically, is a distrust system and will destroy the team spirit. I told people I would behave differently ( selfishly ) if I worked at a commission system too.
Ultimately, it is the customers who will determine: go to a salon who pay commission and pay no tax or a salon who pay with merit based salary and pay full tax.
Only if we vote with what we buy, this world can become a better world.
Welcome to Taiwan and hopefully you can share this new thinking when you are back to China. I am so sorry if I over exaggerated that it will take three generations for China to catch up Taiwan’s way of living with decency, manner, freedom of speech and free will.
It is my honor to meet you.
Dear Ping,
您好, 我是Gisele, 花了許多時間,細細讀完了我們共同好友Edward贈予我的生意人‧悅日人‧漣漪人一書。其中一篇”台灣男人的未來”讀來尤其有趣。我的未婚夫Patrick去年毅然決然地決定從美國回台, 主要原因是為了陪著我和我們家人一起度過突然失去父親的傷痛. 當他回到台灣, 受著西方教育的他, 在服兵役的同袍中深受大家喜愛(這點令我很意外!), 他用他熱情的言語和一股真誠的傻勁, 大大鼓勵著台灣的男人要體貼細心, 勇於表達, 看重身邊的女子, 在追求成功的同時更要疼愛身邊女子,只要是對的人, 就趕快思考步入婚姻, 組成美好家庭。就如同您書中所說, 台灣典型男人太以成功為主, 往往忽略了簡單快樂的重要, 而在細讀您本篇中讚嘆的男人模樣時, 我常不自覺地噗ㄘ一笑, 因為我想到我的未婚夫平常.天天都是那樣溫暖且性感的讓我感到簡單幸福!
謝謝你這樣鼓勵台灣男人要成為更好的人, 如果他們能改變, 那女人將更加美麗! 我也短短地把我們的故事分享給你, 和每一位朋友:
30年前,Gisele和Patrick的媽媽是大學同班同學。媽媽們畢業後,各自在不同國度誕下了我們。30年後,從西雅圖回台的Patrick在一場尾牙活動上遇見了我,我們的愛就這樣瞬間蔓延。我原不諳廚藝,但在藍帶廚師P細心帶領下,我也成為料理好手。不論在西雅圖或台灣,我們很喜歡一同料理美食, 每當我們的快樂廚房開張時,兩人身影忽分忽合,別人都說像極了鋼琴黑白鍵上跳躍的雙手編織美妙樂章,令人感受到濃濃幸福感! 使人相信原來料理真的可以使人幸福。
這是我們的料理信仰, 與你分享
曾在歐商活動中與您閒談Making a life, rather than making a living的人生觀, 曾在red room中再次與您擁抱相見, 期待再次與您相見且多了位Patrick:)
所以自己也開始先被教練,結識了一位“Accomplishment Coaching“的Life Coach,經過兩次的教練過程,還有回到生活上的一些功課,自我獲得了很大的覺察。所以要馬上開始,做好自己的人生功課。
Dear Yong Liang:
Life Coach is the dream job for many people. However, it is an illusive goal for most of people too.
It is not easy to have people to pay you to coach them on their work and life. I would be the first one to point out that I will not be qualify to become a life coach. It requires a total different set of skills.
The closest thing that I can think of to be an effective life coach is: Guru
Do you want to be a guru? I know I surely don’t qualify to be anyone’s guru. I only want to be the guru within myself.
I often told young people if they want to integrate their higher purpose to their business, the first thing they need to do is to pay full tax with impeccable accounting and don’t rely on commission to pay your aestheticians. If you cannot do this, you are not authentic to tell people about happiness or anything else.
The product or service you provided has to be world class. Otherwise, you are not authentic with what you have been teaching or sharing. Daymaking is based on authenticity, otherwise, it becomes a marketing and feel good tool.
Jia Yu,
One of the most important qualities is to be able to live a life with authentic happiness. Not many people can claim this yet.
(目前我家公司從事美容行業,擁有三間分行,也正貫徹著“悅日人”的精神,讓每位接觸的女性,帶給她們那美麗的力量,有那美好的心情,開創美麗的每一天。自己也有建設“靈魂工程師”社群(http://fb.com/soulengineer ),主要凝聚熱愛學習和教育的朋友家人,再透過一些活動,讓社區更美好。)
祝 平安
wow, it was two years ago. I decided to fulfill Holly’s challeng to do 50 things in Taipei. What a project and what a creative mind!
I would highly recommend anyone who is accidently reading this link to get to know the writer of this amazing blog: Holly. She is my inspiratioin and sounding board. She is every refreshing and Taiwan is so lucky to have many foreign friends like Holly.
Dear Max:
Thank you for joining the Daymaker movement. My good friend, David Wagner, the original writer for Daymaker, would be so proud of you too.
Only when student is ready, teacher will show up.
In the infinitive unkowns, we are all students.
因公司推荐阅读<<悦日人>>一书, 有幸浏览您的Blog.